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Old September 8th, 2008, 04:28   #1
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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Location: Lindsay ON

Hey everyone, got a question. I've been looking through all sorts of NYPD ESU (Emergency Services Unit aka SWAT-esque for those who didn't know) photos and can't quite nail down exactly what ESU officers carry for a sidearm.

I suppose I should start by mentioning that a few friends and I began working on a Halloween costume as full uniform LAPD police officers a few years ago. Since we only carry rubber band guns when we're out and about to parties, it was never an issue as to what the holster was. Especially since the standard for Los Angeles is the Beretta M92. Well, 2008 is the last year we're doing our LAPD costume and for 2009 we're working on an NYPD motif. Again, as street-level officers, the uniform/costume is fairly simple. However, then I got to thinking about doing a SWAT-type loadout for airsoft. Since the most common SWAT theme is Los Angeles, I thought I'd try something new.

And now, back to the facts!

According to Wikipedia (NYPD), the standard service pistol for the NYPD is a DAO (Double Action Only) pistol, and the three authorized models are the SIG Sauer P226, Smith & Wesson 5906, and the Glock 19. However, nowhere does it specifically state what the ESU carries.

I would personally assume for an airsoft rendition that a Glock 17 with a SureFire M3 TacLite would suffice (the Glock 19 is too small for my hand), but I thought I'd see if someone was better informed than I before I start shelling out massive amounts of money to pick up the right equipment.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old September 8th, 2008, 13:45   #2
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I imagine they would use a P226. I'm pretty sure I saw a photo of an ESU officer with a P226.

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Old September 8th, 2008, 13:45   #3
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Its probably personal preference, but in the pic below, looks like hes using a S&W 5906 Tactical

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Old September 8th, 2008, 14:15   #4
formerly Sepulcrum
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Originally Posted by T_A_N_K View Post
Its probably personal preference, but in the pic below, looks like hes using a S&W 5906 Tactical

with a p226 in the holster O.o
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Old September 9th, 2008, 04:38   #5
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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Yeah, I saw that pic and always found it rather odd. Perhaps now he has an excuse......drop gun?

Mind you, that's mostly why I'm concerned with the sidearm. Being the entry guy with the shield (once I can get one LOL) I'd be entering with the pistol wrapped around the shield. I already have a TM SIG 226R (full metal upgrades) but just need new mags for it. I'll still be picking up a Glock for the street-level impression though.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old September 9th, 2008, 09:03   #6
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A lot of it comes down to price. Unlike here an NYPD officer must buy all his own kit; including a firearm. The price of a P226 is twice+ that of the Smith or the Glock. Also of note, the trigger pull for an NYPD pistol must be no less than 8.5 Lbs, standard pull for a glock is 5.5 lbs. The 19 was chosen over the 17 because of off duty carry, as you know the 19 is a fair bit easier to carry than a full duty sized 17, many officer could not afford two pistols. In most cases nypd officers I believe are required to carry off duty. They also must live in the 5 boroughs or Long Island. Unlike here only 15% of Toronto officers live in the 416.
In my times in NY, you still see the Mini-14's in use with ESU
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Old January 20th, 2009, 04:25   #7
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
with a p226 in the holster O.o
He would have to drop the shield to reload, not to mention the term "New York reload".

And I think thats another 5906.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 16:07   #8
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I've heard of the Kimber's gaining fame in other departments aside from LAPD.
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Old January 20th, 2009, 16:28   #9
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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It'd be nice if there was a bit closer of a photo. When I was in New York this past September (following BW2), I had the opporuntity to see the NYPD carrying the S&W 5906 first hand.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old September 18th, 2009, 10:53   #10
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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Ha ha, necro-posting in my own thread.....nice!

So a bit of an update, I've acquired some of my kit and am doing preliminary work on my uniform. With Halloween around the corner, we're now into crunch time and things are moving along nicely. I'll post pics/updates when I have them, in addition to a list of what I'm using. For reference, this endeavor is not for the faint of far the loadout is pegged at upwards of $1100, and I've still got to pick up a few things.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:42   #11
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Your nuts, Why dont you spend some of that money on fixing up your M-4 so all the plastic doesnt need to be held on with gun tape. lol
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Old September 18th, 2009, 13:22   #12
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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Location: Lindsay ON
That's ELECTRICAL tape right now LOL.

And now to ask all the ASC geardo's for some help......anyone know what vests these are?

Also seen in T_A_N_K's post too. As it stands I'm not looking at picking up the vest immediately, but I'd prefer to have a basis to find something non-ballistic rated for airsoft/Halloween.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old September 30th, 2010, 19:03   #13
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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Here I go necro'ing my own thread from a year ago......hard to believe time passes that quickly, eh? I have acquired patches and a vest, still working on the actual uniform. I'll post pics up shortly (hopefully by the weekend) and start showing all the progress.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old May 18th, 2011, 03:02   #14
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
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Location: Lindsay ON
Christ almighty, I'm necro-ing my own damned post AGAIN!!

I finally got around to uploading the damned pics of my gear. Now, not everything is 100% accurate but I got as close as I possibly could. I did take a bit of liberties on certain items as there was no exactly specific equipment listed anywhere.

Without further ado............

NYPD ESU vest (front)
- Lower: 4x double STANAG magazine pouch (to be used with AR15 carbine rifle)
- Upper: (L) Cell phone case; (R) Double pistol magazine pouch

NYPD ESU vest medical pouch (on left side)

NYPD ESU vest (back)

NYPD ESU vest (back) with plate removed

Gun belt - Complete view

Gun belt - Right side including Safariland 6004 holster (SIG Sauer P226 with X300 UBL)

Gun belt - Right rear (L-R: NYPD issued handcuff case, ASP baton case)

Gun belt - Left side (L-R: Pistol magazine pouch, Surefire 6P carrier, Motorola Saber radio)

The only additions I have to make with the belt is a key carrier. Once I have the shirt completed I'll post up more photos.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Age Verifier - Manitoba

Current Armoury:
WE C7A1 x2 - WE M14 DMR - WE L85A2

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Old September 15th, 2011, 15:43   #15
Join Date: Sep 2011
the NYPD ESU vest are custom made in ballistic lvl 3 called "turtle neck"
which is destined to be replaced with the new Hornet vest, which is basically a law enforcement version of the U.S.M.C. Modular Tactical Vest (MTV).

The OCCB of NYPD has just accuquired these new vest and set to assist ESU in case of a Mumbai style terror attack on the NYC soil.

Items are carried differently by the ESU members depends on their role, some carry extra ammos and some carry medicals.
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