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Old June 26th, 2008, 07:22   #631
Frozencricket's Avatar
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I'm currently waiting for my purchase from shootsoft. Up to now, I've had good dealings, although communication was a tad slow at times.

Then again, I can understand, since LeGros was on a business trip and probably had to deal with a ton of e-mails. I should have my tracking number either today or tomorrow, so I'm still satisfied.
Ottawa Airsoft
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Old June 26th, 2008, 07:56   #632
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J'ai fais une commande avec Legros. Il a été complètement honête avec moi concernant les délais possibles.

Il m'a expliqué que une des raisons pour la fermeture temporaire de leur proshop est le temps que ça prend à leur vendeur à leurs faire parvenir les fusils. Je comprend entierement cela et je suis soulagé qu'il m'a mentionné ça en partant.

Une fois leur proshop réouvert, je les recommande à tout le monde!


I ordered a gun from Legros. He was completely upfront about potential wait times and has been super helpful to me.

Legros has told me that the reason they are taking a break is partly due to the amount of time it takes for them to get their guns from their suppliers. I can totally understand that and, as a customer of his, I find it comforting that Legros was upfront about this with me.

When their proshop re-opens, I totally recommend them!
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Old June 26th, 2008, 08:20   #633
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by 8skippy40 View Post
im only going to say this...

You know what he's got a point you know what Be happy with the guns that he has brought into the country and by the way I find you verry immature. youve been playing for what a year bud your a newb still in alot of players eye's don't burn bridges you never know when you might need an airsoft gun in the futur.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 08:27   #634
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Originally Posted by 8skippy40 View Post
so you go back to pretending to be a supplier to look cool in front of your friends.
Your case might have had some relevance until you said that.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 26th, 2008, 09:59   #635
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Exclamation Who is the telling the true?

Here come the true! Yes we did said it was the last message on this subject.... Except when a person try to tell to the world, we are the biggest moster! And every thing is only lie!

Here the true...
Here you will see it, this member was a gentlement before he have a bad day and wrote on this thread for no reason!!

Payment send via paypal… EMT got a minimum of 10$ for the transfert!

From: Dean Litster []
Sent: 25 juin 2008 10:35
To: admin
Subject: RE: INTERAC Email Money Transfer from christian charron

hey dont worry about me placing another order. im not gonna order anything from you again. it seems like you dont like money.

and also...where is my $4.43.

im just gonna let all the people on ASC how great of a buisness man you are and how you try and sell in country guns that arnt even close.

send me my money by thursday morning or else you willl be reciving a dispute filed with paypal.



p.s. do you like how i called you at your house?

hey dont worry about me placing another order. im not gonna order anything from you again. it seems like you dont like money.

and also...where is my $4.43.

im just gonna let all the people on ASC how great of a buisness man you are and how you try and sell in country guns that arnt even close.

send me my money by thursday morning or else you willl be reciving a dispute filed with paypal.



p.s. do you like how i called you at your house?

Subject: RE: INTERAC Email Money Transfer from christian charron
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:22:00 -0400
OK than I will do your refund… seem like trust is not here… I will also ask you to do not make new order please!!
When trust will be back… we will see!


From: Dean Litster []
Sent: 24 juin 2008 22:37
To: admin
Subject: RE: INTERAC Email Money Transfer from christian charron

well im not sure if i send you the money i will get it back. i mean i did but a gun "that has already cleared customs" how do i know i will even get my money back. you need to emt me the 4.43 before i open a dispute with paypal.

and if you think that you never said the guns were in country maybe you should read your sales threads or you website.



Subject: RE: INTERAC Email Money Transfer from christian charron
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 19:29:18 -0400
I did not notice your payment was made via paypal! ARFFF…!!!

Because we normally refund on the same way the payment is done… like you know paypal charge us 4% fees for every transaction we do! If I made the refund via paypal I will recover those fees!

Here the solution to have your 4,43$... send me back the EMT and I will do the refund via Paypal!

Tx for your understanding!


From: Dean Litster []
Sent: 24 juin 2008 19:14
To: christian charron
Subject: RE: INTERAC Email Money Transfer from christian charron

christian i actully just realzies that you charge in u.s. funds.

this is copy and pasted from my visa statement

PAYPAL *SHOOTSOFT 4029357733 ON $344.43

i beleve that you need to send me an EMT for $4.43.

i expect this monry to be returned to me in a timely fasion.

thank you


> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:16:24 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: INTERAC Email Money Transfer from christian charron
> dean litster,
> christian charron has sent you an INTERAC Email Money Transfer.
> Amount: $340.00 (CAD)
> Sender's Message: 20 business days warranty
> Expiry Date: 22 Jul 2008
> Action Required:
> To deposit your money, click here:
> Trouble with the link? Copy the link and paste it into your web browser address bar. Please make sure all the characters after the "pID=" are present.
> Need help?
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> What is an INTERAC Email Money Transfer?
> If you have an email address and online banking password at a participating financial institution, you can send and receive money quickly and easily.
> Email carries the notice while the financial institutions securely transfer the money using existing payment networks. If your financial institution does not yet offer INTERAC Email Money Transfers, you can still deposit transfers to any bank account in Canada. Click for details.
> Pour voir les détails du virement en français, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous :



well fair enough. i still want my gun and i do not want to cancel my order. i will accept the emt and you can email me when you recive my gun in your hands. at that point i will emt you the 340.00 back to you.

is that going to be alright?
please let me know what you think


Subject: RE: Order Update
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:12:24 -0400
I never said it was in country… I did said stock or not we ask for 20 business days before shipping! Right now all the Distributor from Hong Kong are going very slow to ship in Canada, today we did receive an order with 45 days late! Your AEG was not in this order… For now we don’t have an ETA for it, I could only confirm that your order is still in the hand to our distributor. It also one of the reason why, right now we don’t take new order from any customer!


From: Dean Litster []
Sent: 23 juin 2008 13:35
To: shootSOFT
Subject: RE: Order Update

christin i said i dont want my money back i really want the gun. im onot going to accept the transfer until you tell me wheather you ccan get me the gun that was supposed to be already in country.

please get back to me A.S.A.P. i have been waiting a long time for this gun and i would really like to recive it.



> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 10:46:47 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Order Update
> From:
> shootSOFT
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Order Number: 166
> Detailed Invoice:
> Date Ordered: Thursday 29 May, 2008
> The comments for your order are
> 20 business days warranty - christian
> De compte : shootSOFT - compte cheque 6007243
> Montant : 340,00 $
> À destinataire : dean litster (
> Message : 20 business days warranty
> Confirmation : C0chLFJV
> Your order has been updated to the following status.
> New status: Pending
> Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
ALPHA unit, because there is no one else for that job!

Last edited by LeGROS; June 26th, 2008 at 10:17..
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Old June 26th, 2008, 10:18   #636
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I understand a lot of criticisms some airsoft suppliers are getting. It's annoying to wait for a long time for something you really want. But you can't treat these companies like futureshop with full refunds and unlimited stock. Airsoft is next to illegal. You should be happy that you can get anything. I could understand if it was as popular as paintball but it isn't and this is a small community where you have to be understanding.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 13:05   #637
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wow... seriously skippy... threatening to "file dispute" and make this thing "public" is just... wow, unhumanly.

last time I sold you my MAG mid caps, you complained to me because it was cracking at the sides and didn't feed well. So I refunded your money AND shipping, got it back, and tested all of them and they all did well! I even have a video of it to prove it but you said "I don't care I don't want to see it". So I sold it again to another person, and he was fully happy with it.

Seriously, I think it's your problem not the store or the seller's.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 13:28   #638
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
wow... seriously skippy... threatening to "file dispute" and make this thing "public" is just... wow, unhumanly.

last time I sold you my MAG mid caps, you complained to me because it was cracking at the sides and didn't feed well. So I refunded your money AND shipping, got it back, and tested all of them and they all did well! I even have a video of it to prove it but you said "I don't care I don't want to see it". So I sold it again to another person, and he was fully happy with it.

Seriously, I think it's your problem not the store or the seller's.

bud the mags you sold me you said were gamed twice and that 2 of them were brand new.

when they got here one of them was missing the bottom cap and the spring inside. hardly brand new.

then they were all splitting when filled.

so i sent them back. i mean its my hard earned dollars and you tried to jack me.

so i bought some brand new ones from u.n. company. and suprise suprise they dont split at the sides.

this is all irrelevent anyways. im the customer and i should be satisfyied.

i wanted my 4.43 back becuase it was MY money. anyone would want it back.

you tried to sell "IN" country guns that werent.

and you think it was becuase of a bad day.

you had 340.00 dollars of MY hard earned dollars and you were not responding until i said i was just gonna file a dispute to get my money back.

it doesnt matter anyways. i just gave mopic my money and he is gonna ship out friday. sounds like he likes money.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 13:40   #639
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Originally Posted by 8skippy40 View Post
bud the mags you sold me you said were gamed twice and that 2 of them were brand new.

when they got here one of them was missing the bottom cap and the spring inside. hardly brand new.
Twice? no I only gamed it once. and its true two of them were brand new.

Yes, one was missing the bottom cap, I agreed that I would refund you the money, and you can just keep it so you wouldnt have to pay for the shipping.

Originally Posted by 8skippy40 View Post
then they were all splitting when filled.

so i sent them back. i mean its my hard earned dollars and you tried to jack me.
Jack you? learn you're wording, I didn't try to jack you at all, if I really wanted to jack you, I would have just sent you bunch of rocks. I sold them to you only because I knew they were up to standards.

When I tested the mags, the sides were not splitting at all when filled up to 100rounds, these can be physically shoved down to 113 rounds when I tested. And at that point, yes, it did start to split at the sides, but why wouldn't it? You're filling it with much more than you are supposed to!

Originally Posted by 8skippy40 View Post
so i bought some brand new ones from u.n. company. and suprise suprise they dont split at the sides.
Mine didn't split at the sides when filled with 100 rounds of BBs like you should. I also cracked open the "broken" one you were complaining about, and found out that they only used glue at the bottom of the mag, so the top part can split anytime they want.

So basically you were complaining about you abusing the product, and it not being able to take the abuse. But then if I didn't refund you, then I would have received a negative feedback/trade dispute for you abusing a product and it being unable to take the abuse.

It's like you bought a china gun, and it broke because you kept firing on full auto for 3 hours, then you fried the motor, and complained to the seller saying its their fault.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 14:21   #640
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i gamed the mags once and that is when i discovered that they had issues...

do you really want me to post the pm's that were sent back and forth.

you sold me a product that i belived was NOT up to standard seeing as how they split open. your telling my that if i put 60 in them they wont split. of course they wont...but they are 100 rnd mid caps...i filll the ones i have now to the top and have gamed them about 4 times and i have no issues with them.

if you have anything further to talk about feel free to pm me and i will give you my phone number...or you can give me yours i have free long distance.

also legros if you have anything else to say i would LOVE to talk to you on the phone

please p.m. so we can have a conversation
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Old June 26th, 2008, 14:39   #641
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Jesus christ stop shitting on this thread. Take it back to PM.

Airsoft Sales and Repair/Upgrade Services
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Old June 26th, 2008, 14:40   #642
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I'm going to take Skladfin's side in this. He sold me an M4 carry handle which arrived quickly and was exactly as advertised.

You don't really seem to understand the stupidity in trying to get $4 back. Leave it. This isn't futureshop. You don't just take things back and get everything refunded. This is airsoft, and you are lucky to have legros.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 17:35   #643
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your just a baby...

Hey, 8skippy40, it clear your just a poor baby who cry to have what he need! Now to 2 retaillers who have bad experience with you!! If I was them, you will be on my blacklist!!

Who's the guy who got your age verified?? He made an error for sure!! Stop man!! Go take your milk!!

Bravo Legros and Skladfin you should do a thread for blacklist customer!! This kind of baby could do big dammage on our sport!!
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Old June 26th, 2008, 17:39   #644
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I feel bad for Mopic. He'll be the next guy getting reamed out by this douche.
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Old June 27th, 2008, 03:19   #645
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
wow... seriously skippy... threatening to "file dispute" and make this thing "public" is just... wow, unhumanly.

last time I sold you my MAG mid caps, you complained to me because it was cracking at the sides and didn't feed well. So I refunded your money AND shipping, got it back, and tested all of them and they all did well! I even have a video of it to prove it but you said "I don't care I don't want to see it". So I sold it again to another person, and he was fully happy with it.

Seriously, I think it's your problem not the store or the seller's.
buddy...i saw the mags when he opend the package... quoted as brand new 1 was broken right out of the box, i also saw the splitting mags and we counted the bbs to. 100. skippy was nice enough to not to mention it on these fine fourms, whitch i told him he should as a buyer beware...

really if anyone of you guys gave you money to 2 diffrent dealers, 1 said it would be in the next order(marksman) and 1 IN COUNTRY for 2 months wouldnt you be pissed?? and then to not get $4.46 is a slap in the face!
zombiefruit: shut the fk up your not even verfied so you dont even have a clue.

i think its clear skippy and shootsoft WONT be doing buisness again.

1 more thing for everyone else....have you ever seen an airsoft shop close up and reopen???... like i said i have all the guns i want canada is going to be like cuba with airsoft.... all classics...

playing with my kid!
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