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KJ Works KP-05 Hi-capa Update



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Old May 24th, 2009, 00:28   #16
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Lulz, small vid I made about the pistol
YouTube - Review on the KJW Hi-Capa KP 05 GBB (KJW 1911 Tactical)
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Old May 30th, 2009, 14:50   #17
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breaking the HI Capa

Anybody here can tell the sequence of taking the gun ( KP Hi Capa 05) apart for cleaning? And what oil(s) to use ?
Thanx in advance.
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Old May 31st, 2009, 14:38   #18
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Taking Apart your KP-05

Hey I have a few questions on taking this gun apart so here is brief explanation of how to do it.

Look to your manual to see description #1 for disasembly. Once you line up the slide lock as depicted remove the slide stop completely from the gun. If you can't push it out with your finger, get a plastic pen and push it out gently that way.Once you have this removed you can now remove the slide.

With the slide removed place the hopup facing up with the barrel pointing away from your body. In the manual it gets a little vague here at step #3 for disasembly. What you have to do The plastic recoil plug that is slotted below the barrel back all the way under spring tension to the Recoil spring guide. Its the metal piece up against the hopup. With the slide positioned the way I have told you take the two pieces which should now be pinched together and move them forward just enough to clear the hopup. I have noticed myself that is easier to remove it back and to the right, as when I have tried to move it left it contacts the hopup making life difficult. Also try to slowly release these parts, as the spring tension is high enough that the plastic recoil plug may take flight on you. Once the recoil plug guide and spring are removed you simply take the barrel and the hopup straight out the front of the slide.

As far as oil just use silicone oil in each charge of your magazine. Some products have oil reservoirs and will blast some in with each fill. If you are using pre-canned gas such as green gas don't worry as it already has some lubricant in it. I went an extra step as I mentioned in my review using Buzys Slick honey. Its a very thick lubricant used on downhill mountain bikes. I put some on my slide and chassis (ONLY) where they contact each other. It makes for smooth operation with nice crisp recoil. It also slows down the wear on the metal surface since its a fairly thick lubricant. I ordered my Buzys from a USA webstore JENSON USA, although if you check around some of the local bike shops might have some in stock. If you have bought some already for your pistol you will notice you only need a little bit, and the stuff lasts quite a while, I still haven't added any extra to it yet.
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Old December 31st, 2009, 19:18   #19
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Does anyone know if a tm hicapa slide will fit on this?
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Old December 31st, 2009, 22:06   #20
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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Originally Posted by takealap View Post
Does anyone know if a tm hicapa slide will fit on this?

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Old February 23rd, 2010, 23:20   #21
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Since the lower frame has the rail, is it still possible to mod a 1911 Serpa to fit this?
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Old November 5th, 2013, 08:53   #22
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I just bought one of these and it had a problem with the hammer not catching on the sear which would cause the slide to catch on the hammer.

I fixed it by bending the middle tine of the springs in the handle forward.
But it seems like a bit of a design flaw, with the slide getting caught on the hammer, it still does occasionally but flicking the gun causes it to jump over and continue firing.

(It may be possible to do a full auto mod by adding a bit to the trigger which lifts the centre tine of the spring?)
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Old November 15th, 2013, 22:14   #23
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You know, I just started noticing this issue in my own KP-05. I'll have to try this quick mod. Might save me a headache.
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Old July 21st, 2015, 12:36   #24
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Airdrie, Alberta
I bought my KP-05 about a month ago and it ran great at first. 60 shots per CO2 cartridge.

Now though, the gun seems to be shooting tons of gas each pull and runs out after approx. 10 shots. Replaced the magazine release valve (several times) as I thought it was a mag problem. This didn't fix it. So dropped another $55 yesterday on a new green gas mag and can of gas and... same exact thing.

Near as I can tell is that the sear isn't disengaging after each shot so gas just spews out as the slide moves back and forth. I disassembled and checked the shiny disconnect "arm" to see if it was broken but looks fine to me.

Codename: Moneypit :banghead:
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