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Hey Carl, paintball copies airsoft



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Old March 10th, 2006, 10:56   #46
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I think the most important thing right now is to wait and see what they've actually got...

I'm SUPER curious.

Anyone want to take me up on a bet that they've got AT LEAST one product in every category ("AEG", "GBB" ) that looks like a paintball gun but fires BB's?

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Old March 10th, 2006, 11:01   #47
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GraveTech wrote:
This is going to bring the sport to more ignorant people and young children then it has before.
How so? The people (kids) still need to have to play at a designated field for this and if they are under 18 they'll just need a parent/guardian. This isn't going to end up like Area 51 or Sgt. Splatters where you can sign the waiver form despite your age lol
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Old March 10th, 2006, 11:04   #48
Bob the Angry Potato
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They can get the gun and not play, yet do moronic things with it. Just check Google Video if you don't believe me... think of it like the 'Sig Saucer P266' kids, except without eye protection. There's thousands more videos out there, you know, of kids doing moronic things with their cheap Airsoft guns.
Age verifier- Halifax region
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Old March 13th, 2006, 00:01   #49
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Originally Posted by Deftonius
Originally Posted by made Man
BHUAHAHAHA! He's wearing RealTree
It's actually a Renegade jersey, comes in many patterns, designed for paintball.

I have one in Flectarn, cept mines original (sirca 96)
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Old March 13th, 2006, 03:15   #50
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Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
They can get the gun and not play, yet do moronic things with it. Just check Google Video if you don't believe me... think of it like the 'Sig Saucer P266' kids, except without eye protection. There's thousands more videos out there, you know, of kids doing moronic things with their cheap Airsoft guns.
And probably thousands of videos of kids jumping off rooftops, throwing fireworks into the livingroom fireplace, chucking kitchen knives at dart-boards...

Who cares? Tippmann airsoft isn't going to open the door for kids to be able to do dumb shit.

Why get worked up?

Besides, it's only speculation at this point that it's even going to be realistic.

Furthermore, under what circumstances would a Tippmann "replica" be marketed in Canada any more easily than a Japanese one?

I see two scenarios:

1 - Nothing changes. Kids do dumb shit, life goes on. We get airsoft in waves. As usual

2 - Tippmann does this airsoft thing in the States. It works out moderately well. The brand is okay. Tippmann has sales in Canada.

Either they're coming in through the same gateway that they get through now, (which means the same, community restrictions on age and availability will hopefully be enforced),


Tippmann markets them through the paintball shops. Or some other type of shop. I somehow have my doubts that walmart is going to start carrying anything more hardcore here than the "Buzz Bee" Nerf spin-offs, unless it's clear, or multicoloured plastic, and named something stupid like "Stinger 29"

I doubt they'd [tippmann] go to the trouble of bastardizing what might actually be a semi-decent product (tippmann may have cornered the "noob" market, but their guns DO go FOREVER), just to try and get into what I figure is a weak market saturated with shitty products (crossman airsoft)

I don't know, I don't have an MBA, but my assumption is that kids will be kids, Canada's resources for airsoft will stay the same, and if the Tippmann stuff is okay, it might trickle through.

I can't order a blow-dart gun from a catalogue and get it shipped to my place. It won't make it across the border. Even if I only ordered the parts to shoot .43 calibre paintballs out of it. Even though it's a tube with a molded plastic mouthpiece.

Thing's won't change overnight because tippmann produces a "toy gun". I won't be able to order that any easier than I can order something like a blow-dart tube. Little Jimmy Dip-shit [the Canadian edition] won't be running down the street screaming about his new "tippy-soft" any sooner than the first 3 reviews are out for the Tippmann guns, and one or two have popped up here for discussion.
If ever (and by that I mean on a regular basis. Sure, a few people always get things like that)

But, that's all speculation. I could be wrong, and I probably will be. I have that kind of luck. But it's something to think about, right?
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Old March 13th, 2006, 03:26   #51
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This is old news.

complete line of Tippmann branded
Branded...just like the "Firepower" series, etc. It's going to be Chinese products branded by Tippmann.
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Old March 13th, 2006, 03:54   #52
Scotty aka harleyb
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I think the problem will arise when paintball pro-shops start carrying Chinese airsoft. Large influx of probably younger people, with bad guns. At that point, the question will become what makes an airsofter? What differentiates us from them? I'm sure some people will say they skirmish while we milsim... What happens when the kids want to milsim too?

If airsoft is sold at Splatters and Flag Raiders and so on, what's stopping them from saying we can only use field-purchased BBs? Airsoft becomes the next paintball. Nutjobs like us who play bushball, and the next generation of airsofters, playing tournaments with corporate sponsorship.
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Old March 13th, 2006, 04:02   #53
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Yeah, but this is going to happen to anything that becomes popular.

All the pro-shops here in the States carry airsoft...the kiddies come in to buy springers that never seem to leave the backyard...and the "milsim" guys will buy green gas and shitty bb's as a last resort if their favorite retailer is out of stock. It's really not a big deal as most paintball wholesalers have been providing airsoft in their sales catalogs since 1999 or so??

As long as the laws regarding replicas in Canada do not change, I don't understand how Tippmann re-branding Chinese airsoft has much effect? Perhaps some of the clear springers/lpegs will make it through, but this is nothing that we're not already dealing with on the Canadian Tire issues, etc.
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Old March 13th, 2006, 04:08   #54
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I guess I was like... way too long winded. But yea, I agree.
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Old March 13th, 2006, 09:56   #55
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Originally Posted by harleyb

If airsoft is sold at Splatters and Flag Raiders and so on, what's stopping them from saying we can only use field-purchased BBs? Airsoft becomes the next paintball. Nutjobs like us who play bushball, and the next generation of airsofters, playing tournaments with corporate sponsorship.

Simple, people saying "Laters."

As for the corporate sponsorships, thats not like its not in airsoft already. I mean there are feilds that have retailers being feild sponsers.

The only problem is that if it becomes the next paintball, is it going to let minors in? I mean not all people who missuse airsoft guns are under 18, but most are. Like paintball guns, a couple years ago there was a kid from my highschool got busted for stealing his dad's car and unloaded what was said to be about 2000 rounds at houses and people on the street.

What I'm worried most about, is that it becoming like paintball in regards to the feilds. I stopped going because the refs started being bias towards the team they are on, and cheating starts happening left, right and center. Then its no fun no more cause you just want to spray the shit outta people and then they whine and bitch.... yeah...
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Old March 13th, 2006, 10:19   #56
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Who cares. Like stated they won't make it into Canada unless there is demand for them.

Also if it becomes mainstream and it start's to turn into what paintball is (speedball, field bbs, cheating, crappy refs) can't we just play at the privite fields. If you own the field, you make the rules.
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Old March 13th, 2006, 15:25   #57
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Unlike paintball, "tippmann" won't be the only BB manufacturer available to us.

If people start charging for BB's, people will say "fuck you" and buy them the same way we've been buying them now.

Alternatively, they COULD wind up not knowing what we pay now, and charge LESS for BB's, and it could even be a good thing, if they think they're making a profit.

I can only really forsee it being a business in the paintball sense if places just rent the guns out to people. Having airsoft specific fields if everyone can just buy their own gun (even IF you make them buy your BBs) isn't going to be hugely profitable, otherwise wouldn't we have more places to play as it is... :-?

Tippmann products would have to be EXTREMELY good, and highly sought after (and probably too expensive for the average person to buy), in order for a demand to play at a rental only venue to grow.

And at their projected $150 price tag, I'm guessing that won't be the case. If people can get one for themselves and do it their way, they usually will.
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