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CBC: The Trouble with Fake Guns



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Old February 28th, 2009, 10:35   #256
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They should simply require a license to buy and own replica firearms so this way, most of the people who get shot because they used a replica will be unable to get one since they are almost all under 18 years old. Tell it to me if you ever seen someone having more than 18 years old getting shot since he was using a replica in the streets. Actually, the license would be a Win/Win. People would leave us finally alone and it would remove the problem of a 13 year old getting shot because he used a replica firearm.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 10:43   #257
Double Tapper
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Prohibitive licenses are no longer issued since 1976 if I'm correct.
Replicas are a prohibitive device.It would be nice if they either
moved it to the pal/pol section or issued the prohibitive lic. with
REPLICA ONLY emblazoned all over it to discourage counterfeiting.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 10:50   #258
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I can see it now - the followup report on a national-level web site that facilitates the illegal sales of airsoft guns and exposing all the retailers that sell non-clear guns to Canadians... They won't give a shit about our 18+ policy and AV system.
Sorry Crunch, but I'm going to be the one to ask why? Your right, there not going to make a whole other news footage about it, but it would have been beneficial if Brain could have mentioned that there is a community of airsofters out there who play this game responsibly and enforce rules to assure that these replicas don't get mistreated (18+ rule, Age Verification) Sorry if the answer is obvious but I'm curious to know why

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Old February 28th, 2009, 11:00   #259
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
but it would have been beneficial if Brain could have mentioned that there is a community of airsofters out there who play this game responsibly and enforce rules to assure that these replicas don't get mistreated (18+ rule, Age Verification) Sorry if the answer is obvious but I'm curious to know why
Im sure he did, but its not his show - something that shows a posative to the 'fake devil guns' would have been cut. Cant go showing the soccor moms that these weapons can be used by good people.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 11:07   #260
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Im sure he did, but its not his show - something that shows a posative to the 'fake devil guns' would have been cut. Cant go showing the soccor moms that these weapons can be used by good people.
If that was 100% true then they would have cut brian and all the airsoft out of the show and just kept talking about how these guns are misused....
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Old February 28th, 2009, 11:18   #261
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
If that was 100% true then they would have cut brian and all the airsoft out of the show and just kept talking about how these guns are misused....
ok, I can agree to that - but there has to be more to what Brian said then what was shown.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 12:08   #262
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Airsoft got some recognition in the public eye, and the report showed the difference between responsible use (TTAC) and irresponsible (bbs in the street).

And the two people interviewed representing AS were shown as reasonable and intelligent. Definitely a baby step forward for AS.

Here is my comment left on their website (awaiting moderation)

begin quote:

Nice to see the differences between pellet airguns and airSOFT guns documented.

I myself have often wondered at why pellet airguns are so easy to buy, yet Airsoft varieties which are so much safer to use, be the target of so much legislation.

Indeed the only Airsoft available thru major chains is clearly a toy due to clear plastic parts and may sting on impact with its ammo to exposed skin (self test), higher power all black/metal airguns which are CHEAPER and fire metal ammo which is guaranteed to penetrate exposed skin is available EVERYWHERE!

One obviously has safety in mind, and is made almost impossible to acquire and the other is ignored!

p.s in your comparison you have a category for 'power' but you list instead the speed of the ammo....please update this to include the mass of the ammo.

end quote.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 14:22   #263
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Originally Posted by CanKam View Post
Well, try to see it from their point of view. Situation:

A teenager is running around with a gun in public.

As a police officer you assess the situation and determine that the teen is a threat to the public, as he is waving what seems to be a weapon.

You therefore point your gun at the kid and you identify yourself.

You scream out: "Police!"

The kid turns around in panic with the weapon raised, ignoring trigger safety, and aims it in your general area.

For a moment you hesitate as your life hints that it does not want to end due to a fatal gunshot wound from a gun crazed teenager.

You instinctively react as you were trained to do.


The kid falls to the ground. You move in to secure the weapon before the subject (maybe) recovers.

The kid lies still, no chest movement, blank stare. You check for vitals, there is none. You call in paramedics, secure the sector.

You later learn it was a toy gun. You obviously couldn't tell from 15 yards out. You've just killed a human being. You've just shot someone's child who unfortunately did not know any better.

No, they just don't like taking lives. Mostly those of children and their own countrymen.

It's called having a conscience, that's why we need to treat our Airsoft guns as actual weapons until we reach the safety of our homes and the sanctity of our gaming fields.
Duh. Easy to re-use that old story but there is many things wrong with it. First if it was regulated properly, there's as much chance that it would happen with a real gun than an airsoft one. Then you have the first question of why in hell is a kid doing running around with a gun. Most liberties are repressed because of the "Oh but think of the children!" argument.

If it was properly regulated, there's probably one in a million chance of that situation happening. That means it would happen sometimes. Just like that 5 yo kid killing his brother wirh a real gun. You simply cannot prevent human stupidity. And you cannot prevent all the consequences from it.

Now next time you feel high and mighty, read the whole post you just quoted and try to answer it in context instead of giving sermons.

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Old February 28th, 2009, 14:52   #264
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I was actually expecting more comments on this on the Marketplace website. Surprisingly few.
Thank you for your comment!
It is being held for moderation and may take a few minutes up to a few days to post
Wonder if that might have anything to do with it... I'm shocked that the CBC would censor people's opinions expressed that might be contrary to it's agenda. Shocked.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 15:40   #265
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Thanks to Brian for represent the community so well. I know us over here in Alberta all agree with your points. Regulation and Age verification is key. Lets hope the government gets off their laurels and does something about it.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 15:45   #266
kash Ryan
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Originally Posted by moderatesniper View Post
Who let CBC film at TTAC for a negative story piece?
I agree. Journo = Trouble for a mate. I don't think anyone who plays airsoft should be talking to the press. This should be left to appropriate people. We can afford to be advertised as potetnial risks to society when in fact we have greater risks that seem to go ignored.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 16:14   #267
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Originally Posted by Luckyorwhat View Post
Wonder if that might have anything to do with it... I'm shocked that the CBC would censor people's opinions expressed that might be contrary to it's agenda. Shocked.
I'd accuse the CBC of a lot of things... but sensoring comments in contrary to their opinion isn't one of them. I imagine the moderation is to weed out completly uninteligble, racists/hateful, or obscene comments that would likely get deleted off any other forum anyway.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."

Last edited by kalnaren; February 28th, 2009 at 16:16..
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Old February 28th, 2009, 17:55   #268
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I'd accuse the CBC of a lot of things... but sensoring comments in contrary to their opinion isn't one of them. I imagine the moderation is to weed out completly uninteligble, racists/hateful, or obscene comments that would likely get deleted off any other forum anyway.
I'd have to agree with this - at least for now. With all the dumbass fuckwad asshats out there that seem to need to have their opinions heard (read)m I'd probably do that as well.

But if all we see is comments that support the report's point of view that imitation firearms are the work of the devil and should be stricken from the face of the Earth, then I'd suspect censorship.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 18:29   #269
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Oh and the whole thing of kids beinging fake guns to school, so what? Treat them as if they had real one's. If they get shot and die at the end, well its to be expected. People are worrying to much about the criminals... if you are dumb enough to publicly pull out a fake (or real) gun, then its only normal to end up injured or dead.
Thats what I always think, however, in North American (From Europe)Culture we like to blame others. Seriously we need to start accepting problem.
Hitler blamed the Jews for all problem in Germany at the time, and did he made the country better in the summary? No, (plz don't bother with Goodwin's Law IDC)
If you blame someone else, will the inocennt change? Yea maybe they well accept their new identity as the guilty one just because people keep saying they are. Blame yourself, fix your mistake. Your child bring a toy gun to school. We controls what a child expose to? The Parents, who allow their child to get a toy gun? The Parents Who should be the people responsible when your child has an issued due to the toy gun that was given by parents? The Parents, however, who do the parents blame? An inanimate object or the government.

Your Ultimate object is also your ultimate downfall, You as parents are their ultimate teacher, it is you that is their ultimate downfall.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 18:46   #270
Double Tapper
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Thats what I always think, however, in North American (From Europe)Culture we like to blame others. Seriously we need to start accepting problem.
Hitler blamed the Jews for all problem in Germany at the time, and did he made the country better in the summary? No, (plz don't bother with Goodwin's Law IDC)
If you blame someone else, will the inocennt change? Yea maybe they well accept their new identity as the guilty one just because people keep saying they are. Blame yourself, fix your mistake. Your child bring a toy gun to school. We controls what a child expose to? The Parents, who allow their child to get a toy gun? The Parents Who should be the people responsible when your child has an issued due to the toy gun that was given by parents? The Parents, however, who do the parents blame? An inanimate object or the government.

Your Ultimate object is also your ultimate downfall, You as parents are their ultimate teacher, it is you that is their ultimate downfall.

Parents can't discipline their kids without being in trouble from the law themselves,the kids have more rights then they deserve.They can't
handle the responsibility due to their lack of education and experience.
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