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Old April 10th, 2009, 01:24   #361
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
He probably hasn't gone through basic either so he shouldn't wear arpat, right?
It's just a uniform, as long as nobody wears the patches in public its no big deal
The acu is clothing, but the insignia deserves proper respect. It is EXTREMELY disrespectful to wear insignia you have not earned. That especially goes for the insignia on his right sleeve. Insignia is only worn on the right sleeve by combat veterns, so it's twice the insult to those who fought and lost friends, and earned the right to wear it with blood. So yes, it is a huge deal.
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Old April 10th, 2009, 01:30   #362
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I disagree. While I can see why people who actually earned it would argue that, I would tend to look at the person's intentions. If the person is wearing it to make an impression, they probably already have an immense amount of respect for that unit.

I again will say, I think it is all in the intent. If the person who is wearing it is wearing it out of respect, their intent is clearly not to anger or show disrespect to those who earned it. If the person who did deserve it is still adamant about them not wearing it, they should say so in a respectful manner, since this person did not mean any disrespect. People who flip out and yell at people over it need to calm down just a bit and realize nobody is purposefully disrespecting you.

Originally Posted by redhawk_six View Post
The acu is clothing, but the insignia deserves proper respect. It is EXTREMELY disrespectful to wear insignia you have not earned. That especially goes for the insignia on his right sleeve. Insignia is only worn on the right sleeve by combat veterns, so it's twice the insult to those who fought and lost friends, and earned the right to wear it with blood. So yes, it is a huge deal.
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Old April 10th, 2009, 01:39   #363
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Originally Posted by ujiro View Post
I disagree. While I can see why people who actually earned it would argue that, I would tend to look at the person's intentions. If the person is wearing it to make an impression, they probably already have an immense amount of respect for that unit.

I again will say, I think it is all in the intent. If the person who is wearing it is wearing it out of respect, their intent is clearly not to anger or show disrespect to those who earned it. If the person who did deserve it is still adamant about them not wearing it, they should say so in a respectful manner, since this person did not mean any disrespect. People who flip out and yell at people over it need to calm down just a bit and realize nobody is purposefully disrespecting you.
'The road to hell is paved with good intentions' It doesn't matter what their intent is, it's still disrespectful. If you really want to show you're respect, take off the insignia.

If you really do respect those who serve, you'd have no problem removing the patches if a service member expresses their dislike, regardless if they say please, or if they yell and scream. And enough service members have said that it is disrespectful to wear unearned insignia in the past.

Those serving wear their qualification badges, rank, and unit tags with pride, they worked hard to earn them. Someone just going out and buying them and wearing them without ever having gone through any of the hard work to earn them is a slap in their face.

You want to wear patches? Make up a team patch, or wear morale patches. You want rank? Make up custom ranks for your team that are not the same as real ranks. It's not hard, and it doesn't insult anyone.

Your 'impressions' and 'loadouts' can be just as authentic without the insignia.
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Old April 10th, 2009, 02:01   #364
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While those are good points, I again, have to disagree.
While it can be disrespectful for some, it can be an honor to others, its a mixed war of oppinions here. And please, dont think your oppinion is rule. Its not, Nobodies is.
If the person wants to wear the patch, let them do it. airsoft is private enough in which it can be considored tolerable to most of the player base.
now, if the goes off wearing the uniform in public and trying to be something he isnt, thats when i would personally step in and considor that disrespectful. But coming from a hobbyists point of veiw, and how airsoft is just a game adults play in makebeleive. it is fine as it is. and just leave it at that.
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Old April 10th, 2009, 07:15   #365
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LOL an honor... you should start browsing elsewhere than ASC and see how many it pisses off.

And X2 to everything Redhawk said. I just can't see why one would wear patches other than team patches anyway. Let's face it 98% of all airsofters AREN'T doing reenactment despite all they say. I know it's only a game but if we respect soldier that much we shouldn't take away the only piece of equipement that reflects belonging to a certain group.

As for qual patch do I really have to state the obvious???
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Old April 10th, 2009, 15:31   #366
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Originally Posted by Thatotherguy View Post
it can be an honor to others
No, it's not. I have not spoken to a single serving soldier who would consider it to be a honor. Every service member I have spoken to considers it very disrespectful (and I have spoken to many service members and veterns) and the vast majority feel personally offended, even if the insignia is that of a forign military (for example, the US Army).

Actors in a movie is different. It's a costume, being worn as a requirment of their job, it gets checked out from wardrobe in the morning, and returned to wardrobe after the days filming is complete.

Living history is different. Historical, no longer in service, uniforms portraying a certain unit in a historical action (read: an event that took place on a certain day in history) are worn for the soul purpose of informing and educating about significant historical events.

Airsoft is a game. There is zero need to wear insignia. It's not a job, nor is it's purpose to inform and educate about a significant historical event. It's purpose is to be fun for those taking part. A game, a event held in private for fun. Those who attend games wearing insignia they have not earned, whether its because they want a 100% correct 'loadout' or whether they think they're honoring those who serve, are offending those who serve and those who earned their insignia.

If you venture out of the airsoft forums, you'll see that the wearing of unearned insignia is not tolorated and offends service members. You say you disagree, but I don't think you understand. I'm not saying that I think it's disrespectful (though I do), I'm saying that service members are offended by it. It's not my opinion that they are offended, they have said they are.

And if those wearing unearned insignia truly respect those who serve, then even a single service member saying they are offened should be reason enough for them to willingly remove the insignia.
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Old April 10th, 2009, 16:38   #367
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Originally Posted by SINN View Post
No. Not if you are going for a real army impression. Aren't the sage boots airforce? You need an acu cover for your helmet too. Unless you are going for a Seal impression in acu...but I would still ditch the OD vest even for that look.
Yeah the sage is airforce but they match acu well. My tan boots almost look grey now anyway, LOL.
I thought I saw pictures of the army wearing helmets without covers....maybe they were snipers or something???
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Old April 11th, 2009, 22:32   #368
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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So what about guys who do WW2 German impressions? Are you saying they should join the nazi party before they're allowed to wear the nazi party's rendition of the German eagle?

Once you ban the use of one insignia, you have to ban them all. It's not the kind of thing you can have a double standard for.

And I consider airsoft to be a very educational experience, it gives of some small idea of just how difficult it is to stay alive in war and I've gained alot more respect for the armed forces since I started playing.

But I do like how militaryphotos handles this situation; take off the patches before you take photos, or just black them out after. But you can still wear them in game

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Old April 11th, 2009, 23:58   #369
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Its easy to be a hippocrate.

Thread: WW2 Players.
Posted by:redhawk_six
I've got most of a basic canadian Infantry Officer's kit.
-post war BDUs
-Basic P37 submachine gunner's web set
-P37 Large Pack
-P37 Small Pack
-Mk.II Helmet
-Insignia for a Lt. in the 4th Armoured Div.

Might get a thompson and finish the kit sometime, not sure, wool isn't the most practical thing to wear in BC, especially not during the summer....

Airsoft is a game, if you dont like the use of insignia then dont use it, get over it and keep comments to yourself.

So long as you are not telling people you are actually in "X" unit etc. thats different.

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Old April 12th, 2009, 00:09   #370
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Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post

Airsoft is a game, if you dont like the use of insignia then dont use it, get over it and keep comments to yourself.

So long as you are not telling people you are actually in "X" unit etc. thats different.
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Old April 12th, 2009, 00:48   #371
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Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
Its easy to be a hippocrate.

Thread: WW2 Players.

Airsoft is a game, if you dont like the use of insignia then dont use it, get over it and keep comments to yourself.

So long as you are not telling people you are actually in "X" unit etc. thats different.
Read before you speak. Reenacting/living history is different. I don't use ww2 stuff in airsoft, I use it for living history events.

Historical uniforms are different from present day uniforms. There's no double standard, present day real in use insignia is quite a different story from historical, obselete, no longer in use insignia. It's not about a simple patch, it's about the hard work, sacrifice, and dedication it takes to earn the right wear it. It's about respect for what it symbolizes.

Also, don't try to compare airsoft to real combat, thats even more insulting to vets then wearing insignia.

Do any of you guys have any respect at all for those who sacrifice so much and are willing to fight and die for their country? If so, then why all the indignation at the thought of not wearing insignia when the vast majority of service members have said it's disrespectful and offends them when you do?

If it's just a game, as you say, why do you HAVE to wear real insignia?
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Old April 12th, 2009, 01:07   #372
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Originally Posted by redhawk_six View Post
Read before you speak. Reenacting/living history is different. I don't use ww2 stuff in airsoft, I use it for living history events.

Historical uniforms are different from present day uniforms. There's no double standard, present day real in use insignia is quite a different story from historical, obselete, no longer in use insignia. It's not about a simple patch, it's about the hard work, sacrifice, and dedication it takes to earn the right wear it. It's about respect for what it symbolizes.

Also, don't try to compare airsoft to real combat, thats even more insulting to vets then wearing insignia.

Do any of you guys have any respect at all for those who sacrifice so much and are willing to fight and die for their country? If so, then why all the indignation at the thought of not wearing insignia when the vast majority of service members have said it's disrespectful and offends them when you do?

If it's just a game, as you say, why do you HAVE to wear real insignia?
Why do you need to make such a big deal out of it? Let people do what they want. Besides, trying to get your point across that its 'indignative' to wear such stuff is pretty much void. People simply won't care. We all have our own oppinions and go by them, Just leave it at that please.
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Old April 12th, 2009, 01:10   #373
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Yeah stop cluttering up this thread. there was an entire thread on this a while back and the mods had to lock it up as it just devolved into chest beating, dont like it then dont do it.

sage boots + foliage green gloves are cool but I still have a ting for the tan stuff with arpat.
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Old April 12th, 2009, 01:13   #374
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Originally Posted by Thatotherguy View Post
Why do you need to make such a big deal out of it? Let people do what they want. Besides, trying to get your point across that its 'indignative' to wear such stuff is pretty much void. People simply won't care. We all have our own oppinions and go by them, Just leave it at that please.
Actually, I'd like my questions answered, thank you.

If so, then why all the indignation at the thought of not wearing insignia when the vast majority of service members have said it's disrespectful and offends them when you do?

If it's just a game, as you say, why do you HAVE to wear real insignia?
And I have others to add to those. You say people don't care, which is obvious. So do you guys honestly don't care that you are insulting and disrespecting those who have actually earned the right to wear that insignia? Is wearing a patch for an airsoft game really that much more important then respecting those that serve?
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Old April 12th, 2009, 01:22   #375
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Dude, Dont act like you're speaking for the whole armed forces of the US, Canada or whatever. Of course A lot of soldiers wouldnt like it. But there is also the possibility of others who simply wouldn't care, or considor it as a positive nod in their direction.
Just stop, We just want to post pictures of our impression here, Not turn this thread into trash material.
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