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Never played, need info.


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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:11   #1
Doktor's Avatar
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Never played, need info.

Hey ASC members.
I'm going to cut to the chase quickly. I think Airsoft is something I'd like to do very much. I never played before never seen a game and know ZERO about the products available.

Recently, a retailer near me started selling G and G guns and the prices seem very good.

I need to know if this is a reliable brand for me to purchase as a a first AEG.

I live in the Montreal area, so if anyone from around can give me any info about events going on I'd appreciate the help.

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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:31   #2
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There are different versions of the G&G guns - high and and low end. Make sure you know what you are getting.

High end are very good. Low end, not so much. Like anything, you get what you pay for.

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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:31   #3
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Soooo, is no one going to reply? Do i need to be 'age verified' to get a response?

BTW The GandG's as I found out from reading some posts re the lower cost ones with clear receivers(?)

Can anyone tell me if they are trustworthy?
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:32   #4
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Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
There are different versions of the G&G guns - high and and low end. Make sure you know what you are getting.

High end are very good. Low end, not so much. Like anything, you get what you pay for.

If you click onthe "community" tab in the blue bar at the top of your screen, you can connect with clubs in your area.
Thanks. I'll do that.
And yeah they are the lower end ones I do believe.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:33   #5
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If you're 18 or over, check out this thread: Airsoft Canada

We have a process called "age verifacation" by which you meet with a rep of these boards, show ID that you're 18+, and get access to the classifieds here on the forum. That will give you access to much better quality, full black guns.

Basically, G&G guns are on the bottom of what we'd call the "good quality" guns. For the money their not too bad, but if you can get Age Verified you can gain access to much better guns.

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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:40   #6
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
If you're 18 or over, check out this thread: Airsoft Canada

We have a process called "age verifacation" by which you meet with a rep of these boards, show ID that you're 18+, and get access to the classifieds here on the forum. That will give you access to much better quality, full black guns.

Basically, G&G guns are on the bottom of what we'd call the "good quality" guns. For the money their not too bad, but if you can get Age Verified you can gain access to much better guns.
I'll consider it, I just need to know how much better quality were talking about and how much price difference. The G and G's I saw are nice, look sturdy and are reasonably priced 310- 375. Id like to know WHY they aren't considered high end.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:43   #7
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Its not bad for a first gun.... better than canadian tire guns
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:46   #8
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Originally Posted by demco11 View Post
Its not bad for a first gun.... better than canadian tire guns
I friggin hope so.

Can anyone tell me the difference in quality between the higher end and lower end G and G's other than the obvious clear receivers.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:47   #9
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Originally Posted by Doktor View Post
I'll consider it, I just need to know how much better quality were talking about and how much price difference. The G and G's I saw are nice, look sturdy and are reasonably priced 310- 375. Id like to know WHY they aren't considered high end.
You can get ones with full metal bodies. Better hop-up units, better inner barrels, better built mechboxes (G&G's usually need at least a reshim -they used to have really bad gears but I think they're better now).

I've examined one of the G&Gs with a smoke lower and metal upper.. and although it wasn't bad, it didn't compare to a Classic Army. The full metal CA guns just feel better. They're heavier, more durable, built better, etc. However, better guns are also more expensive. You get what you pay for. A CA M4 will cost around $600.

Before you purchase one you may want to go out to a game and check out some equipment. Airsofters have no issue showing off their stuff.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:50   #10
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Originally Posted by Doktor View Post
I'll consider it, I just need to know how much better quality were talking about and how much price difference. The G and G's I saw are nice, look sturdy and are reasonably priced 310- 375. Id like to know WHY they aren't considered high end.
From what I've seen of the Cansoft G&G's from VA, pros:

They sound great.
The accuracy/range is on par with more expensive stock guns.
They are compatible with other brands such are TM, CA etc...

Their downsides are:
They have clear bodies. Nothing black paint won't solve, but it's still not a METAL body.
They still require some mechbox work to become reliable.
There are different types of G&G guns. CAS guns have been touted as lesser quality than 007, and VA G&G guns. Some of the combo kits are the low end G&G too.

They are not considered high end because they require modifications to reach the same par as high end guns. These are mostly cosmetic issues, but issues none the less.

Also, just as a casual observation, I had never seen a G&G M4/MP5 for sale in Canada until we got access to the clear body Canadian ones.

Originally Posted by Doktor View Post
I friggin hope so.

Can anyone tell me the difference in quality between the higher end and lower end G and G's other than the obvious clear receivers.
From what I've read, it's to do with the quality of metal used and quality control of the build.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; April 4th, 2009 at 21:52..
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:51   #11
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
You can get ones with full metal bodies. Better hop-up units, better inner barrels, better built mechboxes (G&G's usually need at least a reshim -they used to have really bad gears but I think they're better now).

I've examined one of the G&Gs with a smoke lower and metal upper.. and although it wasn't bad, it didn't compare to a Classic Army. The full metal CA guns just feel better. They're heavier, more durable, built better, etc. However, better guns are also more expensive. You get what you pay for. A CA M4 will cost around $600.

Before you purchase one you may want to go out to a game and check out some equipment. Airsofters have no issue showing off their stuff.
I just may do that.
The guy who sells the G and G's also sponsors games and invited me to go with him (in hopes that I buy one of his guns LOL

I'll have to watch some games and see some stuff.
I dont think I want to spend 600+ on an AEG just starting off, so I think I may just stick with the lower end one first and work my way up if I get serious.

Thanks for the help Kalnaren.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 21:59   #12
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Originally Posted by Doktor View Post
I dont think I want to spend 600+ on an AEG just starting off, so I think I may just stick with the lower end one first and work my way up if I get serious.
That's of course your choice... but if you spend the money up front, you won't regret it one but. The other thing to keep in mind is that higher end guns hold their value much, much better, so if you end up wanting to sell it you can get back almost what you paid for it. You can't do that with lower end guns. And if you decide to keep it, you already have a high end gun to enjoy. Win win as far as I'm concerned. My first gun was a Classic Army G36.. and I'm very glad I went with it and not a lower end one.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 4th, 2009, 22:03   #13
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
That's of course your choice... but if you spend the money up front, you won't regret it one but. The other thing to keep in mind is that higher end guns hold their value much, much better, so if you end up wanting to sell it you can get back almost what you paid for it. You can't do that with lower end guns. And if you decide to keep it, you already have a high end gun to enjoy. Win win as far as I'm concerned. My first gun was a Classic Army G36.. and I'm very glad I went with it and not a lower end one.
Where can I buy Classic Army products?
Can you order from retailers online within Canada or can you only get the from ASC used?

Do I need to be Age verified for this info?

PS Appreciate the help.
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Old April 4th, 2009, 22:08   #14
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Originally Posted by Doktor View Post
Where can I buy Classic Army products?
Can you order from retailers online within Canada or can you only get the from ASC used?

Do I need to be Age verified for this info?

PS Appreciate the help.
It is possible to get brand new guns on ASC. You need to be Age Verified.

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Old April 4th, 2009, 22:18   #15
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
It is possible to get brand new guns on ASC. You need to be Age Verified.
Thanks. Ill do that when im ready to buy.

Thanks for all the help guys/girls.
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