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Old February 7th, 2009, 17:58   #61
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With a little work, you can get WHATEVER you want.
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Old February 9th, 2009, 16:15   #62
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Agreed. There is little barrier to obtaining any item you want, other than price. The issue is a lot of buyers really want an item, but do not want to prepay. Try ordering from any retailer stateside, somthing that is obscure and not very popular and see if they arn't going to ask for a prepayment.

As for prices, most retailers buy their products amd pay retail price for them

A $300.00 AEG X1.9% (state taxes) = $327.00 X exchange rate 1.22% = $398.94, not to mention shipping it up, and shipping to the buyer (another $50.00) So $450.00 without one cent of profit.

As for metal bodies, they are just as difficult to get as the complete item. I have found then actully more difficult to import, as an airsoft gun is obviously a toy, but a metal receiver looks just like a real firearm receiver especially of it has no mech box.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 01:42   #63
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Hey! I am selling my money for your AEG's. BUY MY MONEY!

OK everyone has said there is no difficulty getting what you want provided you have the money and don't mind if it takes a while for retailers to source whatever it is you are looking for. However, is it just me or do retailers on this site not really answer emails? (with the exception of Illusion...I love that guy!)
Meaning I totally get the idea of not harassing a retailer once you have made an order (ie. be patient) but I can't even get an order in. No replys from a couple dudes.
SO as not to name and shame. Maybe if any of those retailers who feel like they are prompt and that this is a totally slanderous post will check their emails before they reply to this message...just in case they have been sitting on an email from me.
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Old February 15th, 2009, 02:00   #64
[QUOTE=Brian McIlmoyle;914194]Clear guns are no impediment to playing the game...

and import restrictions are no impediment to serious collectors of full metal replicas.

There is always a way ...

Personally I have experienced 0 trouble getting anything I desire .. all it takes is $ and time.[/QUOTE

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Old February 15th, 2009, 04:20   #65
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You know what i'm just happy i can get the parts I need into Canada.
Day that stop's. Is the day I get AV'd.
Kraken Ak-47.(New Paintjob)
Kraken(The Africa Gun)
Gas Revolver.
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 12:51   #66
Brian McIlmoyle
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Dealing with small scale retailers

Posting in a public forum about a private deal is like saying

"I don't trust you so I want the world to see I have a deal ongoing with you so I have back up when it goes sour"

If you did not trust this fellow with your money you should not have purchased in the first place. If you did.. Then wait, Your purchase is on its way and will be delivered when it arrives.

Is it any wonder most small scale retailers last about 6 months before they get fed up and quit offering public sales.. and go 100% private and off ASC.

Retailers are sticking their necks out with each and every gun they sell. So pay them the respect they deserves and shut up about your deals and wait.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 15:13   #67
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Posting in a public forum about a private deal is like saying

"I don't trust you so I want the world to see I have a deal ongoing with you so I have back up when it goes sour"

If you did not trust this fellow with your money you should not have purchased in the first place. If you did.. Then wait, Your purchase is on its way and will be delivered when it arrives.

Is it any wonder most small scale retailers last about 6 months before they get fed up and quit offering public sales.. and go 100% private and off ASC.

Retailers are sticking their necks out with each and every gun they sell. So pay them the respect they deserves and shut up about your deals and wait.
Good point. It makes me so annoyed when people get pissed, post in a sales thread, and PM spam a retailer 3 times a week because their gun is 2 days late.

People, back off and be patient. When a retailer says "it should take 3-4 weeks".. wait 4 weeks, send ONE PM, and wait another week before sending one. Retailers will get back to you. Filling their PM and e-mail inbox with "where is my gun" after 4 days is retarded. We all know how flukey it can be importing. Be glad these people are getting what you want at all.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 15:19   #68
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Posting in a public forum about a private deal is like saying

"I don't trust you so I want the world to see I have a deal ongoing with you so I have back up when it goes sour"

If you did not trust this fellow with your money you should not have purchased in the first place. If you did.. Then wait, Your purchase is on its way and will be delivered when it arrives.

Is it any wonder most small scale retailers last about 6 months before they get fed up and quit offering public sales.. and go 100% private and off ASC.

Retailers are sticking their necks out with each and every gun they sell. So pay them the respect they deserves and shut up about your deals and wait.
+100000. Nothing more needs to be said. If you aren't comfortable with waiting after giving someone your money for a product, then don't even do it in the first place. Accept the fact that you aren't going to be able to get those speciality items that no retailer keeps in stock any other way, and just buy stuff that is in stock, or out of the classifieds. Custom orders are not a simple process.
I love freedom and consequently America
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 15:37   #69
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Good point. It makes me so annoyed when people get pissed, post in a sales thread, and PM spam a retailer 3 times a week because their gun is 2 days late.

People, back off and be patient. When a retailer says "it should take 3-4 weeks".. wait 4 weeks, send ONE PM, and wait another week before sending one. Retailers will get back to you. Filling their PM and e-mail inbox with "where is my gun" after 4 days is retarded. We all know how flukey it can be importing. Be glad these people are getting what you want at all.
Yeah but what if it's been a few months?

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Old April 22nd, 2009, 15:46   #70
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Yeah but what if it's been a few months?
Depends on expectations... for items not in country 2 months is not out of the ordinary .. I've waited longer..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 15:50   #71
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Depends on expectations... for items not in country 2 months is not out of the ordinary .. I've waited longer..
Promised within 1 month and it's been a few months....

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Old April 22nd, 2009, 15:53   #72
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Promised within 1 month and it's been a few months....
There's a difference between being told 4 weeks and pestering after 4 weeks and 3 days, and being told 4 weeks and pestering after 8 weeks.

For myself, if my order is going to be delayed, a retailer telling me "one or two more weeks" is sufficient for me to wait another few weeks. If I was told 4 and haven't heard anything different after waiting 6 or 7.. I'd get annoyed.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 16:04   #73
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Promised within 1 month and it's been a few months....

If someone promises something and does not deliver and does not contact ... they are in breach of the agreement.

Money back or renegotiate the agreement.

I get that some deals go sour.. but the issue is not the odd sour deal..

the issue is people taking private deals public.. and getting all bent outa shape when there is ANY delay..

The only deals I will do are CASH and in PERSON .. but that said I have sold stuff to people all over Canada.. They ( the buyer) must arrange an agent to pay in person and take delivery.. then the agent ships to the buyer.

No fuss no muss .. everyone is happy
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 21:17   #74
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THAT SMELL like one of my customer TODAY!!!

everyone know we ask for 20 business days before shipping... and when you buy from us you do agree with those terms! After 16 business days he place a dispute with Paypal, and never try to contact us before!! Please... For sure I will refund him! Do you think I will be happy to trade with him again??
ALPHA unit, because there is no one else for that job!
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 21:42   #75
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Originally Posted by LeGROS View Post
THAT SMELL like one of my customer TODAY!!!

everyone know we ask for 20 business days before shipping... and when you buy from us you do agree with those terms! After 16 business days he place a dispute with Paypal, and never try to contact us before!! Please... For sure I will refund him! Do you think I will be happy to trade with him again??
Sounds more to me like someone just changed their mind. Still no excuse though and I hope you don't do business with them again.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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