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View Poll Results: Would you play in a hot (up to 490 FPS) game?
Yes - with proper kit and prep 297 70.71%
No - Just too dangerous/painful, regardless of kit etc 123 29.29%
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Old April 16th, 2008, 22:36   #61
Angry Chef
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
The problem is that I would not go to an event, paying 30$ and spend most of my time waiting to respawn.

Plus, as soon as one side would get the advantage, the game would be set. No chance to turn around. Most people would see this and call out right away.
Then learn sneaking techniques, crawling/monkey crawl/ghost walk/etc, so you don’t die fast (plus choose your squad carefully). This will make the CO setup a strong defensive plan, productive communication between players, if not have a ‘troop reinforcement’ where all the dead players rush their base to take it back (if that doesn’t work then call in artillery to clear the base).

If you want to respawn, in short time, and shoot your high cap till your mag brakes then stick to video games (COD, DOD, BF) or ‘Run-N-Gun’ games. If you want as close to a real military game, as close as the average person can host/play, then attend a milsim game. *I’m not talking to any one person, I’m just trying to make a point*
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Old April 17th, 2008, 04:25   #62
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have you tried OPEN fps? here in the philippines we range up to 660 fps no sniper weapon. all our guns here range up to 500 to 550fps. it really hurts. we have no choice because of the ZOMBIE. 490 fps is ok for us. proper set up shims,bushing and sp130 its ok.
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Old April 17th, 2008, 12:18   #63
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Because of the Zombie? whats that!? lol

Also, our guns usually cap out around 500fps because of firearm regulations. 500fps classifies a gun as a firearm and follows all regulations concerning firearms. (licensing, registration etc).

Originally Posted by Invader View Post
have you tried OPEN fps? here in the philippines we range up to 660 fps no sniper weapon. all our guns here range up to 500 to 550fps. it really hurts. we have no choice because of the ZOMBIE. 490 fps is ok for us. proper set up shims,bushing and sp130 its ok.
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Old April 17th, 2008, 14:09   #64
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I don't like the hot gun guys because they're all into dope now.

It's the polls that the bots are sniffing out, happens every time. Kind of funny though they had the special on last night about the counterfeit drug trade on.

OK here are my thoughts on this so called "hot game". It seems like a bit of a waste unless you have one of the near fabled PTWs that swaps springs out at will to adjust velocity for the average person build a special rig to get in on one game.

I think this is being set up as a best case scenario type of situation where all the players turn up with the same velocity; all are fully professional and adhere to the rules of engagement without question. Reality to me normally turns up as a mix of Murphy's Law and the lowest common denominator.
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Old April 17th, 2008, 18:20   #65
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Originally Posted by Zekk05 View Post
Because of the Zombie? whats that!? lol
Pretty sure zombie = cheater.
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Old April 17th, 2008, 19:20   #66
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I actually only used a highcap in an indoor game, and thrown it away because it was jamming all the time.

I don't think you got my point.

Having a 1 hour respawn would be exactly like doing an all-day skirmish even.

As soon as 2-3 man fall from enemy fire, the whole squad is bound to die. We are talking about equally trained teams. At this point, numbers do a lot. If the whole team gets raped, it is a mather of 20 mins to cap all the objectives.

As for crawling, I managed to get under 10' from 5 guys, carring my L96 in the woods, without a guillie.

I am all about realism and all, but we don't have rifles capable of nailing a quarter at 100'. Most AEGs can't get past 150', and that while lobbing. Pushing the FPS limit higher helps a little with that, but still, we are using ''toys'' compared to the real firearms. We have to adapt the rules accordingly.

And Airstrikes are usually very baddly seen in a game. I remember at QP3, a lot of people quitted at the top of the hill because the whole green team got nuked.
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Old April 20th, 2008, 12:14   #67
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
...And Airstrikes are usually very baddly seen in a game. I remember at QP3, a lot of people quitted at the top of the hill because the whole green team got nuked.
LOL, couldn't help it bud - it was just too appealing a target. Ah the tides of war...
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Old April 20th, 2008, 14:37   #68
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Fuck yeah I'm all for it. I'll jack my M249 Para to 490 and let 'er rip.

If you're worried about pain, go play LaserTag.
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Old April 20th, 2008, 14:45   #69
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
LOL, couldn't help it bud - it was just too appealing a target. Ah the tides of war...
The problem there is that the game hosts paused the game and sent ALL the green team there. We had to wait there until the exchange was complete. Most people saw it come 1000 miles. But we had to wait there.
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Old April 20th, 2008, 14:50   #70
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
The problem there is that the game hosts paused the game and sent ALL the green team there. We had to wait there until the exchange was complete. Most people saw it come 1000 miles. But we had to wait there.
Yeah, and with some of us hounding our CO to nuke the other guys when told "No, its been called a no fire by the admins." And same group of us going "Fuck that, THEY'RE going to do it anyway!" Followed by "No they won't..." 10 minutes later...


I still love to bug him on that to this day , its FUN!

I really enjoyed the airstrikes and artillery call ins, I think they are a GREAT idea. It would be fun to add some more to them and make them just a little harder to call in, or have objectives that could prevent them for certain areas IE. AA platforms and such.

Nother thing that kind of bugs me, all these "If you don't want pain, go play something else!" I REALLY don't think that the issue with FPS rules and limits has been about pain, if it were we'd probably shoot 300 cause that CAN hurt enough as is. The idea has always been about safety, and statements like these "piss off" or "oh yeah, lite that bitch up at 500FPS" are really the ones that make you think that the only way to enjoy the game idea proposed is invite only. If the game was with safe people that I can trust to not stick that 500fps point blank into my face then I'd be game for the higher FPS. Because at a mill game it sadly happened where one of the players was shot point blank in the face ((also was a blind fire)) from a gun that only fired 350 and that left a good marks that buddy will probably still be displaying.

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Last edited by Dracheous; April 20th, 2008 at 14:58..
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Old April 21st, 2008, 05:14   #71
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Yeah, and with some of us hounding our CO to nuke the other guys when told "No, its been called a no fire by the admins." And same group of us going "Fuck that, THEY'RE going to do it anyway!" Followed by "No they won't..." 10 minutes later...


I still love to bug him on that to this day , its FUN!

I really enjoyed the airstrikes and artillery call ins, I think they are a GREAT idea. It would be fun to add some more to them and make them just a little harder to call in, or have objectives that could prevent them for certain areas IE. AA platforms and such.

Nother thing that kind of bugs me, all these "If you don't want pain, go play something else!" I REALLY don't think that the issue with FPS rules and limits has been about pain, if it were we'd probably shoot 300 cause that CAN hurt enough as is. The idea has always been about safety, and statements like these "piss off" or "oh yeah, lite that bitch up at 500FPS" are really the ones that make you think that the only way to enjoy the game idea proposed is invite only. If the game was with safe people that I can trust to not stick that 500fps point blank into my face then I'd be game for the higher FPS. Because at a mill game it sadly happened where one of the players was shot point blank in the face ((also was a blind fire)) from a gun that only fired 350 and that left a good marks that buddy will probably still be displaying.
Hehehe... that sounds like a lot of fun. Here's hoping I get a chance to experiance some air strikes and whatnot.

As for bleeders and wounds and the like, I picked up a nice one at Flag Raiders on saturday. Shot from the second story walkway down into the main floor (drug lab), practically right on top of me, the impact chewed up a nice little part of my face... ironically, I paid for one of those creepy masks through Illusion the day before... if I had to ballpark a speed that gun was shooting, I'd say 350-400.

So I'd certainly +1 the invite only thing if taking damage was a concern, like you said, even lower powered AEGs, and some higher end pistols (a Marushin 8mm was chronied at 345-369 that day in the target range) can cause damage.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old April 24th, 2008, 07:10   #72
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Hhehe, nice post Brian - I love how it was completely ignored. Yes, I noticed the tongue in your cheek.

So does this mean I should invest in a red cylinder for my PTW?

I would like to play a game like this with a full mask, but I would also want to see the player list beforehand. There are those in the community, and I'll be the first to say it, even some vets on this board that I would not trust to measure distance properly, or, who I don't trust not to panic fire.

Doc: fill you med bag with iodine and bandaids, and perhaps a set of tweasers for those hard-to-dig-for babies that get buried in cheeks.

Yes, as C.G. first suggested - full masks, no question, or someone's gonna be spittin' chicklets.
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Old April 24th, 2008, 09:52   #73
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There's a talk on this from a guy in SF on the latest airsoft radio podcast.

They run a game that's hot but there's no full auto. Everyone who wants to play gets put through a boot camp prior to getting in and there is no problem.

So in other words no one with eyes that look like softballs wrapped in bacon with a welded to the trigger finger full auto self winding box mag sadistic spring over juiced ROF mindset will be in the hood.
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Old June 21st, 2008, 15:25   #74
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It was spam, and a poor reason for necroing. :P

However, I *have* been wondering about the fate of this thread and the direction it took. Have there been any plans or communication regarding this type of organized game? I understand if I'm simply not in the loop, which is cool, but it would be a shame to have seen this discussion come to nothing in the end.
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Old June 21st, 2008, 21:40   #75
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I'd be in, nothing like a little more realism as long as it can't kill you, mind you obviously with 18+ ppl who are responsible
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