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Old September 1st, 2008, 17:41   #46
A Total Bastard
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I had the pleasure of meeting Garner at his facility. Garner`s approach to this venture is a solid one. His facility is top notch and his business arrangement is highly sustainable. What is more is his attitude to airsoft, which is a breath of fresh air and I think everyone should take note of this.

Garner has made a huge effort to engage the airsoft community and give it what it wants. He has reserved Mondays for airsofters at his facility and has his staff clean the field in anticipation of airsofters wearing gear that they don`t want paint on. His brand of paint is also specially formulated to dry and flake - this is something he did in order to keep the field cleanable. He`s errected netting to catch paintballs to lower the `slime`factor that is inevitable with most facilities.

Folks I have to say there have been a lot of people who`ve come onto this board with grandiose plans for indoor facilities that never materialized, but Garner`s approach is that of the silent professional. He`s taken the time to understand the community and offer it a facility we can use. He`s flexible and willing to listen to ideas and has plans to innovate his facility even further as time goes on.

I took a tour there, both Blackthorne and Mizfit were there as well, and all three of us were very impressed and we all agreed that in some respects, Defcon paintball could be another very important Normandy beachhead for us. Brian Mcimoyle`s TTAC facility was the first beachhead - this one is the second. I don`t count Sgt Splatters in this because frankly we use his facility at his convenience but paintball is their priority and one visit to Splatters will say it all. But the beachhead I am referring to is a Toronto based facility, on the transit line, with an owner who has done his homework, gotten proper zoning, proper arrangements for real estate and puts the sport in positive light which legitimizes it further for us. Keep in mind, this is Mayor Miller`s town and if he had his way, there`d probably be no paintball, let alone airsoft, just based on his unrelenting attack on gun ownership in Toronto. It takes a lot of courage to take a business risk like this, and I respect that a lot.

So I would like to say THANK YOU to Garner and his business partners for what they have done and I wholeheartedly endorse this facility and look forward to playing in it this winter. I hope they get rich off it, we can only benefit as a community from it.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 17:44   #47
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Oh yes, and Garner is an official Bastard now and will have stock in all weights available whenever you play there.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 17:47   #48
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
I had the pleasure of meeting Garner at his facility. Garner`s approach to this venture is a solid one. His facility is top notch and his business arrangement is highly sustainable. What is more is his attitude to airsoft, which is a breath of fresh air and I think everyone should take note of this.

Garner has made a huge effort to engage the airsoft community and give it what it wants. He has reserved Mondays for airsofters at his facility and has his staff clean the field in anticipation of airsofters wearing gear that they don`t want paint on. His brand of paint is also specially formulated to dry and flake - this is something he did in order to keep the field cleanable. He`s errected netting to catch paintballs to lower the `slime`factor that is inevitable with most facilities.

Folks I have to say there have been a lot of people who`ve come onto this board with grandiose plans for indoor facilities that never materialized, but Garner`s approach is that of the silent professional. He`s taken the time to understand the community and offer it a facility we can use. He`s flexible and willing to listen to ideas and has plans to innovate his facility even further as time goes on.

I took a tour there, both Blackthorne and Mizfit were there as well, and all three of us were very impressed and we all agreed that in some respects, Defcon paintball could be another very important Normandy beachhead for us. Brian Mcimoyle`s TTAC facility was the first beachhead - this one is the second. I don`t count Sgt Splatters in this because frankly we use his facility at his convenience but paintball is their priority and one visit to Splatters will say it all. But the beachhead I am referring to is a Toronto based facility, on the transit line, with an owner who has done his homework, gotten proper zoning, proper arrangements for real estate and puts the sport in positive light which legitimizes it further for us. Keep in mind, this is Mayor Miller`s town and if he had his way, there`d probably be no paintball, let alone airsoft, just based on his unrelenting attack on gun ownership in Toronto. It takes a lot of courage to take a business risk like this, and I respect that a lot.

So I would like to say THANK YOU to Garner and his business partners for what they have done and I wholeheartedly endorse this facility and look forward to playing in it this winter. I hope they get rich off it, we can only benefit as a community from it.
+ fucking 5

Great guys there and the fact they sell Bastard BBs is a great thing as well, and at the prices we pay here. I hope to see this place running for a long time

*EDIT* lol looks like scarecrow beat me to that point
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If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 17:53   #49
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+1 Garner and his staff have been more than accomodating and welcoming to us from day 1, I can definitely see this being the start of a good thing for us.

btw Scarecrow, Garner wanted to get a BB Bastard banner to put in the staging area at Defcon

*EDIT* took that last part out

Last edited by pusangani; September 2nd, 2008 at 01:19.. Reason: doh!
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Old September 1st, 2008, 19:42   #50
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TBH I don't think that putting a Bastard banner or an ASC banner is the best idea, then we would be an even bigger magnet for hi-cap, spray and pray, immature "wat gun iz b3s7????111!!!!!oneoneone I alr3ady did my reserrch" paintballer kids.

I don't think that's really the direction that we want to take.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 22:03   #51
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
then we would be an even bigger magnet for hi-cap, spray and pray, immature "wat gun iz b3s7????111!!!!!
You`ve lost me. But seeing as how you`re in Vancouver, I don`t think you`ll be using the facility anytime soon, so thanks for your opinion, I`m sure everyone here in Toronto appreciates hearing from you.
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Old September 1st, 2008, 23:55   #52
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He thinks that paintballer kids will see the sign, inquire about what airsoft is and then indundate ASC with stupid questions. I think it's a moderately valid concern.

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Old September 2nd, 2008, 00:01   #53
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i think airsoft kids will come here and then play paintball
ALLGAR great wizard.
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 00:11   #54
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I think you are just taking the concern too seriously since ASC always get those types writing topics every week and getting shut down and flamed to hell

We have people like surebet, Styrak, Pusangani, or Tokyo to flame noobs so don't worry about it.

The games are 18+ so the real concern is diffused, cause its the real playing that matters and the little dudes won't be in the play field but instead marking their calendars until they are 18.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
TBH I don't think that putting a Bastard banner or an ASC banner is the best idea, then we would be an even bigger magnet for hi-cap, spray and pray, immature "wat gun iz b3s7????111!!!!!oneoneone I alr3ady did my reserrch" paintballer kids.

I don't think that's really the direction that we want to take.
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old September 2nd, 2008, 01:00   #55
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or running around the local park as they cannot have a regulated area to play in
theres always a way of getting airsoft
some kids friends' friend brought a few over the border or something
ALLGAR great wizard.
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 01:17   #56
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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lol thanks for the shoutout Steve

As far as airsoft at Defcon Paintball goes, it's reserved for Monday nights which is our (ASC's) night and the only people allowed to play at these events are those approved of by the host, there will be no flood of kiddies coming here because of our events there.

The ASC banner could use a little more thought though, point taken Duff_Man_in_CADPATs, I do not own this site so I should only have mentioned what Garner said regarding Scarecrow and the BB Bastards Banner
did not mean to start anything.

We already have our share of kiddies/pro-snipers coming here asking their questions etc. and we deal with them just fine in our own special way

If anyone has any questions or concerns about events at Defcon, please do not hesitate to send me, Garner (DEFCON PAINTBALL), or Grant (Lt. King) a PM

Sunil R.
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 03:49   #57
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Originally Posted by ALLGAR View Post
i think airsoft kids will come here and then play paintball
totally off topic and not even related to your comment but in regards to your Avatar, I would recognise that butt wiggle from 5km away. I am fairly certain thats french singer Alizee, shes got moves that could charm the pin out of a grenade.

Back on topic, its great to hear that theres a another new place opening up shop thats has an upbeat and open mind towards airsoft.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 07:49   #58
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pusangani: I discussed the Bastard banner with Garner already, thats already in the works.

Banners are entirely up to the copyright holders. AirsoftCanada will make its own decision as would I on that. As for having kidlets move from paintball to airsoft, it happens all the time. Expansion of the sport is only a good thing, but there will always be a percentage of those who are asshats. At least at a facility like Defcon, you can have a face to face with them and mentor them if they do come out, unlike in an online forum where someone just gets flamed to death the first time they post something. Paintball permits younger players where as most places do have 18+ clauses for airsoft - but that hasn`t stopped idiots from leaking into airsoft - they`re just adult idiots. Part of the problem with this site, is that new members get automatically granted access into areas of the board that enable them to annoy long standing members before they`d been aclimatized to airsoft. I`ve always promoted the idea of a graduated access scheme, but, ASC for its own reasons chooses to run things the way that it does, so in some respects the friction is inevitable. And frankly I am not impressed with the way some long standing members of this community `greet`new people who sign up for this site, subjecting them to ridicule for asking what to the initiated are obvious questions, but to those who have been around, are newb questions. Everyone was a newb once, people seem to forget that.

But this thread is about Defcon Paintball so lets stick to the topic.
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 08:48   #59
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DEFCON is the future of airsoft in this city.

They are doing it right. They are following legal guidlines and asking "May I?" at all the approriate places.

In addition, they are switched on business folk who have a long term plan, and acheivable short term goals.

They give a shit, and it shows.

I would wish them good luck, but I doubt they need it!
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Old September 2nd, 2008, 09:00   #60
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After seeing the layout and that I would not be wading in post-paintball sludge, I would consider this an excellent place for off-season events.

The Manager definitely has the right attitude!

The field has the potential to change so it won't be the same thing every time.

Definitely got my attention!!!
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