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Difference Between Airsoft and Paintball



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Old January 18th, 2009, 12:47   #76
CrackShot 07137
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Good thing about paintball: a lot of local fields, although they usually over charge for paint.

But I love Airsoft for the WW2 games/gear and guns!
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Old January 18th, 2009, 12:47   #77
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
it's been offtopic for while now, just ox71 and M_P talkin about their markers, anyone care to join me on to discuss the WE M4 GBB's?

That sounds like shitdisturbing in it's finest.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old January 18th, 2009, 13:45   #78
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this is an airsoft forum, so why not take comments like that in stride.
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Old January 18th, 2009, 15:07   #79
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post

That sounds like shitdisturbing in it's finest.
actually, over on milsim empire, there's an airsoft section.
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Old January 18th, 2009, 15:46   #80
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Originally Posted by Mirodasc View Post
actually, over on milsim empire, there's an airsoft section.
Doesn't mean we have a paintball section, or want one.

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Old January 19th, 2009, 13:25   #81
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Well after playing paintball for almost 20 years, I'm looking at jumping over to airsoft for a few reasons.

First is the ridiculous cost of paint every weekend. With a membership, paint still costs $120/case (2000rnds) and that will last you the day if you're running a super semi. Even running my mech cocker I still shot almost that. If I'm playing pump then I'll go through maybe 500 in the day.

Second, is the attitude and cheating that seems to have become the norm. I started out playing woodsball, then back in 2004 got into tourney ball. Did that for 2 years and couldn't stand the cheating and teen-punk attitude. I went back to the woods and was having alot of fun again. Then it seemed every 18-22 year old kid with some cash were buying cheap electros and coming to the field walking around like they owned the place cause they had fast guns. Well not half the day would go buy with us more experianced players handing them their asses on a platter that they'd actually want to start fights because they sucked so bad.
Soon it got to the point where the field owners wouldn't let us shoot fast even though we had our guns capped at 15bps. Then we weren't allowed to use our radios. Then we weren't allowed to yell because it intimidated new players. Then we weren't allowed to walk our triggers on semi auto. Etc, etc. so I decided enough was enough.

So in conclusion I'm looking to get into airsoft for the more mature participants and the reduced cost of actually playing.
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Old January 19th, 2009, 13:35   #82
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Originally Posted by ghost271 View Post
Well after playing paintball for almost 20 years, I'm looking at jumping over to airsoft for a few reasons.

First is the ridiculous cost of paint every weekend. With a membership, paint still costs $120/case (2000rnds) and that will last you the day if you're running a super semi. Even running my mech cocker I still shot almost that. If I'm playing pump then I'll go through maybe 500 in the day.

Second, is the attitude and cheating that seems to have become the norm. I started out playing woodsball, then back in 2004 got into tourney ball. Did that for 2 years and couldn't stand the cheating and teen-punk attitude. I went back to the woods and was having alot of fun again. Then it seemed every 18-22 year old kid with some cash were buying cheap electros and coming to the field walking around like they owned the place cause they had fast guns. Well not half the day would go buy with us more experianced players handing them their asses on a platter that they'd actually want to start fights because they sucked so bad.
Soon it got to the point where the field owners wouldn't let us shoot fast even though we had our guns capped at 15bps. Then we weren't allowed to use our radios. Then we weren't allowed to yell because it intimidated new players. Then we weren't allowed to walk our triggers on semi auto. Etc, etc. so I decided enough was enough.

So in conclusion I'm looking to get into airsoft for the more mature participants and the reduced cost of actually playing.
Good god, you must have played at an uber shitty paintball place.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old January 19th, 2009, 18:38   #83
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The field was Tsawassen Paintball in BC. A couple of my friends were even given shit for having their guns on ramp at the chrono station.They weren't playing, just tuning and teching their guns to be ready for the next weeks scenario game. Ive been reading as much as I can on this site, but the tech still is a little overwhelming for me to grasp at the moment.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 22:23   #84
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Dude, if you're in BC, check out TNT Paintball. It's a fantastic field.
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Old January 25th, 2009, 23:23   #85
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I want to try Tankball
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Old February 4th, 2009, 14:27   #86
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wow, same problem as PC nerd and Mac nerd.
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 16:28   #87
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Response to Ghost271's pball story

idk if im allowed to do this on this forum or w.e so if admins wanna whack me go for it
but in response to ghosts post on the paintball vs airsoft thread comment. i just figured id post this cuz i think that experience you had reeeally sucks.
i played paintball for about 2 years going recreationally, then did a year of tourney, hated it and went pump for a year, went back to semi for a bit and now im back playing pump. Im from edmonton, and the paintball scene out here is preeetty big. so is pump. i think maybe that field you attended may not have been the best. the field i frequent sells paint for $80 regular, $60 on team nights and if you know the right people you can get it for as low as $40 for xball silver. I can totally identify with your feelings of the 'teen punks.' i guess im still a teen punk being only 18, but here we get your scenario with 13 and 14 year olds. these teenie boppers are even brazen enough to confront the older and experienced players as if they want to fight... kinda pathetic. but that crap aside, i think the field you play at makes a huggggeeee difference. I went out to some place (i wont name the field cuz i caused a rather large ruccus on when i brought it up) in the boons with a buddy and our pumps. There was a 'team' decked out to the 9's in brand new shiny semigear. we joined their group, and they also threw in a birthday party of 14 year old renters. so this 'team' tells us they want to play them stick all of us. my buddy and i laughed having both played rookie as PUMPS and novice as semi taking podium in both divisions. so anyways we figure why not. this 'team' immidiately starts tearing through the renters on this bushball field, overshooting and reffing at the same time. After seeing a few kiddies come off near tears for being lit up so hard on their first ever outing, my bud and i get a bit annoyed. so we go off and take down 3 of their guys. 1 of the remaining two figures it would be a good tactic to just start yelling and screaming at us that he had shot us, when he hadnt even fired his marker in our direction all game. eventually the 2 just turn on the ol ramping modes on their guns and lane me and my bud. which is fine, we didnt care they were newbs anyways. but after the game, 1 of the players walks over getting all in my buddies face and screaming at him for not calling out when he was 'shot.' some heated words were exchanged, and both us and the birthday party left. i talked to their field owner about it after, who SUPPORTED this 'team' for shitstorming the renters and absolutely dominating stating that it was 'good practice' for the 'team.' we pointed out that ganging up on a bunch of kids is not practice and would in fact lessen his business as these kids probably wont return.
the owner then hops on this other forum in which i posted my experience, and begins flaming my buddy and i for our 'conduct' having found out our personal tourny experience, giving US shit for coming to a field and trying to ruin his 'best paying customers.' (these guys hadnt even played a tourny btw). so as you can tell i am not going to be attending that field ever again.
my case in point. my regular field, Paintball Action Indoor, would never allow such conduct and even ban players were they to gang up on a pile of renters like that. The staff go out of their way to make sure this is enforced, and i always have a good time at that field. If the field owner allows shit like this to go, 14 year olds to run their mouths and ppl to gang up on lesser players, then bad experiences will be had and it will certainly give the sport a bad name. If you havnt given up on paintball altogether, may i suggest trying a new field? it makes all the difference in the world.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 16:31   #88
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lol paragraph much?
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Old February 4th, 2009, 16:32   #89
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sorry? haha i suck at paraphrasing
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Old February 4th, 2009, 16:32   #90
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol paragraph much?
Seriously... I can't even read that.

Originally Posted by kamikaze33 View Post
sorry? haha i suck at paraphrasing
paraphrase != paragraph

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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