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Old September 4th, 2007, 23:01   #61
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Well I guess these problems explain why there hasn't been that many Quebec airsoft games recently...
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Old September 4th, 2007, 23:09   #62
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
yes i worry about this too, but i have enough faith in myself that i will not become dependant on this fact. before ive had guns which "outgun" my opponents, but i "handicap" myself to account for this. this means, waiting to engage (depending on my opponents) to the point when im either at a 70% chance of loseing the fight, or untill im sure that they can engage back.

with my systema cqb - did as i explained, also due to the fact that i had limited range
systema m16 - as explained
star l85 - use semi 98% of the time as ive got better range than most.

this is the issue at hand though, i take this in mind and alter my play style to accomidate less experianced players, or disadvantaged players, i dont activley look for an advantage and exploit it, my opponents enjoyment means more to me than my own, you can ask many KS3 players how nice the multicam squade was. we sat and bullshit with the opponets, asked how their day was going, how their team was, how they were finding themselve. we often gave them pointers, even if we mercied them we would tell them to continue playing we would move on. others do the opposite by upgradeing their guns to give them the unfair adavantage. alot of fun it is when everyone walks off the field because they dont have a chance.

but your point is very true kos, and its going to take time to "calibrate" my play style with my ptw and my opponents. I depend on my skill as a player than my depending on my gun.
Ummmm...personally, I think that's fairly silly. If I'm reading it correctly.

I used to do the same thing with Star Wars CCG (bear with me here, haha). I had a primo collection with a lot of high powered cards (Think of it like a PTW), none of my friends really did (Think of it like stock Marui Rifles). For a long time I'd make decks either that purposefully had flaws or actually just do some foolish things subtly in game so that they'd 'have a chance'. Two things came from that, first off they finally noticed and were kind of offended and secondly, they never improved. Later on I began just to show no mercy and play with the full extent of my arsenal. Yeah, I trounced them a lot at first, but they began to adapt and get better and sooner rather than later with vastly 'inferior' cards they began to be competitive with me.

I don't think handicapping yourself is doing anyone a service. In fact, I'd be very offended were I your opponent and I realized you were doing things like waiting for me to get close enough to have a 'fighting chance' before engaging. Trust people to learn and get better if you trounce them, if they're unwilling to do that maybe they shouldn't play.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 23:25   #63
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
You guys definitely misunderstood me.

What I meant was if you take using a tweaked firearm as a form of cheating, then what do you take using a ptw as? If you see better equipment as a form of cheating, then.. I don't know what to say..

My reason for getting into airsoft was to learn small squad tactics in an urban, and forested environment. Aswell as to learn proper firearm handling in a high-risk situation. So obviously I'm not saying the PTW is a "cheater gun", or a "trendsofter's" gun. It's a training weapon, and that's exactly what I, and the team are getting them for.

Bah, I hope that made sense.

ya that made sense and it sounds like were on the same page, we just dont know it. your into this sport for the right reasons... the same reasons as the most of us. you, me and mcguyver are all into this and getting to the level where as to better ourselves as players and people. the new players that mod their guns with the intent of "pwning" the opposing team are into this for the wrong reason. this isnt counter strike, or halo, or ghost recon or rainbow six, where you have stats and unlock shit with all your headshot and kill points lol. no the problem lies there, where they are not being "educated," “brought into the fold” and understand what it is we do and why we do it.

youve explained your reasons which are noble, my reason? i do this to honour those who do this for real. i dont think i could ever do what they do, but i look up to them and respect them at the utmost level. i know (as well as you) how it feels when your in a heated fire fight, your heart is pounding, your blood pressure is so hight you feel like your ears are going to burst out, your voice cracks, its fucking intense.... and its fake. could you imagine that feeling tenfold because theres real bullets flying, and people really trying to kill you!!? thats amazing that people can do thise for real, i would love to be one of them, but im afraid, and i have a family, so to me; imitation is the highest form of flattery, and hats why i do it.

New people hardly feel this way, or even know why they play. As its been said it’s a new form of paintball and people are getting into it just to shoot people and stroke their own ego. Which is also why cheating is becoming more prevailant along side the fantasy modded/ over upgraded guns.

Originally Posted by Aaidin View Post
I don't think handicapping yourself is doing anyone a service. In fact, I'd be very offended were I your opponent and I realized you were doing things like waiting for me to get close enough to have a 'fighting chance' before engaging. Trust people to learn and get better if you trounce them, if they're unwilling to do that maybe they shouldn't play.
i realise that too, and have already run into that a few times at our field. it takes some guess work, walk a fine line if you will with babying them and nurturing them.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.

Last edited by swatt13; September 4th, 2007 at 23:35..
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Old September 4th, 2007, 23:50   #64
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LEAVE THE SPORT?!!!! How many onther sports are there where you get to gear up get yer gun and run around the bush shooting people you hardly know? Cry about the good ole days. Just get yer AEG and get on the field and start playing. I played with a guy who told me one thing that I remember well. " If he doesn't call it, shoot him again" Thanx Brian. This improved my fun factor 10 fold. Don't let the little stuff get you down. go out and have a good time. But hey... ur choice.

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Old September 4th, 2007, 23:54   #65
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Sorry Swatt13 but I have too!

My BDUs give me +2 strength, my boots give me +1 speed, my boonie hat gives me +5 charisma and my epic white socks of the black goat give me +3 All . Sorry I couldnt resist, this post makes me +3 lame but I + 10 love you all. Back to serious now.


naw just kidding <3 I +10 love you, too.
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Old September 5th, 2007, 00:32   #66
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
ya that made sense and it sounds like were on the same page, we just dont know it. your into this sport for the right reasons... the same reasons as the most of us. you, me and mcguyver are all into this and getting to the level where as to better ourselves as players and people. the new players that mod their guns with the intent of "pwning" the opposing team are into this for the wrong reason.
Good I'm glad we've come to an agreement.

And seriously, if someone laughed after shooting (whilst yelling "HEAD SHOT") a team member, or myself , and drawing blood... heh.. blowtorch castration..
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Old September 5th, 2007, 00:34   #67
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Originally Posted by Andres View Post


naw just kidding <3 I +10 love you, too.
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Old September 5th, 2007, 00:40   #68
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Secret gay message has been unlocked
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Old September 5th, 2007, 00:44   #69
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I have much love for you too
Lol thread de-railment in progress mirite?
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Old September 5th, 2007, 00:46   #70
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
We should stop, this really is a decent thread.
Yeah, back on topic... I'm done.
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Old September 5th, 2007, 00:47   #71
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I have much love for you too, and for all my fellow asc members. The plutonic kind, not the hot and sweaty kind.
Hot and sweaty kind? I'm down for that

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Old September 5th, 2007, 05:08   #72
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Kos, Seriously post counts dont mean a damn thing buddy

Originally Posted by kos View Post
Hot and sweaty kind? I'm down for that

Last edited by disgusted; September 5th, 2007 at 05:11..
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Old September 5th, 2007, 07:12   #73
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This thread was going so well for a while.
Can a mod get rid of some of the crap on page 5 & 6 please.

Back on topic.

On my way to work this morning I was thinking to myself, "And what about all those times I helped people?". I mean, I have opened my own guns to try and fix other poeples guns w/o charging a thing on so many occasions. Gettign in touch w/ Illusion to get the parts almost overnight to fix guns. This is additional stress that I shouldn't have to deal with, I have a career that brings me enough stress already.

People shoudl understand that if you offer your help you will do your best. On a few occasions this was totally ignored. There is a running joke between Vondnik and I regarding my 733 about how many times I open that gun to yank parts out. This has happened on more than one occasion over the past 3 yrs (I have been confortable fixing guns for abotu that amount of time).

This is another thing I'm done dealing with, I don't even bring tools out to events anymore, I simply bring one or two backups instead.

You know, staying up 'til 2 in the morning to try and fix a gun so the owner can have it the next day. To be told something along the lines of "Well, it's your problem if you waited last minute to fix it..." Well last minute is called me having other things to take care of and maybe the gun I'm working on is a trouble gun.

I know I'm getting a PM after this... But to bad some people I tried to help the best I could are no longer talking to me for no apparent reasons. This is another thing that really got to me. I have no reason to be pissed I guess, I just find it disturbing.
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Old September 5th, 2007, 07:21   #74
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To be honest, I have to say that I'm a little envious of the position OP (and others) find themselves in.

Where I live (and play) we have about 8 players with guns. My community (St. John's, NL) is not that small, 250,000 people, but we still only have a handful of players.

I would say there are 2 of us who are truly interested in MILSIM and we both look forward to the day when we can say "jeez, nobody's interested in MILSIM anymore"....fact is, nobody is to begin with. So what do we do? We try and play as MILSIM as possible. It's not the best, but it's really all we can do. Fact is we enjoy playing airsoft and we enjoying playing MILSIM. So we play airsoft when we can, and MILSIM insofar as it's possible.

I'm not trying to QQ here or try and get you guys to feel sorry for us. I'm just trying to put things into perspective a bit.
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Old September 5th, 2007, 07:47   #75
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Originally Posted by Viking View Post
Trust me when I say that things seem to even out at times, and you'll catch the craving again to go out and have the fun you once had.
Heheh, Viking has "quit" more times than anyone I know and yet I seem him each season on the field in the latest gitch doin' the milsim shuffle. This shit's like herpes, you've can't get rid of it and when it flares up you wake up one morning with $3k missing out of your credit line and a brand new set of gear (guilty).

Great thread - it gives me hope. I've been mourning milsim for a while now. The fact that I have to travel 500+ kms to find a quality game (ie: Rawdon/LZ) is testimony to the fact that there are active and great pockets of people who still know how to do it - and they are quality games worth making the trip for.

I think many vets, which I now finally count myself one, are fatiqued and to some degree have checked out of mentorship. Teams were also a huge mentorship tool and many vets are choosing to work outside of teams, a la 'contractor' style, so instead of developing new talent into milsim within a team environment, new players are not getting the kind of attention they used to. With me to, back in the day if I saw something 'ghey' I was likely to engage on that and speak to the person(s) involved, whereas now, I just walk away, not wanting to appear judgemental or be accused of being a crusty old fart. A lot of vets here have taken it time and time again on the face on issues and have simply said 'fuck this' and are now looking after themselves and letting the new folks figure it out for themselves.

There is a cost in dropping mentorship in this community, particularly as it pertains to milsim and we are seeing that cost now.

Originally Posted by beatbaker View Post
Blackthorne, you need to respond without swearing and without the attidude.
Case in point. People should stop trying to 'moderate' 'attitude'. Grow a thicker skin and LISTEN to what he's saying- you might discover a different point of view. I don't recall him directing any vitriol at you so there is no need for that.
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Last edited by Scarecrow; September 5th, 2007 at 07:53..
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