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Border Services probe nets 800 illegal replica guns, 78 criminal charges



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Old August 1st, 2008, 03:11   #61
made Man
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what got me thinking is... 800 'guns' would have been enough to supply at least half of everyone who plays in Canada with a brand new gun. Numbers are waaay off, unless they counted all the accessories and mags.
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old August 1st, 2008, 09:10   #62
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
so where does the number 800 come from?
just journalist mathematics: 15 = 800
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Old August 1st, 2008, 09:27   #63
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
just journalist mathematics: 15 = 800
A method of calculation closely related to how the police put a "street value" number on drugs.

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Old August 1st, 2008, 09:54   #64
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Originally Posted by made Man View Post
what got me thinking is... 800 'guns' would have been enough to supply at least half of everyone who plays in Canada with a brand new gun.
You think there aren't even 2000 players in Canada? There are at least 10 in PEI alone, maybe more. I think the sport is a lot larger than you are giving it credit for.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:08   #65
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
Ugh... when will airsoft be less complicated in Canada...
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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:12   #66
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Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
A method of calculation closely related to how the police put a "street value" number on drugs.

I was just gonna say that too. They alway highly (no pun intended) exaggerate the street value of drugs seized. I remember a radio report here a couple of weeks ago about cops pulling someone over for a traffic stop and seizing some pot in the process. The radio report stated something to the effect of "Police seized 2 oz of marijuana with an estimated value of $1200..." LOL Where the hell have they been buying their stuff???? Man, for $600 / oz, that weed better get me high just by looking at it....

So yeah, I suspect it's "journalist math" as started previously.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 13:57   #67
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I love that they are doing this while Nanaimo container port is still the #1 port of entry for heroine in North America, and all because they lack the manpower to effectively search the containers. Good job CBSA!
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Old August 1st, 2008, 14:35   #68
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Words cannot express how disappointing it is that law enforcement agencies would spend as much time, effort, and (tax payers) money to do these types of things.

People are smuggled into this country to work in the sex trade everyday. Drugs are smuggled in and out of this country easier than Airsoft.

Throughout my time working at XT in Winnipeg, I have seen so many questionable people bringing in clearsoft guns painted black, it would amaze you. or maybe it wouldn't. Despite our best efforts these people transport them in handbags, backpacks, pant pockets, jackets, garbage bags, and hats. We can yell and scream until we're blue in the face, and no one listens.

Walmart, Canadian Tire, Cabellas, and Sports Wholesale (to name a few) are worse for getting "replica firearms" into the hands of people that shouldn't have them, than the 3 individuals charged, combined.

I've said it before, and people disagree, but we need to do something to try and help our situation. By no means am I the person to know exactly what that something is, but there has to be something we can do. This is a democratic country, right? Since when are policies adopted by a government organization actual law?

Whatever. I'm not educated in any litigative capacity, I just wish things were different for the responsible Airsofters in this country.

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Old August 1st, 2008, 14:36   #69
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Originally Posted by Luckless View Post
You think there aren't even 2000 players in Canada? There are at least 10 in PEI alone, maybe more. I think the sport is a lot larger than you are giving it credit for.
You're saying that's somehow a lot or something?

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Old August 1st, 2008, 14:59   #70
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Originally Posted by 808 View Post
Words cannot express how disappointing it is that law enforcement agencies would spend as much time, effort, and (tax payers) money to do these types of things.
That's what we pay them to do. We can't very well have them sitting around playing cards waiting for serious crimes to be committed. This isn't the 1940's .

Originally Posted by 808 View Post
People are smuggled into this country to work in the sex trade everyday. Drugs are smuggled in and out of this country easier than Airsoft.
Different cops. Different budgets. Different priorities. Different agendas.

Originally Posted by 808 View Post
Throughout my time working at XT in Winnipeg, I have seen so many questionable people bringing in clearsoft guns painted black, it would amaze you. or maybe it wouldn't. Despite our best efforts these people transport them in handbags, backpacks, pant pockets, jackets, garbage bags, and hats. We can yell and scream until we're blue in the face, and no one listens.

Walmart, Canadian Tire, Cabellas, and Sports Wholesale (to name a few) are worse for getting "replica firearms" into the hands of people that shouldn't have them, than the 3 individuals charged, combined.

But until clearsoft guns and spray paint are banned, nothing you can do about it. Although, spray painting a clear gun black may be construed as manufacturing a replica, no different than widdling one from a chunk of wood and spray painting it black.

Originally Posted by 808 View Post
I've said it before, and people disagree, but we need to do something to try and help our situation. By no means am I the person to know exactly what that something is, but there has to be something we can do. This is a democratic country, right? Since when are policies adopted by a government organization actual law?

Whatever. I'm not educated in any litigative capacity, I just wish things were different for the responsible Airsofters in this country.
Don't we all.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

Never confuse freedom with democracy.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 15:00   #71
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
You're saying that's somehow a lot or something?
Have you been to PEI? Do you know how many people live on this island? Not a lot. And given that the number of airsofters tends to increase as you get more people involved, I'm sure the larger population centers contain an even higher ratio of players vs non-players. (Plus that group are just those that I've met or heard mentioned.)
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Old August 1st, 2008, 17:48   #72
-W.W- Apex
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wow, didnt recognize the name until you mentioned warcraft games. the other two i know but i dont think they ever faced criminal charges like this.
afaik will is still around still trying to sell off his awesome car. and i think peter owns a nightclub in korea or something lol, atleast thats what his msn leads me to believe.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 18:00   #73
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Originally Posted by BORDENSNIPER View Post
Canada is so wonderful, ppl get scared of the smallest shit possible, if a person wants to they can injure someone with a popcan or a pencil or beat them with some stick or some shit.....

airsoft are just toys from crying out loud....

I bet I could cause more damage punching your teeth out with my fist, than with an AEG.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 20:27   #74
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i'd rather a crook use an airsoft than the real thing. charges the same when he's caught, safer for his victims/cops until then.
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Old August 1st, 2008, 22:52   #75
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I just read about this in the Calgary Sun, and was going to get online and "give everyone the scoop" on what's up.... Then I find that there is already 5 pages on the forums detailing what happened and it's potential implications.

In any case, I'd like to mirror the comments above that something has to be done. We need some leadership and representation for the sport at a national level, someone to clue in our elected politicians that this sport is being taken apart, piece by piece by the misguided policies of the CBSA.
Anyone feel up for the job? I'd be curious to see how the British players got together and had their voices heard recently when the sport was in jeopardy across the pond. That might be a good starting point. *** Does anyone have an 'in' with Arnie, or any of the major players over there, that might be able to pick their brains, get some advice and or direction that might help???***
I think that someone, who is mature, experienced in the sport, has a handle on the pulse of our sport across the country, and who is prepared to advocate for us in Ottawa should be appointed, and step up and start speaking out. I also think that it might be a very good idea for each of us to start making noise directed at our local MLA's and MP's on the issue as well.

Personally, I think if they want to go this way, then (dont flame me for this - its just an opinion, and probably wont be a very popular one, I know...) then create a replica licence for legitimate players and hobbyists. A short safe handling and / or written test, show proof of age (i'd suggest 18 or so since most clubs tend to stick to this age limit for players anyway), criminal record check to show you're not 'a gangsta' waiting for your 'throw down piece', and you get your licence. Showing your licence to a licenced dealer would then entitle you to purchase any aeg or gbb, and could also serve as a licence to transport your toy to a legitimate play area for legal use of the 'gun' in our sport. I guess, since I opened up this can of worms, I have to mention the ugly REGISTRY word too..... That could be kept very simple though, if the powers that be dont over think it.

The way we do things now, with anyone being able to just prove they are old enough, they have their parents drop a few hundred bucks to get their kid a toy gun... it's too open to the kind of problems that CBSA and the police ultimately want to avoid in the first place.

I think if we accept a little bit of inconvenience to have things done right, it will bring legitimacy to our sport, and cut down on the problems that airsoft has experienced in the past.

The one thing that has always irked me though, is that airsoft is so much more expensive in Canada, than in the US or overseas. I do not know the reason for this, but more than once I've read someone posting their opinion or idea that this is due to all the red tape and difficulty of importing airsoft into Canada. IF this is correct, then a licencing and registration process, and the resulting legitimacy it would bring to Canadian Airsoft, might even do something to bring the prices down for us...... Eh, maybe now I'm just dreaming.

OK, now I've said it, and opened myself up to FLAMES from every direction. I know this is likely to be a very unpopular idea, but I really think this, or some reasonable idea like it, might just be an idea that's time has come, and may save our sport from being banned sometime in the future.

I dont come on ASC often, so go ahead and tell me what a dumbass I am, or how my lameass idea would be the end of airsoft... I dont care what people think of me, I just dont want to see my favorite sport being slowly whittled away, until soon it is just plain impossible in Canada to play.

Sean W.

Last edited by swalsh; August 1st, 2008 at 23:10..
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