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PEQ15 with green laser, LED light, tail switch


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Old May 6th, 2009, 21:14   #61
Join Date: Feb 2005
Lasers are banned in most games anyway. I can attest to the damage they case, as I was beamed by a green lasers a few years ago and had a dead spot in my vision ever since.
yup same here, but I became a bit more near sighted in my right eye somehow
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Old May 6th, 2009, 21:28   #62
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... In all honesty, it's products like these that don't make me feel safe at all.

Sure everyone that sees this thread will know that these are not to be used in a game because they WILL blind some one permanently...

But these things will still be brought into games by people that don't know any better...

What happens when some one permanently goes blind because of one of these things? Who's going to be responsible? I'm no law expert... but selling a laser device next to other things that are intended for use on humans could potentially leave huang liable...
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Old May 6th, 2009, 21:42   #63
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Could we not fall in this discusion again? This would like discuss if we should ban all the airsoft guns with which people might commit crime.

If you buy a airsoft gun, you should know the regulation of using it. Same with the green laser.

As I stated, you may choose the laser output or even a red laser. I am thinking of putting in those small green laser that is used for teaching in case you may want to it in a CQB senario.

Last edited by huang; May 6th, 2009 at 21:44..
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Old May 6th, 2009, 21:48   #64
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Originally Posted by huang View Post
Could we not fall in this discusion again? This would like discuss if we should ban all the airsoft guns with which people might commit crime.

If you buy a airsoft gun, you should know the regulation of using it. Same with the green laser.

As I stated, you may choose the laser output or even a red laser. I am thinking of putting in those small green laser that is used for teaching in case you may want to it in a CQB senario.
... This isn't even remotely CLOSE to the "people will misuse airsoft gun" discussion...

... You're selling something that's meant to be used to shine people... I don't think "Is it safe to use on people" will cross many people's minds when it comes to airsoft accessories.... Because 90% of airsoft accessories... are MEANT to be used on people... so unless you have a huge "DANGER, NOT TO BE USED ON PEOPLE, WILL CAUSE PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE" you may find yourself in quite a bit of trouble...

I know Canada does have laws regarding lasers.. but I can't understand the legal-ese.
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Old May 6th, 2009, 21:58   #65
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Label of "DANGER, NOT TO BE USED ON PEOPLE, WILL CAUSE PERMANENT EYE AMAGE" is a must for all the laser product as I know.

I just google it and didn't find anything related to green laser regarding the output etc.

If you happen to know where I can find the law/reguartion regarding selling laser product in canada please pass to me, I will appreicate.

Again, you have the options to put in whateever laser product you want.
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Old May 6th, 2009, 22:00   #66
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My concern is that some one will accidentally get blinded by one of your lasers and it will have VERY GREAT negative effect on you and your buisness.

20MW green lasers are capable of popping balloons and lighting matches... I'm no laser expert, but I believe that's about the range that if it passes over your eye, it'll instantly leave you permanently blind.
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Old May 6th, 2009, 22:06   #67
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
My concern is that some one will accidentally get blinded by one of your lasers and it will have VERY GREAT negative effect on you and your buisness.

20MW green lasers are capable of popping balloons and lighting matches... I'm no laser expert, but I believe that's about the range that if it passes over your eye, it'll instantly leave you permanently blind.
As I stated earlier, I can arrange green laser point pen if you like to. However as long as green laser is not an illegal product , it is available to the public. I unserstand your concern and definitely I will arrange the warning message in the package. However how people use it is out of my control.

Just like if people got shot blind by a BB gun, it is not the manufacturer to be responsible.
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Old May 6th, 2009, 22:13   #68
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The person who uses the laser is at fault, not from the seller. The seller can sell anything he or she wants. It's up to the user who uses the laser.
I really don't see nothing illegal about him bringing out a new product his manufacture has made. Even when he has said he can downgrade the laser from 20mw.
After that being said, how about green laser pens? Last year on the news, there were kids shining lasers at airplaines, you think the seller is at fault for letting the kids do that?
If lasers are banned on fields, they are banned, no exceptions. Rules are rules on the field, and if you break them, you'll deal with the consiquences.

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Old May 6th, 2009, 22:28   #69
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
The person who uses the laser is at fault, not from the seller. The seller can sell anything he or she wants. It's up to the user who uses the laser.
I really don't see nothing illegal about him bringing out a new product his manufacture has made. Even when he has said he can downgrade the laser from 20mw.
After that being said, how about green laser pens? Last year on the news, there were kids shining lasers at airplaines, you think the seller is at fault for letting the kids do that?
If lasers are banned on fields, they are banned, no exceptions. Rules are rules on the field, and if you break them, you'll deal with the consiquences.
This is different than hand held lasers....

This is a device that's supposed to be put on an airsoft gun that's meant to be shined at people...

it goes MUCH deeper than just "Breaking field rules"... Imagine if you went to a weekend airsoft game, and came home permanently blind for the rest of your life.

Huang, my advice to you, Don't import any 20MW models... only import the models that are LESS THAN 5MW ... I know that I would feel AWFUL if I sold a product the inadvertently blinded some one..
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Old May 6th, 2009, 22:35   #70
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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20mw is still too much. 5mw is enough. Plus, you are running LEDs, and saving more battery life.

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Old May 6th, 2009, 22:38   #71
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
This is different than hand held lasers....

This is a device that's supposed to be put on an airsoft gun that's meant to be shined at people...

it goes MUCH deeper than just "Breaking field rules"... Imagine if you went to a weekend airsoft game, and came home permanently blind for the rest of your life.

Huang, my advice to you, Don't import any 20MW models... only import the models that are LESS THAN 5MW ... I know that I would feel AWFUL if I sold a product the inadvertently blinded some one..
Thanks for the advice. I will sell th 20MW models to selected buyer ONLY and 5MW version to airsoft players.
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Old May 10th, 2009, 16:49   #72
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do you have a peq 15 in stock would be intrested in one
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Old May 12th, 2009, 00:44   #73
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An update. The guys from the laser workshop are able to provide the lasers that output is adjustable. You may adjust the laser output from 20MW to 0MW( if you want ).

Right now PEQ 15 with laser is custom order. I should have some in store in about 2-3 weeks.

Last edited by huang; May 12th, 2009 at 00:48..
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Old June 1st, 2009, 23:55   #74
Mr Biscuits
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Hey Huang, can you ship to the US? I would love a VFC model in black, how much would that run? Anyone got specs on the range of the laser / output of the light? Much appreciated.
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Old June 30th, 2009, 23:38   #75
xI Ace xI
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Oh shit, my buddies just got the >35mw green laser from airsoftpark... that's not good then? They really wanted that since 5mw isn't as bright and doesn't produce a visible beam. :S

[edit] Well that site advertises it as >35mw, but all the other sites don't specify the mw, and they also have a different pic than AirsoftPark's. It's the "JG-017"

Last edited by xI Ace xI; June 30th, 2009 at 23:41..
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