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View Poll Results: Would you play in a hot (up to 490 FPS) game?
Yes - with proper kit and prep 297 70.71%
No - Just too dangerous/painful, regardless of kit etc 123 29.29%
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Old April 11th, 2008, 21:23   #31
kalnaren's Avatar
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I might be interested in a high fps game as long as I had proper equipment and I was playing with people who aren't douches. I'd also want to use realcaps only and have it very strictly enforced. I can't count the number of games I've been too that advertise an ammo limit and yet I still see people running around with twin high-caps.

I think one of the best arguments for lower FPS limits is exactly because you can't always guarantee you won't get a fucker who will unload 100+ rounds in your face at close range. A jackass could cause a lot of damage at that range.

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Old April 11th, 2008, 21:27   #32
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Im in.. It would have to be VIP only, semi or VERY short bursts only, ful lface id say leave it up to the player, wear a mouthguard for sure..

Can guarantee there wouldnt be any cheating in this game.. who wouldnt feel it hit them at 500fps
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Old April 11th, 2008, 21:28   #33
C.G's Avatar
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i'll sweep in with the full face mask rule on this one, though like any game it's players own descrepency to wear whatever the heck they want.
on the flip side, i'd be all for a high fps game, and to add to comments already made, only with those I know / trust / or are known to be stand-up players..
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Old April 11th, 2008, 22:05   #34
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what I've noticed playing airsoft was that most engagements occur on the gun's maximum range, thus the BBs are basically harmless even if the players are naked.

If the FPS is increased, only the maximum engagement distance is increased,
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Old April 11th, 2008, 22:17   #35
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Id have to say i would play a high fps game as well with people i trust and the right equipment. i think at 490 fps i would want atleast a mouth guard if not a face mask.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 23:35   #36
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I dont exactly like mouth guards, but in a game that would be at such a high fps, even with the right people I would at least get a mouth guard, I wouldent push for the facemask though... I used a full face mask for my first 2 or 3 games and I hated it... kept fogging up, hard to communicate with other players.... not comfy.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 23:59   #37
Rumpel Felt
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I'd play but my concerns are a blend of everyone elses.

Physics wise, it's not making all that much difference upping the FPS by 100 with the same bb's right? So serious injuries and such will be pretty much the same.

But douchey close rangeness is my prime concern. I've taken some auto bursts from point blank before and damn if the injuries didn't last for weeks and actually leave some scars.

There's always the spook factor too. Seems I can't be my quick, sneaky, unexpected self without getting a shot to the head by someone with an itchy trigger finger. If I pop up on someone unnexpectedly it seems I scare them and they shoot first, appologize and ask questions later. That or are so despirate to shoot me, I take like 50 in the stomach before they're satisfied. This will be less pretty than it already was with higher FPS's.

Secondaries should be a MUST though. No execptions. No single shot compensation. New gun entirely. Use at closer range manditory. If you don't have it drawn, you don't shoot. Doing so anyway would make you a flaming piece of shit.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 00:01   #38
Rookie Ab
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490 fps with realcaps ,I think would change the game play for the better.I'm all in. Mouth guards ??? How about just a good dental plan.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 00:31   #39
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i agree with the trust aspect previously mentioned, and the fact that people will generaly avoid closer range engagements,, but certain rules would have to be adhered to strictly, like rules covering what should happen when the game gets close.

ive played cqb a bit and usually min distance rules are ignored after a few close encounters and shots are taken, but if everything is laid out before hand it shouldnt be too much problem for serious players to deal with errant shots,, accidents happen.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 02:00   #40
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As stated several times, you'd need the right guys for that game. In most cases, people are motivated enough to use proper tactics to avoid being hit even if it's mild pain; however, the fear of not knowing how much a 490fps is going to hurt will REALLY motivate a team to play their best.

In short, it really adds to the realism but just because everyone is 18+ doesn't mean their not out to cause pain instead of having fun. Hell, you might even be able to find a younger person who would be able to play this (barring people would let him play, etc.)
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Old April 12th, 2008, 17:35   #41
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Originally Posted by baraccuda View Post
if people want to play like they are unstoppable they should stick to computer games with cheats.
Or simply CoD 4 without cheats...:smile:
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Old April 12th, 2008, 17:48   #42
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Nice! I'd love to give it a shot.

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Old April 12th, 2008, 18:39   #43
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I suppose it might also depend on the venue. At a place like maybe the LZ or a wodded field (ala - old plantation, maybe deadlands) I would be all for it, but at a field like FR, not so much, since engagement distances are WAY shorter than at most outdoor fields.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 18:52   #44
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Renegade) View Post
Can guarantee there wouldnt be any cheating in this game.. who wouldnt feel it hit them at 500fps
No, there are cheaters even in the 500+ fps games. I was talking to a friend of my father who used to play in Taiwan. In his experience, upping the fps was like an arms race to keep the other person honest by drawing blood. He made it sound like it was tit-for-tat and rather less than friendly.

But since we'd be going into the higher fps with a community that's predominantly honest, and that this type of game would start with a very controlled membership, we shouldn't have the same problems.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 20:54   #45
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Hell's yeah, me and the trauma bag would be there lol
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