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Which one is better spring gas or electric?


Newbie Tank

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Old December 16th, 2008, 15:13   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Smile Which one is better spring gas or electric?

Which one is the best considering up keep, power, and anything else that is important.
I have never played airsoft or own any guns, and I have only played paint ball twice. So I am not to knowledgable on these type of games. Which one is best? Spring, electric, or gas?
I would like to buy a well L96 sniper rifle. I have seen moslty spring well's. Is it a good gun? Are there any other snipers that are better? And how many sniper rifles actually come with its own scope? I saw the svd dragunov and it didnt have a scope.
I am not an assault type of guy I like precision with one shot one kill.
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Old December 16th, 2008, 15:21   #2
The Saint
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One shot one kill in airsoft is very difficult, and it's not recommended that anyone join airsoft with being a "sniper" in mind. The maximum effective of sniper rifles are not much greater than that of an Automatic Electric Gun.

Assuming you're around 5'10", go outside and take about 60 full length steps, and that's the typical "long" distance engagement in airsoft with no tail wind or lobbing (pointing upwards and shooting your gun like an artillery piece). Take another 10-20 steps, and you've got the effective range of a top-of-the-line sniper rifle against a stationary target. It doesn't take one very long to cover that difference in effective distance, and that difference in effective distance comes with a significant sticker price for the sniper rifle.
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Old December 16th, 2008, 15:34   #3
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In short, get age verified, buy a primary rifle and play a few games. Get used to how it's played, if you still want to play a Sniper role, buy a scope for your rifle and learn how to play as a sniper. Then you should think about buying a rifle specifically for playing the role.

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Old December 16th, 2008, 17:20   #4
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Originally Posted by M15ch1v10u5 View Post
I am not an assault type of guy I like precision with one shot one kill.
How would you know if you've never played airsoft?

Get an AEG first. If you think you might like the sniper role, then get a DMR-type gun (SR-25, SPR, G3, etc.). In that case you can play in a normal assualt role and have the option to be a marksman.

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Old December 16th, 2008, 18:13   #5
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The upgrade costs to get any 'sniper' gun to be able to out distance an AEG accurately are quite high. The stock spring on almost all bolt action snipers isn't really that different from those on AEGs. Also for games themselves, most experienced players will not play with snipers or individuals using high powered rifles who do not have much expierence.

In terms of CQB, nothing beats a GBB pistol. For mid-long range games AEGs (and now fullsize GBB rilfes) are king. The sniper role isn't really for everyone, and IMO pistols are the most fun out of all the above.

Get AV'd, start reading, and get out for some games.
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Old December 16th, 2008, 18:46   #6
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Azuki speaks the truth.

I've got over $1500 invested into my Tokyo Marui VSR-10... and I still get killed by AEG's all the time.
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