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Vest for the skinny: help required


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Old August 23rd, 2008, 22:32   #1
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Vest for the skinny: help required

Ever felt that odd little sensation of discomfort when you wear something that seems unbalanced?

I currently own a Tango TCV-CIRAS (maritime version) and a Phantom plate carrier with only a front panel. My main issue resides in the fact that I need to drink a lot of more beers.

My gut is 30 inches in circumference, 35 at the underarms and my shoulders are at 44. Now I'm 5'8'' so for gear, I usually remain with medium sizes, or custom if I can afford it. Is there a vest out there that won't make me feel like I have to wear a beer gut suit just to properly fit in it?

CIRAS' are one size fit all apparently, unfortunately I have to bring the elastic back straps to my gut area before my vest doesn't feel like a dress. Then however, it somewhat feels like a corset.

Has anyone experienced this problem? Are there any vests out there that allow a smoother adjustment?

I was looking at BlackHawk's S.T.R.I.K.E vests and wondered if that would be my best bet. If that skinny guy Sheppard from Stargate Atlantis can fit in it, why shouldn't I? Or would I be better off sticking to my plate carrier, but buying a slim fit body armour to compensate?

On a side note, I've given up on particular camo designs, but I would like to keep the MOLLE option on such a vest.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Old August 23rd, 2008, 22:58   #2
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Camelbak Delta-5 vest worked for me, or a size small OTV cover if you could ever find one
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Old August 23rd, 2008, 23:03   #3
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binge eating
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Old August 23rd, 2008, 23:23   #4
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Shapard from Atlantis is not that Skinny. They all have BlackHawk vest, or knockoff. I'm 5'10 amost 11 and thin. Most Blackhawk vest fit me on their smallest size setting. I do have to wear a BDU under though.

I went fully custom with my plate carrier. I made the desing from scratch and it's all talored to my size. It's a bit small for winter, but perfect in normal condition. It's worth the extra $$$ I paid for.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old August 23rd, 2008, 23:30   #5
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
binge eating
If binge eating worked in my case, I'd still be playing football. I just burn it off to fast: the only masses I know are muscle mass & bone density.


I'd be interested to know how tight a Camelbak Delta-5 vest can be adjusted, since for now it seems like a good option. The OTV covers are unfortunately as cumbersome as my CIRAS vest due to the adjustment panels at the rib cage. The more you stretch the straps, the more the cloth will ripple causing some discomfort. It also limits the adjusting in the first place.

I've been wondering about tailoring it myself, which in the long run would be a good experience. However, other then the accessories (straps, buttons, hinges, buckles etc.), where would I get the textile material? I dislike CADPAT as a whole, but would there be some 'quality' Multicam, ACU, Coyote Brown (and the list goes on) material sold as retail? It's not worth investing if the dye tends to fade at an alarming rate, or that the colours are poorly sampled to the point that the camouflage, isn't.

Keep 'em coming.
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Last edited by CanKam; August 23rd, 2008 at 23:40.. Reason: addition
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Old August 23rd, 2008, 23:48   #6
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if you burn it too fast, then try eating some fatty foods. + junk food.

those japanese BBQ eel has EXTREME amount of fat in the smallest servings possible. They taste SO fucking good too
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Old August 24th, 2008, 00:21   #7
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Unfortunately Skladfin, it would seem some what redundant to gain weight in a unsurmountable amount of time, for a sport that requires speed and agility. I chairsoft a lot recently, but that does not mean that such a thing is my idea of Airsoft. Also take into consideration that balance is the key issue here. Although I do relish the taste of Japanese culinary delights, I'm not willing to invest such an amount of time gaining weight in an unhealthy manner (minus my chocolate, chip and beer addiction), when the simplest of solution remains materialistic. I'm still of age to stay fit and get laid, so lets leave it a that.
I damn you for making me so hungry at this moment, you have no idea.

Does anyone know a direct link to an online tutorial on how to make a webbing vest?
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Old August 24th, 2008, 01:37   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The camelbak gets down to about 32" waist comfortably, it has a built in hydrapack pouch in the back, so when you fill up the hydrapack the vest gets a bit tighter.
If I ever went back to wearing a vest, this is the one I would use!
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Old August 24th, 2008, 01:42   #9
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I'm about your size. I use this:

I think most plate carriers, wasatch, chest rigs should work fine for you - unless you're insistent on a vest type rig. Military Moron is about our size too - bigger on the chest, but about 5'7" so his site has a variety of information on what fits smaller sized dudes.

If you need raw materials to make your own gear:

There's a book sold on DIY tactical that shows you how to convert ideas into practical tailoring technical drawings so you can cut and sew them into the final product. Can't help you much more really. Good luck.
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Old August 25th, 2008, 16:05   #10
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I'm in a similar situation. I'm 5' 8" tall, 31" waist and 36" chest, pretty slim guy. I've gone through about 4-5different vest types trying to find one that fits.

I've actually had good luck with the Asian replica type vests since they're usually made for the asian market. Currently, I'm using a replica Eagle plate carrier from E-hobby on ebay. It fits me perfect.

This is the one I'm using. It's full molle, I basically took all the pouches off and I'm using a mix of TT / HSGI / Esstac pouches.

The quality is OK, definitely not overbuilt like the real steel ones, but it does the job and fits great. You can even open up the insides and slip replica armor plates in it.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 14:28   #11
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+1 for the CamelBak Delta 5; I'm an average-sized girl and finding a vest that actually fit (sort of, I'm not exactly shaped like a dude so YMMV) took a while but this one fits the bill. Filling up the hydration does tighten it up a bit, so that'll help.
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