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My Freedom Could Be In Your Hands - Up and Coming Court Case (re: specarms)



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Old December 5th, 2008, 11:43   #106
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
Will has already asked for community input in the form of letters from members that have directly dealt with him. Everything else is hearsay and doesn't apply.

If Will needs more from us, I'm sure he'll ask. We shouldn't be trying to run his defence, he has a professional for that. We're just a bunch of yahoos, we shouldn't think so highly of ourselves that we can take a man's life into our own hands.

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Old December 5th, 2008, 11:51   #107
Brian McIlmoyle
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Its over

Submissions are done.. Which menas the Court won't look at or review any new information on the matter.

The only thing left is for the Judge to give her decision.

As lawdog says.. the defense is asking for 2 years less a day served in the community.. and the Crown is looking for 4 year in prison.. so likely it will be somewhere in between ... But until the judge sets down the sentence .. its all idle speculation.

What is the take away? Listen to Will, Know what you are getting into before you get into it.

You can protest that he is being railroaded for selling toys all you want.. but the FACT is the law does not see it that way. Replicas are prohibited for a reason.. The fact that you believe a law to be stupid does not mean that it does not apply to you.

This decision will be important ... I have no idea if Will will appeal.. but if he does .. then the best help you can offer is $ to pay for the appeal.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old December 5th, 2008, 12:21   #108
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At least if this is his first offence for federal and he gets the 4 years he can be fast tracked and only need to do 1/3 in jail if I remember correctly.. But I hope you get the Deuce less and stay outside. All the power to you and hope all goes the right way.. but in any case "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best!"
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Old December 5th, 2008, 13:20   #109
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Sadly this case will become the PRECIDENCE over any others and sadly Will had to plead guilty....
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Old December 5th, 2008, 13:44   #110
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Sadly this case will become the PRECIDENCE over any others and sadly Will had to plead guilty....
Well he's certainly not the only person to be convicted of trafficing in Prohibited devices... so I don't think there is much of a precident to be set here.

its not as "ground breaking" as we may think.

Certainly its an important case for others similarly charged.. and an important case for people who choose to break the same laws.

From our perception this should serve to clarify the so called " grey area" of AS.. there is not much grey left in a prison sentence and criminal code conviction.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old December 5th, 2008, 16:01   #111
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I think it's also important to not lose sight of what he was charged and convicted for; this isn't just an "OMFG airsoft" situation, as AFAIK, as with Peter Kang and others, this stems from the violation of a License and/or illegal importation (smuggling).

The fact that the terms of that license was broken probably has a very negative bearing on the entire situation, in contrast to Joe Schmoe who might try importing something, gets caught/seized, and receives a competitively friendly letter from CBSA giving him the option to appeal or have the item shipped into a jurisdiction where it's legal.

There remains AS in Canada being brought in legally, above board.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 00:09   #112
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Are there any updates on this? I would like to know how this all played out. Hopefully for the better of will.
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Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

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Old January 2nd, 2009, 00:34   #113
The Saint
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Sentencing date was moved to January 29th. We'll know when let Will know. Until then, keep this thread clean.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 01:49   #114
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the only way things are going to get changed is to put pressure on the people that draft up these laws. real guns are much easier to acquire for the criminal element, not to mention much more effective for their intended use. these people have a 'rep' to uphold after all.

i have seen the laws change subtly since 1977, when i first started in the shooting hobby. it has been a systematic disarmament of the law abiding public with very little opposition over the years. the biggest reaction came about with the gun registry as presented by alan rock. it is still there, albeit enforcement is questionable at best.

as mentioned, funds were not sufficient to continue, leading to the plea. so much for a fair and equitable trial. there is so much 'wrong' in this situation. it must be easier to prosecute where there is little to no 'experience' in air soft, than genuine nefarious personage.

education would seem the most likely avenue to follow, however, we are dealing with politicians. enough said.

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Old January 2nd, 2009, 11:24   #115
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Sadly this case will become the PRECIDENCE over any others and sadly Will had to plead guilty....
There is no precedential value that we need to be concerned about from a guilty plea in a court of first instance.

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Old January 29th, 2009, 13:04   #116
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Hey Guys n Gals,

Well the day has come and my family, friends, and lawyer are all optimistic with the outcome today.

Again, thank you everyone for your input and concern.

I will be attending court at 2pm PST today.

I'll give you guys an update once I'm home.


Will Wong
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Old January 29th, 2009, 13:07   #117
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All the very best Will!!!!
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Old January 29th, 2009, 13:29   #118
Rumpel Felt
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Everything aside, what kind of fucked up "free" country do we live in when you do something that can be shown to harm no one and be completely legitimate yet still be slapped across the face like you're peddling a dangerous drug or plotting to blow up parliament or something....

Yes, we have laws and formalities for a reason....But how often does a case like this come along where it just doesn't make sense to apply the penalties....

Anyway, good luck Will.
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Old January 29th, 2009, 13:32   #119
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Everything aside, what kind of fucked up "free" country do we live in when you do something that can be shown to harm no one and be completely legitimate yet still be slapped across the face like you're peddling a dangerous drug or plotting to blow up parliament or something....
Because unfortunetly that's not the way the majority of Canada sees airsoft.

But, to be honest, the issue here isn't airsoft. It's importing prohibited devices for purpose of sale to the public.

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Old January 29th, 2009, 13:41   #120
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Best of luck, all of us here are praying for you and your family, and for the judge to give wise and fair sentencing.
I love freedom and consequently America
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