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What the heck CBSA is doing...



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Old April 15th, 2009, 20:56   #31
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Originally Posted by lemegacool View Post
or just ask the shipper to remove the trigger... problem solved! lol
lol, now we got a new trick.

Not sure if they will seized my lower mechbox for my ICS M4 on the mail.


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Old April 15th, 2009, 20:57   #32
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The CBSA should be snuffed out of existence. I'm moving in a few weeks and the stuff I have been waiting for since March 4th (1911 slide, 4.3 mag, some other non restricted parts) is still going to be sitting there.
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Old April 15th, 2009, 21:34   #33
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Well... those are the guys in office...
Whatever tricks, valid or not, we just don't have a say on this...
My hope is that we can have more retailers in airsoft
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Old April 16th, 2009, 01:22   #34
Rumpel Felt
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The CBSA should just be mad to actually operate within the bounds of law and....general sanity. A mechbox is not only a paper weight without a toy gun to put it in, but it's also not even applicable to any other situation in life. WTF else could you do with it.... It's the most toyish part of a bigger toy.

They should actually make their employees informed to laws such as those to do with firearms. If recievers are illegal fine. Again, I put $100 on the line that says if I ordered and AEG and had everything shipped, but reciever, it'd be siezed....because it looks scary and the seizee knows nothing about firearms.

Anyway, fight for things that get seized that have no history of being seized before. It's an attack on our rights and freedoms.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 01:48   #35
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
The CBSA should just be mad to actually operate within the bounds of law and....general sanity. A mechbox is not only a paper weight without a toy gun to put it in, but it's also not even applicable to any other situation in life. WTF else could you do with it.... It's the most toyish part of a bigger toy.

They should actually make their employees informed to laws such as those to do with firearms. If recievers are illegal fine. Again, I put $100 on the line that says if I ordered and AEG and had everything shipped, but reciever, it'd be siezed....because it looks scary and the seizee knows nothing about firearms.

Anyway, fight for things that get seized that have no history of being seized before. It's an attack on our rights and freedoms.
very true, the fact that the gearbox is actually the internal parts of the gun means that the person importing it is actually planning on using the gun for what it was intended to and not as a "Scary assault rifle machine gun" for sticking up convenience stores, which is what their real job is to prevent.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 01:53   #36
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The job of the CBSA is to uphold the law.

When the law was written by a bunch of blind monkey Liberal anti gun zealots with no opposable thumbs, you get a mish mash of odd regs that don't make sense, are unenforcable or are so vague to be useless. So, they get together whatever "experts" they can find to try to make sense of it all, and then they make policy based on that.

They have a shitty deal, just like we all do, and know less about things that one would think, because so little is "carved in stone" and varies from one agent to the next.

We might as well had the Marx brothers make up our gun laws, at least we might have gotten a laugh out of it.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 01:55   #37
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what troubles me is that is a new development in the cbsa's war on airsoft, they've known what gearboxes are for years and have let so many through, so it's retarded that they would suddenly deem these things prohibited overnight
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Old April 16th, 2009, 01:57   #38
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Mine came through today. It wasn't even inspected, and listed a gearbox on the manifest, as well as coming form an airsoft retailer.

Depends who looks at it.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 02:00   #39
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most of the seizures have been in Ontario's Mississauga office, they are extra intelligent over at that one, I heard one of their minions call a stick battery a suppressor once, true story
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Old April 16th, 2009, 02:47   #40
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
most of the seizures have been in Ontario's Mississauga office, they are extra intelligent over at that one, I heard one of their minions call a stick battery a suppressor once, true story
It's the odd officer or two they got over there.

The normal two I know of generally have a bit of common sense.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 08:18   #41
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WOW! Terrific!
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
most of the seizures have been in Ontario's Mississauga office, they are extra intelligent over at that one, I heard one of their minions call a stick battery a suppressor once, true story
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Old April 16th, 2009, 08:22   #42
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I would laugh over the airsoft law here...
Those who know what AEGs or GBBs can do would never put it up on the street.
The thing is simple. Would you point a realistic looking toy gun to an officer while he points a real stuff at you? You wanna give him a 6mm bb while he returns the favor with a 9mm? That's just insane. Those news of guy taking the convenient stores with toy guns, that's just nuts and you can never do anything with nuts cuz they just happen...
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Old April 16th, 2009, 08:42   #43
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Originally Posted by iamyou View Post
I would laugh over the airsoft law here...
Those who know what AEGs or GBBs can do would never put it up on the street.
The thing is simple. Would you point a realistic looking toy gun to an officer while he points a real stuff at you? You wanna give him a 6mm bb while he returns the favor with a 9mm? That's just insane. Those news of guy taking the convenient stores with toy guns, that's just nuts and you can never do anything with nuts cuz they just happen...
The fact that there are people that DO use replica firearms to hold up convenience stores and the like is the very reason the laws became as they are today.

Granted, the gangs in major urban centers probably don't, as they have their "rep" to think about. The wannabes and crackheads are a different story.

The CBSA has a job to do, and as much as it impedes us we have to accept it because it isn't going to change anytime soon. Just be thankful that we can still get our parts and accessories.....for now.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 09:32   #44
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I agree with you...
Let's just not make it any worse, or we ll get nothing at all...

Originally Posted by Scopedog View Post
The fact that there are people that DO use replica firearms to hold up convenience stores and the like is the very reason the laws became as they are today.

Granted, the gangs in major urban centers probably don't, as they have their "rep" to think about. The wannabes and crackheads are a different story.

The CBSA has a job to do, and as much as it impedes us we have to accept it because it isn't going to change anytime soon. Just be thankful that we can still get our parts and accessories.....for now.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 13:21   #45
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UPDATE : Spoke to the CBSA-Prohibited Importations Unit Officer and basically what was said before, new staff calling the gearboxes "RECEIVERS" :smack: He also spoke to the newbie officer and informed him on what a receiver is. "We're only looking for upper/lower receivers and NOT gearboxes." Overall a nice guy...wait did i just say that ????

Everyone can relax now...
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