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Free/Easy VSR-10/Clone Mod That Allows Up To Approx. 480 -500 FPS


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Old July 11th, 2008, 23:16   #1
gunner552's Avatar
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Cool Free/Easy VSR-10/Clone Mod That Allows Up To Approx. 480 -500 FPS

This quick and easy modification will work for most bolt action guns, I'm sure.
The tools that you will need are very easy to get your hands on.

1. Flat Screwdriver
2. Allen Key [To fit the screws on the bottom of the gun ]
3. Electricians Tape [ Forgot to get a picture ]

First off, what you want to do is remove the stock from the barrell assembly by simply taking out the screws that are infront and behind the magazine well, using the allen wrench.

Your setup should now look something like this.

Then, what you want to do is look for a little switch. [ In the green circle ]

This is where the flat screwdriver comes in handy. What you do is take the screwdriver, and push down on the switch until it looks like its' fallen out.
It might be very hard to push down, but just keep pushing and it will budge.

It should look like this. [ In the green oval ]

You should now easily be able to slide the bolt of the gun right out.

Now, cut off a piece of electricians tape and cut it into roughly 1/4 of its' height.
Then wrap it around the very tip of the cylinder, called the cylinder head.
Do NOT cover the hole with the tape.

What this is doing is creating a tighter fit, so that air cannot pass through, I believe.

Done like dinner. Now, you can reassemble the gun.
But there is one tricky part. There will be a wedge in the way of the bolt, when you try to put it back in. Just, take the flat screwdriver and push the wedge down flat, so that the bolt can pass.
You must slide the cylinder in, and push the wedge down simultaneously.

Don't forget to make sure that the cylinder is completely straight when going in, or it will hook on something, like mine does.

Now, just use the screwdriver to push the switch back up into the place that it first was. Again, this might be a little bit hard.

After all that, fit the bolt assembly back into the stock and put the screws in.
Remember, long screw in the back, short screw in the front.

Et voila! You're done. Wasn't that easy?

WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for any injury that one might experience during this process. I cannot be held responsible for any problems with the gun that one might experience during this process. This is for entertainment purposes only.
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Old July 11th, 2008, 23:29   #2
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WARNING: it would be wise to find out the sniper rifle fps rules of your region or field before performing any fps modification
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Old July 11th, 2008, 23:38   #3
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
WARNING: it would be wise to find out the sniper rifle fps rules of your region or field before performing any fps modification

And wow, just a lil tape mod and this thing will go 480-500fps?
Have you chronographed it?

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Old July 11th, 2008, 23:40   #4
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are you sure about that fps reading....

Clones of the vsr specificly the jg bar-10 have a stronger spring than the stock TM vsr-10

That MAY have somthing to do with it, other than that....i dont believe you.

I did a mod very close to that and the max i could get out if it was 450....

pm me with specifics im going for a max fps vsr and help would be nice.

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Old July 11th, 2008, 23:53   #5
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Hmm apparantely this was done to my BA i just received, I will chrony it on tuesday at the local game, for now, pop can test.
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Old July 11th, 2008, 23:57   #6
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1. My JG BAR-10 stock shoots 430fps w/ a PDI 500mm inner barrel.
2. Attempted this mod, however it appears newer BAR-10's have a thicker nozzle, it sits so flush w/ the hop rubber that if you wrap anything (even teflon tape) around it, the tape will just get pushed off when you insert the cylinder.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 00:07   #7
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This is probably my first actual post, so you guys know.
By the way, I do not have real proof that this will up you to around 480 or 500 if you're lucky.
I'm going with the word of others that have tried it, to get that out of the way.
All I know is that my gun does shoot alot faster than it did before I did this mod.
my MS Paint Wizardry was defeated

Last edited by gunner552; July 12th, 2008 at 00:09.. Reason: Oops.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 15:15   #8
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it just creates an air lock, its like running your engine without and then with piston rings!! Its the same reason why my pro win and the PTWs shoot better then most is because their is far less waisted energy.
why cant westcan come back?
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Old July 12th, 2008, 16:42   #9
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Originally Posted by gunner552 View Post
This is probably my first actual post, so you guys know.
By the way, I do not have real proof that this will up you to around 480 or 500 if you're lucky.
I'm going with the word of others that have tried it, to get that out of the way.
All I know is that my gun does shoot alot faster than it did before I did this mod.
Don't post false information then if you're not sure. You can't go by what other people say, most of the time its just some excited 12 year olds.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 19:03   #10
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Two comments:
1.) This mod will on just about any gun where bucking to nozzle seal is loose. However, don't expect it to last since we're just talking about electrical tape. Top check the seal on your hop up for the VSR take the upper assembly out of the stock then cock the rifle with no magazine. Fire in a safe direction to ensure the chamber is empty. Cock again and place your finger over the end of the inner barrel to seal the whole barrel assembly. Pull the trigger. If your seal is good you'll hear a slow hiss as air escapes from various places. If your seal is poor then the gun will fire quickly as is normal.
Originally Posted by gunner552 View Post
Done like dinner. Now, you can reassemble the gun.
But there is one tricky part. There will be a wedge in the way of the bolt, when you try to put it back in. Just, take the flat screwdriver and push the wedge down flat, so that the bolt can pass.
You must slide the cylinder in, and push the wedge down simultaneously.

In the above picture, you're doing this the hard way. If you look at the left side of the trigger assembly you'll see a triangular shaped hole with a small silver pin flush with the surface in it. If you push down on the pin you'll notice that the sear you're pushing down on in the picture will move down. Thus you can push down on the pin while re-inserting the cylinder assembly to save you trouble.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 19:28   #11
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Originally Posted by Lizander View Post
Warning: Incoming noob question

So this would work on an Aeg, like a Kraken?
If it would work, I would have to disasemble the mech box right?
Sorry to dirty up this tutorial, but I've been searching all over the internet for this tutorial. Just Pm me with an answer okay? that way I can edit my post and The thread will be cleaned up.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 19:41   #12
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Jebus Blist this mod is so old it's not even funny... just google search "bar 10 teflon mod" and you'll find plenty of other threads on it on various websites.
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And you're calling us immature? Neuter yourself with a hammer.
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It will help to not get you flamed here, and will help you get a job that doesn't require the repeated use of the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"
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Old July 12th, 2008, 20:43   #13
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Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
Jebus Blist this mod is so old it's not even funny... just google search "bar 10 teflon mod" and you'll find plenty of other threads on it on various websites.
I think I have probably the easiest to understand tutorial on how to do it. Not that it's hard, but some tutorials don't give much information on how exactly do it.
From what I've seen.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 21:49   #14
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Originally Posted by gunner552 View Post
I think I have probably the easiest to understand tutorial on how to do it. Not that it's hard, but some tutorials don't give much information on how exactly do it.
From what I've seen.
ego much?

there are lot on the net how to do this, if I understood, then everyone else should have understood.

making something much easier to understand is only making lower IQ idiots increase their FPS. And you really don't want idiots with 500FPS guns do you?
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Old July 12th, 2008, 23:54   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Some stock VSR-10s already shooting 490fps which is over our field limits, and electrical tape is a stupid idea, use teflon tape as the mod says you should.
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