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Stunt Studios M16


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Old May 13th, 2009, 14:32   #1
CPT Spork
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Stunt Studios M16

So I'm just getting into the sport, didnt; wanna spend big bucks on a gun..yet. after watching countless youtube reviews I settled on the stunt studios M16 with grenade launcher. 1st off this gun is FAR better then my DPMS kitty kat...

the main disapointment is the grenade launcher... 1 cock = 1 BB.... this BB flies out the barrel though a wopping 80FPS.... so watch out when I'm on the field...
not sure if theres any way to remedy this so it fires all the BB. only thing I could think of was to throw a hand full BBs at the enemy. I'm pretty sure that would be more affective then this thing.

as for the gun itself it seems not to bad but I would like to up the FPS slightly. I tried the poor mans chrono and found that 75% of the shots would go through the side of the can. I would like them all to. seems to me that would be a bit closer tot he FPS of the better guns. So what can I do? will a metal gear set froma g&G or something fit in there? or can up the spring rate slightly with the stock plastic gear box?
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Old May 13th, 2009, 14:38   #2
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ehhh the Stunt Studios stuff is pretty underpowered and over priced... but since you got one the best bet is to look forward to upgrades- specifically a mechbox upgrade, prolly a motor upgrade (and possibly a battery as I suspect the stunt studios guns all use fairly weak batteries since most fire under 200fps). I dont know much about their M16 but I know the AK stunt studios is the same build as their Aftermath Kraken (but with crappier internals) which means almost entirely upgradable- so likely you want a Version 2 mechbox... but I would confirm that with other folks.
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:09   #3
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Would be cheaper to buy a new, better gun than to upgrade a Stunt Studios gun to bring it to a gameable level.
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:15   #4
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Would be cheaper to buy a new, better gun than to upgrade a Stunt Studios gun to bring it to a gameable level.
yup, some guns just aren't worth it, omg so elitist
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:21   #5
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After considering time and costs, it would be better to almost purchase something entirely brand new that has is further up the airsoft quality ladder. As far as upgrades go gears do not really affect FPS. Different tensions of springs and other items related to the compression part of the mechbox affect FPS. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do.

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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:29   #6
CPT Spork
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heres the thing though...
I'm supporting my girl through nursing school, car insurance on 2 cars, rent, hydro, phone bills, cable, internet and food... just started a new job and I'm currently on compo after slipping on oil and spraining my wrist and shoulder...
ontop of my datsun needs a new engine. a 500 doller AEG is out of the question.. trust me I'd love to get one. This gun cost me very little and its what I have so I'll have to make due till things smooth over a bit.
the accuracy is not bad the range is soso, theres gotta be a way to make it alittle bit better. what would a V2 box run me? I'm aware this wont; affect FPS but I'm thinking in terms of adding a better spring won;t my stock gear box die?
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:33   #7
The Saint
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If not $500, how about $350?

Also, if you're that busy and that tight on money, maybe not isn't the best time to get into airsoft. It's better to put it off than waste money on things that just aren't going to cut it while hoping for a miracle.
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:40   #8
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If the gun currently has a plastic gear box, a stronger spring will definately increase the chances of its failure. A brand new version 2 shell can run you anywhere from 30 all the way up to 80ish dollars, and that would only help if all the parts in that plastic mechbox fit correctly into that new shell. Also Im not even certain that the dimensions of the gearbox from the stunt studios m16 are the same as those as a regular v2 mechbox, so there may in fact be some fitment issues.

It seems as if your funds are very tight at the moment, I would put the idea of upgrades or a new airsoft gun on the back burner for a while until things free up a bit. Enjoy what you have now, take good care of it and hopefully it will last until you can afford to purchase something better.

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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:41   #9
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Originally Posted by CPT Spork View Post
the accuracy is not bad the range is soso, theres gotta be a way to make it alittle bit better. what would a V2 box run me?
Your opinion will change as soon as you compare it to even a low-end AEG...

For a CHEAP complete mechbox (JG), you're looking at about $100 + shipping. Even then, you'll have to open it and downgrade the spring ($20) because the stock M130 spring is too hot for gaming. It'll be more if you buy a box and build it up with parts, as yours are unuseable. You'll also need at minimum a new hopup rubber, as that one is crap (+$10). And your battery won't last out the summer. You need to add a battery to that setup ($50). And that cheapo wall wart charger will kill that new battery the same way it kills all batteries. So you also need a charger (~ $50 for a cheap one).

So about $230 in upgrades is the BARE MIMINUM you need to get a useable, gamable gun. And that will still leave you with shitty, brittle, sub-par externals that will break at the slightest mishap. Add that to the price you paid for your gun, and all of a sudden it's cost you way more than a brand new CAS G&G gun that will blow it out of the water in any way. New CAS G&G M4 is $308 new.
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:50   #10
CPT Spork
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guess the only thing I have is a Tekin charger for my R/C car... so I'm up on 1 thing heh. Guess I'll wait till I sell off my Volkswagen and get something better. Is there much point in coming out to a game with this gun then?
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:52   #11
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Only if you're there for the sole purpose of testing what a BB feels like and wasting your ammo, because I don't think you'll be able to hit much
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Old May 13th, 2009, 15:58   #12
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Well, you can bring the gun to a game to try it out. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't last the full game. But you may be able to borrow or rent a gun at a game anyway and it'll give you an idea of what better guns are like. Often there are ASC age verifiers at games, so you can take advantage of it to get verified.

At first glance, all airsoft guns may look more or less the same. But you really get what you pay for. There are good starter guns, but expect to pay at least $300 off the hop for that.

And yes, an RC car charger is a good start.
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Old May 13th, 2009, 16:05   #13
CPT Spork
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cool. guess we'll see what happens then. was planning on going to the next game to be AV anyways.
thanks for the input/info.
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Old May 13th, 2009, 18:56   #14
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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DBoys mechbox for ~$50 CDN shipped from ebanned? Although be warned, it doens't come with a proper connector to the battery, you can find a mini t-type male end on ebanned as well, the cylinder head is half plastic, the spring is too strong and too short, +$15 for better spring, cheap plastic bushings, and ect ect.
The JG mechbox+motor from velocityarms for 99.95 or something is a very good deal, just re-shim and add a new spring. It has metal bushings and free shipping as well.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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