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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:05   #46
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Originally Posted by JacoNB View Post
Same here... I paid for expedited shipping, and they shipped it from ehobby the SAME DAY that I ordered it, (ehobby asia rocks), it arrived in Canada 2 days later, (Mar. 1) and has been sitting in Customs ever since.

Where's the "I Hate Customs" thread?
hmm ! I order from ehobby as well. They are really rock but the package has been sitting at custom from 1 March until now.

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Old March 5th, 2009, 19:08   #47
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My last eHobby package came yesterday, ordered on the 25th, a big crate-o-mags, not a hitch.
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Old March 6th, 2009, 20:01   #48
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Ya Ehobby rocks, I contacted them for my issue and we have aggreed to reship the soon as they receive it

PS:I like how the title of this thread has changed from ''I hate Canada Post'' to ''Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!''
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Old March 12th, 2009, 07:26   #49
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Okay, so I contacted Canada Customs for my package that has been sitting in Mississauga since March 1 (and I paid a crapload of money for expedited shipping!!!!). Turns out that Canada Post receives their packages, and hold them IN CASE customs decides they want to review them. In other words, Canada Post keeps your package in a warehouse to be processed by THEIR customs broker... NOT the CBSA. (Unless the CP broker flags it as restricted materials or something).

In other words, it's not Canada Customs holding the package, it's effin' Canada Post. (And I called, but of course, they're not open yet).

Someone is going to reimburse me for the extra shipping. (grumble grumble)
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Old March 12th, 2009, 07:44   #50
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I don't have anything but good things to say about my local mailman, he always delivers the packages when they arrive. My beef with CP is God Damn Dieppe, New Brunswick!

As you can see from my location, I live in Newfoundland. Every time I have something shipped to me, it travels clear across the country in two or three days then spends upwards of two weeks sitting in God Damn Dieppe, New Brunswick. I'd like to bomb that place off the face of the earth. I could drive there and back a dozen times over in the amount of time my packages end up sitting there.

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Old March 12th, 2009, 08:12   #51
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I do agree that Canada Post can be lacking, but its the cheaper option compared to others. Delivery wise I used to have a shitty contractor, typical being at home all day, not even a door knock, then I get the tag saying undeliverable because I wasn't home.

The worst I've had was picking up a parcel from the post office (because apparently i wasn't home) then 4 weeks later while expecting a different package, getting a notification of failed delivery. I go to the post office, and guy tells me the package has already been picked up, by me. For some Godforsaken reason I got a notice 4 weeks after the first package was delivered. Stupid.

Contractor now is good, he said he came 3 times to my house, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and one last time before heading back to the post office to drop off the package. I gave him a firm handshake and some coffee for his efforts.

Also, theres quite a bit of Canada post rant threads around, is it possible to merge them all together?
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Old March 12th, 2009, 08:17   #52
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damn. I got home yesterday and open my mail. They dump a book of my buddy inside there, it got stuck inside and it took me almost an hour to took it out. They just can leave a delivery notice card then I will pick it up,. that would a wise way to do than dump those package inside that tiny box. Next time, maybe they dump my PMAG inside there as well which is 10 of them.

The old mail man used to be good but not a new one. The old one, he actually came to my apartment to confirm my COD which I wrote not clear and also even the seller put the wrong address, he still deliver to me since he usually come to my apartment 2 or 3 time per week so my name is in his head already.


Last edited by KND; March 12th, 2009 at 08:19..
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Old March 12th, 2009, 11:08   #53
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Unbelievable. I called Canada Post, who basically said... "Sorry, we can't do anything, call the guy in Hong Kong to send it to you again".

To which I responded... "WTF are you TALKING about???! So even if I manage to get someone to initiate a trace on the package, it's already in Canada... they're not going to resend a new box (of over $200 of merchandise) because Canada Post f@cked up. Get real."

"Sorry, sir-- but they actually paid for the shipping, even though you gave them the money for it, but we can't do anything for YOU. They can file a claim with their local post office, be reimbursed the cash and reship you the item if you so desire."

"So if they've already got my money, what's to stop them from saying 'GFYS' and not bothering to reship?"



OH MY GOD Canada Post are morons. I don't know when the term "going postal" meant to go nuts, and go on a killing spree... that would actually mean someone made a physical effort to do something. "Going Postal" should mean "falling asleep on the job" or something more appropriate.

Please note: this is NOT a rant against Ehobby Asia... they received my money and shipped the same day. Had Canada Post done their job correctly, I'd already be rocking my new gear.

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Old March 12th, 2009, 11:23   #54
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Originally Posted by JacoNB View Post

"So if they've already got my money, what's to stop them from saying 'GFYS' and not bothering to reship?"
Well, hopefully you sort the whole deal out, keep good communication with the company. If need be, open a dispute if you paid with paypal, if the time is comming close to the 45 day dispute limit, open a dispute anyways and let them know that you opening a dispute to protect yourself and that you still have faith that they will ship the new items once they have sorted out the issues with their postal office on their side.

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Old March 12th, 2009, 11:35   #55
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My parts have been sitting in mississauga since the 4th, including my metal slide. I hope I get it soon, I would have loved to do my upgrades over the weekend. I really hate customs. Canada post is alright to me most of the time.
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Old March 12th, 2009, 12:47   #56
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I've had a parcel left at my front door, and another one again left at the front door but this one required signature!?!?!? and also one left in my backyard with the gate hanging open. AWESOME! CP rules, I have a new postlady now, seems good thus far.
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Old March 12th, 2009, 13:04   #57
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Originally Posted by JacoNB View Post
Unbelievable. I called Canada Post, who basically said... "Sorry, we can't do anything, call the guy in Hong Kong to send it to you again".

To which I responded... "WTF are you TALKING about???! So even if I manage to get someone to initiate a trace on the package, it's already in Canada... they're not going to resend a new box (of over $200 of merchandise) because Canada Post f@cked up. Get real."

"Sorry, sir-- but they actually paid for the shipping, even though you gave them the money for it, but we can't do anything for YOU. They can file a claim with their local post office, be reimbursed the cash and reship you the item if you so desire."

"So if they've already got my money, what's to stop them from saying 'GFYS' and not bothering to reship?"



OH MY GOD Canada Post are morons. I don't know when the term "going postal" meant to go nuts, and go on a killing spree... that would actually mean someone made a physical effort to do something. "Going Postal" should mean "falling asleep on the job" or something more appropriate.

Please note: this is NOT a rant against Ehobby Asia... they received my money and shipped the same day. Had Canada Post done their job correctly, I'd already be rocking my new gear.

I must have missed a post here, but why would CP holding it for reiew from their brokerage folks cause a re-send?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old March 12th, 2009, 13:48   #58
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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So... CP only delivers monday to friday right? Why is it they randomly left a CA between my insect screen and door on SUNDAY?! When someone was home!
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old March 12th, 2009, 13:49   #59
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My package had international tracking that switched over to Canada Post once it was in Canada, cleared customs and ended up in Ottawa (where I live) but was never sent out for delivery. That was on February 5th, I then contacted the seller and asked them to inquire to Canada Post about the whereabouts of my package. Tuesday (10th of March) I got a letter from CP asking if I had received the package in question or if it had been returned to sender. I check both no boxes and sent it to Canada Post.

Waiting to hear back from them, apparently they are going to investigate/look into it?
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Old March 12th, 2009, 13:56   #60
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Originally Posted by moderatesniper View Post
My package had international tracking that switched over to Canada Post once it was in Canada, cleared customs and ended up in Ottawa (where I live) but was never sent out for delivery. That was on February 5th, I then contacted the seller and asked them to inquire to Canada Post about the whereabouts of my package. Tuesday (10th of March) I got a letter from CP asking if I had received the package in question or if it had been returned to sender. I check both no boxes and sent it to Canada Post.

Waiting to hear back from them, apparently they are going to investigate/look into it?
Sorry dude, last thime they said that, it just meant "we don't really give a fuck and are trying to delay this as long as possible"
They refused to do anything when the parcel arrived 10 buisness days later than what the tracking number said, even though I paid for priority. That 12 actuall days was enough for the compressed spring in that G&P box I ordered to bend every metal component in it.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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