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STAR M60E4 low fps


Doctor's Corner

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Old August 7th, 2008, 19:40   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
STAR M60E4 low fps

I'm not sure how many of these are in Canada so I don't know if anyone can help...

I have a STAR M60E4 that shot 330fps (stock) the first game I used it, about right from what I've read. The hopup rubber shot out of the barrel during that game, I installed a guarder clear and the next game it chronied 230fps. I opened it up, replaced the o-ring on the piston, ported the piston with a dremel, lubed it up really good, cleaned the barrel, and made sure the spring in the removable barrel that presses the hopup against the mechbox was fine. Chronied it again and now its at 260fps. The thing is it now has a Prometheus Ms120 in it instead of the stock spring. I have an M140 I could toss in but I fear for the gears and other parts.

Anyone have any ideas? I will try putting in a different hopup rubber (have a couple TM ones) and see if it makes a difference. The gun surprisingly still gets incredible range, the last game where it chronied 230fps I could shoot just as far as guns shooting 350fps.
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Old August 7th, 2008, 19:51   #2
DefCon 1
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It sounds like you have an air leak.

You can disassemble the mechbox to check your compression. Just take the piston and compress it in the cylinder with the cylinder head while you block the nozzle with you thumb. It should not budge if the seal is good.

Also may be a hop-up problem like you stated.

Good luck fixing your AEG.
DefCon 1

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Old August 7th, 2008, 20:19   #3
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
For some odd reason the last 3 AEG's I've worked on have had nozzle problems....I think that may be what this is. I did everything I could to the hopup and it didn't change a thing. The one thing I didn't do when I had it apart was check the compression, will do that...
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