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ASG APO ASW338LM Sniper Airsoft Rifle


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Old January 30th, 2012, 18:53   #16
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I really think they should expand the sniper rifle market, I know theres lots of snipers out there right now but their costs should really go down, they cost so damn much, other than your conventional VSR or L96 Clones etc

Just Gona put up a list of a bunch of snipers, (not going to include the variants)and their costs, Note these are just costs found off international retailers

TM VSR-10 - 220USD - 350USD
TM L96 - 320 USD
Maruzen APS2 - 350 USD
ARES Walther WA2000 - 470USD
ARES AW388 (the L96 however this version is more accurate than the others IMO) - 520 USD
ARES PGM Mini- Hectate 338 -1050 USD
ARES Cheytec M200 - 1400USD
Classic Army - M24 SWS - 250USD
Tanaka M700 - 550 USD
King Arms Blaser R93 LRS1 Ultra Grade - 250 USD
Discontinued Snipers I know of.
Shoei M40
Smokeys Barret M82

AEG - Type Snipers
Socom Gear M82 - 1230 USD
Real Sword SVD 810USD (with Scope)

Anyway point is its damn expensive for other variants of snipers other than ur standard TM L96 and VSR10 and CA M24

Though im kinda glad they started to develop more cost friendly snipers like the KA one, even tho its fugly
Current Lineup:
VFC HK416 Custom
Custom Bowie Tactical x SAI Glock 17 (TM Base),
Custom SAI BLU Glock Build (Timberwolf Base)
Custom Zev Noveske Shooting Team Glock 34
Project Guns
Custom Zev Dragonfly G17 (Project) (In progress)
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Old January 30th, 2012, 21:57   #17
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There is also a ER25K AEG by Echo1, but I'm not sure on the price.

Although I found it for something like $325 on an American site...
VFC HK416C Crushed Orchid - VFC SR16 BCM ZTW

TM G17 Loki Tactical Pink - TM G19 TTI Combat Master
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Old January 30th, 2012, 22:13   #18
Cobalt Caliber
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And the AEG SVD by CA and the aftermath/A&K springer SVD (which is the most awkward to cock)
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 30th, 2012, 22:19   #19
Mr. Silencer
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Tm psg-1?
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Old January 30th, 2012, 22:23   #20
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
Tm psg-1?
That's not even a field-worthy AEG, let alone a sniper platform...
You need over 1000$ in parts to make it reliable, then an other 500$ to accuratize (oh boy...) it.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 30th, 2012, 23:06   #21
Cobalt Caliber
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Wait 1000 bucks for this? Will I need to drop another few hundred in or does it come pre-upgraded?
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 30th, 2012, 23:23   #22
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I think the stalker is a discontinued sniper too. All he does is drink beer and make knives now.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old January 30th, 2012, 23:43   #23
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Wait 1000 bucks for this? Will I need to drop another few hundred in or does it come pre-upgraded?
Wait, you didn't calculate the canadian price!
I'd say it the price will be around 1400/1500, if not more!

I think it's already got a tightbore, can't recall FPS-wise, but off the top of my head, I think it's over 400 for sure. But I do admit 1G is quite a lot for a not "upgraded to your style" sniper rifle!

But Hey, the choice is yours!
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Old January 31st, 2012, 00:28   #24
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Had one, traded it for a TM AK47...

Stock receiver is so soft it won't even hold the weight if the rifle. You have to swap that to the VERY rare Magnesium cast receiver,

Then replace the chamber block with the aluminum one piece. Then the 3-pieces barrel that is screwed to the handguard was wobbly all around, so one-piece replacement was in order, along with a railed handguard or at the very least a bipod attachment point (because there was no included stock, after all who slings a 7lb weapon??)

Stock "tightbore" is a 6.05... not much tightness in there, though it was better than stock TM barrels at the time (it's V5 mechbox... you get the idea).

Stock FPS was 280 like any TM gun, but it needed a special spring (longer), piston (longer) and then gears (special again) because the stock ones could not hold anything above 300 fps.

Did I mentioned that it takes more time to take apart than a TM M14?

Battery space was non-existent (you barely could fit a 8.4v mini in there), so you have to open the stock and mod it out to accept a large 9.6v or more (mine fitted a 10.8v) to pull anything. Battery needed to be built into the stock, so forget about field change.

That stock, you could adjust it by turning the whole buttplate around, effectively making a big hole for crap to enter your battery space when not fully closed, with no lock and a large plastic screw that was flexing about.
Cheek rest was about as bad, with a allen-style screw that was made of plastic... with a metal allen adjustment tool... Mine was never fielded and it was already stripped.

Oh, that pre-cocking, well it effectively required a Magnum motor (in mid lenght, hard to find) and a large battery to crank the last two teeth from full lock (exactly like a jammed AEG).

The stock reciprocating bolt cover was plastic, not a very nice sound and not very "stealth".

Stock scope is a POS, and you had to modify the receiver or rail mount to install a G3 rail.

So yeah, all in all, a big shiny piece of turd.

The best "PSG-1" I saw was a G3-SG1 converted with longer handguard, barrel and buffer tube, M16 "sniper" grip (looks just like the PSG-1) and PSG-1 stock modified to fit the G3 receiver...

At least it used the G3 magasines.

So yeah, if you wanted a "semi-fieldable-unique" AEG/DMR and had 2000$ to trash, the PSG-1 is a good choice...

Ask Aqua, he had one worthy of calling it a DMR (usually with a dildo-M203 strapped on it).
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 10:47   #25
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looks like the AICS AX rifles. just with a carbon front instead of cnc aluminum.
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Old March 12th, 2012, 22:48   #26
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Random tid-bit, just made me think of it when the list prices were being discussed....a socom barrett just went used on for 850$ shipped and i bought a real sword svd for 645$ shipped brand new. Its to bad more people couldnt order guns off ebay for a great deal and bring them into canada with the way the laws have changed. I have an aunt in the states nice enough to let me keep purchases at her house though....which changes everything.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 09:50   #27
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Had one, traded it for a TM AK47...

Stock receiver is so soft it won't even hold the weight if the rifle. You have to swap that to the VERY rare Magnesium cast receiver,

Then replace the chamber block with the aluminum one piece. Then the 3-pieces barrel that is screwed to the handguard was wobbly all around, so one-piece replacement was in order, along with a railed handguard or at the very least a bipod attachment point (because there was no included stock, after all who slings a 7lb weapon??)

Stock "tightbore" is a 6.05... not much tightness in there, though it was better than stock TM barrels at the time (it's V5 mechbox... you get the idea).

Stock FPS was 280 like any TM gun, but it needed a special spring (longer), piston (longer) and then gears (special again) because the stock ones could not hold anything above 300 fps.

Did I mentioned that it takes more time to take apart than a TM M14?

Battery space was non-existent (you barely could fit a 8.4v mini in there), so you have to open the stock and mod it out to accept a large 9.6v or more (mine fitted a 10.8v) to pull anything. Battery needed to be built into the stock, so forget about field change.

That stock, you could adjust it by turning the whole buttplate around, effectively making a big hole for crap to enter your battery space when not fully closed, with no lock and a large plastic screw that was flexing about.
Cheek rest was about as bad, with a allen-style screw that was made of plastic... with a metal allen adjustment tool... Mine was never fielded and it was already stripped.

Oh, that pre-cocking, well it effectively required a Magnum motor (in mid lenght, hard to find) and a large battery to crank the last two teeth from full lock (exactly like a jammed AEG).

The stock reciprocating bolt cover was plastic, not a very nice sound and not very "stealth".

Stock scope is a POS, and you had to modify the receiver or rail mount to install a G3 rail.

So yeah, all in all, a big shiny piece of turd.

The best "PSG-1" I saw was a G3-SG1 converted with longer handguard, barrel and buffer tube, M16 "sniper" grip (looks just like the PSG-1) and PSG-1 stock modified to fit the G3 receiver...

At least it used the G3 magasines.

So yeah, if you wanted a "semi-fieldable-unique" AEG/DMR and had 2000$ to trash, the PSG-1 is a good choice...

Ask Aqua, he had one worthy of calling it a DMR (usually with a dildo-M203 strapped on it).
The first thing I did when the PSG-1 came out was buy two and two G3 SG1 and a combination of Zeke, PDI and Classic army metal parts, about two months of labor the end result is 1x shortened PSG-1 Hydra based on Killer studio design, 2 x MSG90 and 1 Kick ass G3 SG1 with custom aluminum silencer barrel. All this is floating out there somewhere in Canada, I managed to find 1 of the MSG90 (it's in Quebec) and the SG1 is in a Toronto airsoft store with the owner (third one I think) not knowing what kind of rare piece he posses. All the rifle will have two stickers (SD-Unit/HotShot) either inside the grips or inside the stock. In all it is a pain in the ass gun to work on but very satisfying at the time because it out range any AEG out there with the exception of a few super expensive bolt action.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 12:05   #28
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The Expected price of this rifle was about 780 or so from what ive read, but expect the price to be alot higher in the Canadian market
Current Lineup:
VFC HK416 Custom
Custom Bowie Tactical x SAI Glock 17 (TM Base),
Custom SAI BLU Glock Build (Timberwolf Base)
Custom Zev Noveske Shooting Team Glock 34
Project Guns
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Old March 14th, 2012, 13:56   #29
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Awsome looking weapon, but is it just me or is the barrel length way too short? Personal experience dictates that you need significatly longer barrel length to get accuracy and consitancy at distance. Might as well get an m4 springer and soup it up to look this awesome.
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Old March 14th, 2012, 19:00   #30
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Even the box is epic.

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