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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:22   #106
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
why dont u just go to a game and watch for yourself?
lol the only game that I can attend to right now is the Area 51 indoor games...I don't think there will be any snipers there And this thread was for future reference to me, my buddies, and all those interested in the sniper role, it brought up some good points
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:25   #107
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I want to go to a game some time even though I'm not old enough, just too see how it is and see how its done xD Is there usually a sniper in every game?
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:27   #108
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Originally Posted by Kyite View Post
I want to go to a game some time even though I'm not old enough, just too see how it is and see how its done xD Is there usually a sniper in every game?
nice to see that you are willing to watch a game, that surprises me. I'm not sure myself, I'm sure all woodland skirmishes have at a DM role at least...
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:40   #109
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
nice to see that you are willing to watch a game, that surprises me. I'm not sure myself, I'm sure all woodland skirmishes have at a DM role at least...
From what I've seen at games, if you have the gun, you can use it. :| You just need to make sure that it qualifies for the popular 400fps AEG, 450fps BA rules.

No one's going to say, "Hey, you're not a sniper, we already have one."
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:50   #110
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
lol the only game that I can attend to right now is the Area 51 indoor games...I don't think there will be any snipers there And this thread was for future reference to me, my buddies, and all those interested in the sniper role, it brought up some good points
why not? even if your not 16 or 18 u can still watch, u dont HAVE to play. They should allow spectators.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 21:56   #111
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
why not? even if your not 16 or 18 u can still watch, u dont HAVE to play. They should allow spectators.
Which they do, and I plan on visiting to watch them some time. Its just that I don't think there will be any snipers there, it is a small playing field. I really made this thread for my buddies and other sniper enthusiasts interested in becoming one.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 22:21   #112
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I find as a sniper the kill is so much more rewarding then spraying 10 to 20 bbs with AEG at a guy, there is such a rush watching a bb through your scope sail through the air and hit its target and the reaction from the player who had no idea you were there!
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Old May 27th, 2008, 22:27   #113
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Armandhammer, when are you going to that and when is it? I would like to come. I've never seen a airsoft game inperson before and I'm sure it would be fun to watch the pros hack around.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 22:35   #114
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Which they do, and I plan on visiting to watch them some time. Its just that I don't think there will be any snipers there, it is a small playing field. I really made this thread for my buddies and other sniper enthusiasts interested in becoming one.
then go to a field where there is snipers lol?
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Old May 27th, 2008, 22:50   #115
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Wow Kyite, so far it's 17.31 posts a day from you. You either have alot to say or nothing to do.
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Old May 27th, 2008, 22:51   #116
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Ah well, really got what I wanted, thanks for the info guys. Stalker, I didn't mean it like that...but it seems that your mind has wondered elsewhere lol

Would be really nice to hear some experiences and examples while playing the sniper role out on the field however...if anyone would wish to post, it would be of great help.

So I showed my friends this thread, and many of them backed off the idea of becoming one, while my cousin(also my age) is still determined to try out the role when he hits 18. Who knows, maybe he will like it...

For me...A fully automatic AEG would be much more exciting

For those looking to buy an airsoft sniper for there first airsoft gun...I would recommend this thread(just get passed a bunch of lol's) and it will be very helpful to you


Was just posting a joke, whenever I see the word 'movement' after another word, I chuckle.

Best most common story I can provide, more a typical use I adopt, is for base attacks, namely the large 80 x 80ft base at a local field (surrounded by open field for about 180ft, then thick forested areas and roads). In the past I'd move ahead of the team, no ghillie, M24, MP5 and G19................. sneak into a spot to be able to see defences at the walls and in the towers, and within range of my BBs getting there. Radio to my team their defences and such, wait til they are in position, then I'll start "shooting for effect", stirring up the guys, keeps their heads down as my rounds slap near them, makes it difficult for them to spot and report the directions the attacks are from. Every once in awhile I'll fling BBs at the walls on the OTHER side of the base and hit them, a good 350ft away or so, just to fuck with their heads. THis kind of attack, kills don't mean much at all, psychological warfare is the main weapon a sniper will use. If a guy has had rounds hit near his head, he'll be less inclined to pop up for too long to shoot at the attacking force. So, after a lot of attrition goes one, and there are only a few people attacking left, and a few defending, I'll leave my rifle in the woods, rush in with a couple others to clear out the rest, even if it's pistol in close quarters to clean the small buildings.

Sorry for the long paragraph, but it's a common thing to do for those that multitask airsoft roles. Not so much a DSM, am a sniper with assaulting skills, or an assaulter with a precision rifle on my back. I use all I am able to do, or equipped to do, to help where I can in the game.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 06:59   #117
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Originally Posted by Kyite View Post
Armandhammer, when are you going to that and when is it? I would like to come. I've never seen a airsoft game inperson before and I'm sure it would be fun to watch the pros hack around.
They are the Area 51 indoor games, you will find the dates posted up in the Games and events forum. I will send you a PM when I go to one and will try to call you up to come and watch

Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
then go to a field where there is snipers lol?
At the time, Area 51 is the only place where I can attend to right now. FR and wasaga are a little too far for me right parents would not want to drive for an hour or so just so I can watch an event...I will probably make my way down eventually though.

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Was just posting a joke, whenever I see the word 'movement' after another word, I chuckle.

Best most common story I can provide, more a typical use I adopt, is for base attacks, namely the large 80 x 80ft base at a local field (surrounded by open field for about 180ft, then thick forested areas and roads). In the past I'd move ahead of the team, no ghillie, M24, MP5 and G19................. sneak into a spot to be able to see defences at the walls and in the towers, and within range of my BBs getting there. Radio to my team their defences and such, wait til they are in position, then I'll start "shooting for effect", stirring up the guys, keeps their heads down as my rounds slap near them, makes it difficult for them to spot and report the directions the attacks are from. Every once in awhile I'll fling BBs at the walls on the OTHER side of the base and hit them, a good 350ft away or so, just to fuck with their heads. THis kind of attack, kills don't mean much at all, psychological warfare is the main weapon a sniper will use. If a guy has had rounds hit near his head, he'll be less inclined to pop up for too long to shoot at the attacking force. So, after a lot of attrition goes one, and there are only a few people attacking left, and a few defending, I'll leave my rifle in the woods, rush in with a couple others to clear out the rest, even if it's pistol in close quarters to clean the small buildings.

Sorry for the long paragraph, but it's a common thing to do for those that multitask airsoft roles. Not so much a DSM, am a sniper with assaulting skills, or an assaulter with a precision rifle on my back. I use all I am able to do, or equipped to do, to help where I can in the game.
Very good example, much appreciated. You either come up with the most amazing things or some of the weirdest things...

Anyways thanks for the post
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Old May 28th, 2008, 08:50   #118
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Very good example, much appreciated. You either come up with the most amazing things or some of the weirdest things...

Anyways thanks for the post
Where there's a will, there's a way. Lol

I think my example is a prime one for anyone wanting to be a sniper, gear yourself to do multirole on the fly during the game. My M24 is on my back 95% of the time I play (ya, 13lbs of beauty), and being able to act as a sniper (without ghillie) yet take part in the assault minutes later is a real asset. So is being part of an assault, seeing an opportunity to take a precision shot at a required place (once I shot a guy in the ass that we had pinned down behind a tree........... he was about 120ft away and I saw part of his butt sticking out, so I unslung my M24 shot it). Being a flexible-role player in airsoft really helps one play well, and makes the game more fun. And it gives wanna-be snipers a great day, sort out AEG or rifle based upon the moment, and go shoot people.

BTW, last year I played the real sniper role, full ghillie and all, about four times. The game gets to the point sometimes that you just take it off and go dual mode the rest of the day.
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Old May 28th, 2008, 15:15   #119
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why everyone wants to be a sniper? What i think is: In all the movie, in all TV show that inclues gun, who is the biggest ''hero''... its always the sniper, sniper have a good reputation, sniper weaponry is cool too. People like what they see in Movie. BUT, be a sniper is not like what you see in the movie, it can be long before you see someone, takes ALOT of practise to be a good sniper and ALOT of patience.
Its not everyone that can be a sniper.

Now I am not a sniper but i put my 1 cent on what i think why every body wants to be a sniper :P
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Old May 28th, 2008, 15:27   #120
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They should make a movie about a sniper crawling for 3 days straight, with his rifle in a dragbag for the whole time, setting an OP, waiting there for a few days and then crawl back home. That would be awesome.

I agree with the other posters: video games and movies are at fault on this one
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