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Old September 4th, 2007, 18:44   #46
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by beatbaker View Post
Blackthorne, you need to respond without swearing and without the attidude.
No I don't, you just need to be less sensitive.

Regardless, if I was really angry with you I'd have been banned by now LOL.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 18:47   #47
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
No I don't, you just need to be less sensitive.

Regardless, if I was really angry with you I'd have been banned by now LOL.
Like the time someone called you a dirty reposter?
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Old September 4th, 2007, 18:52   #48
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Like the time someone called you a dirty reposter?
That would be the one. I'm offensive, what can I say. I'm trying to tone it down..

Some people say I'm passionate...

Sorry, but beatbaker's post came across as condescending to me. I apologize if I got it wrong.

I agree there is room for both the skirm and milsim side (I have said so in this thread) but I also think that the code of conduct and general approach to fair game play is more than wanting with new players.

In my opinion it goes back to Xbox land trying to transition to reality. Cheats there are a dime a dozen, so it seems they are here too...

FOR THE RECORD, I have missed calling my hits one or twice myself, usually in heavy bush.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 19:46   #49
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black, im sick of your attidude

lets make up and shoot each other with no shirts on
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Old September 4th, 2007, 19:48   #50
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Originally Posted by beatbaker View Post
black, im sick of your attidude

lets make up and shoot each other with no shirts on
.... I think that qualifies for a 500fps shot to the nads.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 20:38   #51
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Well don't everyone go and leave before I get my chance, jeez.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 20:41   #52
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
You're getting a PTW, are you not? If you answer yes, you can pretty much take your "cheater gun" argument, and crap on it.
This isn't about "cheater guns", which don't exist in my opinion. There is no difference between a player using a drum mag, but only letting of a burst every once in a while and guy changing locaps out like cheap condoms. Or ho about the guy using a stock MP5K vs the a guy with an M700 maybe shooting a little over field limits byt a few fps? Is there a cheater gun there? No, of course not.

You buy the gun, gear and accessories and tailor your tactics accordingly. You opponent will tailor their tactics accordingly as well. In the end, someone is going to win.

I think airsoft is about sportsmanship, comradery and a little fun. If you cease to find any of these present, then quit playing the game. I would.

And Kos, for the record, you don't buy a PTW because it's cool or fashionable. You buy it because you've tried evrything else, spent all kinds of money on guns and still find yourself wanting for more and can't get it with your present set-up. You are at the top of your game and you want the best there is. Nothing else will do. So, you spend the big cake and get the best and you never look back. It doesn't make you a better player, like anything though it can make you a little too reliant on it's performance and technology.

How many guys here bought $1000+ paintbal guns, or bought $1500 handguns when a $200 would suffice for simple plinking? It's not about the buying the "it" gun, but rather the performance only the best can deliver.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 4th, 2007, 21:00   #53
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Well said mcguyver......well said.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 21:04   #54
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
You're getting a PTW, are you not? If you answer yes, you can pretty much take your "cheater gun" argument, and crap on it.
yes i worry about this too, but i have enough faith in myself that i will not become dependant on this fact. before ive had guns which "outgun" my opponents, but i "handicap" myself to account for this. this means, waiting to engage (depending on my opponents) to the point when im either at a 70% chance of loseing the fight, or untill im sure that they can engage back.

with my systema cqb - did as i explained, also due to the fact that i had limited range
systema m16 - as explained
star l85 - use semi 98% of the time as ive got better range than most.

this is the issue at hand though, i take this in mind and alter my play style to accomidate less experianced players, or disadvantaged players, i dont activley look for an advantage and exploit it, my opponents enjoyment means more to me than my own, you can ask many KS3 players how nice the multicam squade was. we sat and bullshit with the opponets, asked how their day was going, how their team was, how they were finding themselve. we often gave them pointers, even if we mercied them we would tell them to continue playing we would move on. others do the opposite by upgradeing their guns to give them the unfair adavantage. alot of fun it is when everyone walks off the field because they dont have a chance.

but your point is very true kos, and its going to take time to "calibrate" my play style with my ptw and my opponents. I depend on my skill as a player than my depending on my gun.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 21:19   #55
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Originally Posted by HellRanger View Post
One good examble was @ the LZ someone was certain to have registred a hit on me with his pistol as he got shot from the CQB house and he was upset about it. I finally figured if the guy is that certain I might as well take it, I figured I didn't feel it not heard it. So, I was walking through hollywood and discussing it with Ex-Royal and the guy (sorry can't remember your name) overheard me and came over all pissed thinking I was complaning, I explained to him that I took the hit 'cause I figured he was right and everything was fine. He then came back to see later and told me, "When I think about it now, I'm not all that certain I actually hit you!" we laughed abotu it and that was it.
LOL. That was me. To be perfectly honest, I still get a knot in my stomach the more I think about it! Got caught up in a gunfight, shutters went down, tunnel vision kicked in, and auditory exclusion was worn like a toque over my ears. I was so focused on taking you out after Blackthorne went down in front of me, I made the fatal error of crossing an opening from the CQB killhouse; an OPFOR shooter tagged me good in the doorway.

Going to pistol was to me, a degree safer than opening up with my M4. Alot of my rounds were buffered through the bush that laid between us, and I'm sure I observed a couple make their way through and tag your armor carrier. It's clear now why you didn't return fire; you had your M4 in your hands and felt you were too close to shoot. I'd also like to note that you didn't cop out with a "mercy" on me. As I said afterwards, I'd always prefer to know I was taken out properly, rather than someone scream that dirty word to me with as much accuracy as they've demonstrated all day.

Let me say now that the decision not to engage due to distance and weapon selection was both admirable and a fine example of someone I'd like to pull triggers with, or against anytime. It was a mature decision, hands down. For that I am very appreciative of. Had the game continued, I am 100% certain you'd have given me the courtesy of a close range gun-fight, with much clearer results! LOL! Cooler heads prevailed eventually, and I felt a bit silly for our first conversation. I guess Blackthorne isn't alone on that one; the whole lot of us are passionate!

If you decide to leave the sport, I wish you all the best. It would be one quality shooter less in a sport where there seems to be so few left. I was in and out of the sport a few times myself. Trust me when I say that things seem to even out at times, and you'll catch the craving again to go out and have the fun you once had. I'd encourage that, HR. Ultimately, you got to be happy. Any worthy friend will respect whatever decision you make. It was good to meet you, and I hope to cross paths with you again in this sport.

As for those who want to go on about kit and such. It can be summed up simply as this; you get out of this sport what you put into it. I've seen the extremes of both. The quintessential SF-dressed shooter with all the toys "camping" on a side of a hill, doing sweet fuck all, and the t-shirt and jeans marauder who hauls ass all day and helps his team win the game. Let's not be overly critical about who's wearing what. Let's start focusing on who's doing what.

Last edited by Viking; September 4th, 2007 at 21:21..
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Old September 4th, 2007, 21:23   #56
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
You fucking PAY ATTENTION. While I am pretty basic when it comes to gear, I use a loadout that I would expect to use in the real world. You can hear and feel hit just fine unless you are in a really loud environment.

What you call Mr. Dressup time others call challenge. Stick a couple of fucking steel Level III plates in your rig, a full 3 liter blader, a real world loadout of miscellanious crap (batteries, food, assorted kit) and a few extra pounds to simulate a real ammo load, and go play the same game you play in your tee shirt. I bet you have just a touch of trouble.

I want to experince what a soldier goes through, at least from a loadout perspective. It's not about fucking shooting people. It's about trying to APPRECIATE the real world environment, and still be able to complete whatever task you are set to do.

And where do you put all your mags? Oh RIGHT..HI-CAPs....only need one.

go figure

You are NOT talking about Milsim. You are talking about skirmishing, and if that's what you are after you are one step away from paintball.

I ain't knocking the skirmish crowd, but I see a very CLEAR link between that crowd and the new, piss poor attitude, out to kill em all, rules are optional, MSN speak, "new generation of airsoft".

It takes very little skill, in my opinion, to run around in a painball field (a la Fagraiders), expend 1000-2000- BB's soaking averything to get kills.

Go sit in Muskoka in August and wait for an ambush opportunity. Don't see many skirmishers doing that. They can't even handle the blackflies, let alone have the patience to play a game where they only shoot 55 BB's.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 21:29   #57
Capt. Tyco
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
You're getting a PTW, are you not? If you answer yes, you can pretty much take your "cheater gun" argument, and crap on it.
Like mguyver said, just because you have a gun like a ptw, that gives you an advantage, it still dosent make you a better player. For those of us who play against people with things like ptws ect. it just means that because we can not out gun them we must outsmart them. For me it this problem solving that makes airsoft the most fun. I still have yet to find the way to beat the feeling of outsmarting someone with at ptw and being able to take them buy surprise with may Mauri.
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Old September 4th, 2007, 21:35   #58
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post

And Kos, for the record, you don't buy a PTW because it's cool or fashionable. You buy it because you've tried evrything else, spent all kinds of money on guns and still find yourself wanting for more and can't get it with your present set-up. You are at the top of your game and you want the best there is. Nothing else will do. So, you spend the big cake and get the best and you never look back. It doesn't make you a better player, like anything though it can make you a little too reliant on it's performance and technology.
You guys definitely misunderstood me.

What I meant was if you take using a tweaked firearm as a form of cheating, then what do you take using a ptw as? If you see better equipment as a form of cheating, then.. I don't know what to say..

My reason for getting into airsoft was to learn small squad tactics in an urban, and forested environment. Aswell as to learn proper firearm handling in a high-risk situation. So obviously I'm not saying the PTW is a "cheater gun", or a "trendsofter's" gun. It's a training weapon, and that's exactly what I, and the team are getting them for.

Bah, I hope that made sense.

Last edited by Lakonian; September 4th, 2007 at 21:37..
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Old September 4th, 2007, 22:38   #59
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As a «new» player and living far from The crowd of player i had to take the trip to attend to bigger event that usual skirmish.

Battel of carantan & ops free beer.

Thoses were the only event that i went to.

Having to drive back home for at least 5 hours, i had time to think about the day and the only thing that came to my mind that it was only a big skirmish with alot of players. And that i coud do that at home without the drive and evreything else. (no offence for the guys that host and prepare thoses events, i still had fun)

Dont be disapointed about guys playing this way, it's, unfortunately part of it.

There are a lot of people that just need to discovered a new way to play, and sooner the better because then they know more than basick skirmish they wont go back on the feild ( what ever feild ) with the same mentality.

People change that's what they do...
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Old September 4th, 2007, 22:42   #60
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Hell Ranger,

Are you still comin out the LZ on the 22nd. It is pretty much a skrim day, with scenrios added.

However asshats not allowed ...... mostly. :P
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