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SurplusIG Trade Dispute



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Old May 13th, 2008, 12:24   #1
formerly Knyte
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To anyone thinking of purchasing Cadpat's:

Originally Posted by SurplusIG View Post
For all the Frontenac fans, The company has haulted its manufacturing sector due to a buy-out. The company does not produce combats for the canadian forces at the moment, the good news is that the company that bought them out will be starting production soon and they carry even better quality stuff.

The new quality of canadian combat uniforms is now offered in our store and even though it is superior quality to the old frontenacs, the price remains the same.
Make your order today of the new and improved CADPATs

In addition, we are the only ones to lay our hands on this cadpat, this is sewn exactly to canadian forces specification and it is the finest quality of canadian combats available on the market today.
Vlad has made it quite clear he is not going to update his sales threads upon my recommendation as the product he describes is not what he's selling.

I purchased a set of these new and improved 'frontenac' cadpats. First off they are not frontenac they are 'COMP'. They are not made with the 'Combat Cloth' or a material like it as the frontenac were and as the genuine issued cadpats are, the material is some sort of heavy synthetic with a rubbery texture sort of that seems to be water resistant (the jacket anyway) and doesn't breath, it's not suitable imo for a warm weather BDU, might be decent as a cold/wet weather though.

Secondly this is REPRO/Knockoff, not genuine cadpat, and it isn't very decent knockoff IMO. The light greens in the jacket are bright, the pants look not bad though but look more brown than anything, closer to marpat. They also have a white liner akin to parklands cadpat.

I was very dissapointed on receiving these as I specifically asked Vlad before purchasing as to whether they were made with the combat cloth like issued/frontenac or with something else and if they were like parklands. He told me they were made with AUTHENTIC combat cloth and were not like parklands... He did say I could refund them, however I would have to eat the shipping costs both ways. Not impressed at all. I'll take some pics tonight if anyone is interested to see the differences.

Here is Vlad's PM when I asked him why he lied to me about the material it was made out of:

However, no mistakes were made on my part, if you analyze the jacket you will see that it is cut exactly like the military, I have a pic of it in my thread and i had it there when you decided to purchase it, you are the only person who has a problem with this pattern. It is not the real stuff but a repro of it and although i didn't put it in those words prior to your purchase you knew that what you were buying is the authentic stuff. In my thread i wrote AUTHENTIC when describing the Frontenac's which i still have but the new cadpat if you read it carefully nowhere does it state that it's made from the same material. If you want to be immature about it and leave me negative feedbacks i cannot stop you, you were pretty negative yourself and i will make sure to highlight that in your feedback as well.

Now his response doesn't really make sense to me as first he says it's repro then that I knew I was buying authentic...? Also, the fact that I specifically ASKED before and he told me it was authentic and the material was the same or like the issued combat cloth/frontenac.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; May 13th, 2008 at 12:26..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 12:45   #2
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Knyte, I told you numerous times that this is repro of the original cadpat, not the original cadpat itself, if you misunderstood me please return it for a full refund no questions asked ... but remember that I reassured you that this is not made from the authentic material like frontenac but is a copy of the authentic garment that looks real and is made from superior quality than anything else on the civilian market today.

Frontenac is not AUTHENTIC, they use AUTHENTIC material but the pattern and the cut is far from AUTHENTIC. The new cadpat has AUTHENTIC slanted pockets, AUTHENTIC drawstrings and AUTHENTIC pocket covers button covers and velcro for name tape and canadian flag. I explained this to you, you didn't understand and that is not my fault.

I also offered you a discount on your next order to make up for this mistake and I reassured you that i will change the text tonight because i am busy rite now.

I even have pictures to proove what the new cadpat looks like, just look at the last pic in the cadpat section.

There is no need to blow this out of proportion, i take returns and i give credit... Doing business online is very complicated and has its ups and downs. Understanding that will make it easier for everybody,

I apologize one more time for this problem and i will modify the text so this doesn't reoccur with other potential customers.

Last edited by SurplusIG; May 13th, 2008 at 12:51..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 12:50   #3
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Re: CADPAT problems etc...

I have dealt with Vlad and am VERY pleased with his shop! He found some hard to get stuff for me and at reasonable prices too, as well as now is offering discounts for stuff I ask him for...
Once again - thumbs up for Vlad!

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Old May 13th, 2008, 12:53   #4
formerly Knyte
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Originally Posted by SurplusIG View Post
Knyte, I told you numerous times that this is repro of the original cadpat, not the original cadpat itself, if you misunderstood me please return it for a full refund no questions asked ... but remember that I reassured you that this is not made from the authentic material like frontenac but is a copy of the authentic garment that looks real and is made from superior quality than anything else on the civilian market today.

Frontenac is not AUTHENTIC, they use AUTHENTIC material but the pattern and the cut is far from AUTHENTIC. The new cadpat has AUTHENTIC slanted pockets, AUTHENTIC drawstrings and AUTHENTIC pocket covers button covers and velcro for name tape and canadian flag. I explained this to you, you didn't understand and that is not my fault.

I also offered you a discount on your next order to make up for this mistake and I reassured you that i will change the text tonight because i am busy rite now.

I even have pictures to proove what the new cadpat looks like, just look at the last pic in the cadpat section.

I never asked about the cut of the BDU, the only thing I asked was if it was made from the combat cloth like issued/frontenac was or something similar, which you assured me it was. The combat cloth is a very light cotton twill or poly/cotton twill I believe, this material as I stated above is a heavy, non breathable synthetic, with a rubbery texture. I wouldn't have cared if it was repro as long as it wasn't horrible (and your right the pics don't look bad) but I cannot use these BDU's they will be way to hot, which is why I asked you specifically what the material was or if it was like issued/frontenac, which you said it was. In your description you say it is the replacement for frontenac made by the people who bought the frontenac factory. This is nothing like frontenac.

You said to me nowhere it is Repro, also, it is impossible to tell from a pic unless you compare real/repro side by side which you did not, unless it is horribly bad repro of course. Again though, I don't care that the pattern is a bit off.

The bottom line is you unintentionally lied or intentionally lied about the material when I asked about it, and refuse to admit this, and ask me to waste 40.00 + in shipping sending it back. Also, you claim this is the replacement for frontenac stuff, which it is not, your trying to use frontenac's popularity/reputation to sell your product, which is nothing like it. I asked you politely to update your post and refund me fully, which you refused on both counts. Now that I've done it for you of course, you claim you will update it. But it's a bit late IMO for that.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; May 13th, 2008 at 12:58..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 12:59   #5
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I bought several things from Vlad and im very pleased with him, never had problemes, and everything is described as it is. For the Cadpat... its AUTHENTIC CUT, the Way the vest is made .. its the authentic way the make it to military specification.
Originally Posted by SurplusIG View Post
We hold bragging rights and pride for our CADPAT because it is sewn to military specification with good quality water resistant material.
I love to do business with him and i will continue to do business with Surplus IG

Thumbs up for Vlad
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Old May 13th, 2008, 13:04   #6
formerly Knyte
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Originally Posted by Berkut View Post
I have dealt with Vlad and am VERY pleased with his shop! He found some hard to get stuff for me and at reasonable prices too, as well as now is offering discounts for stuff I ask him for...
Once again - thumbs up for Vlad!
And what does this have to do with the cadpat BDU's? If people want to look at his trader rating they can do that I'm sure he's a fine gentlemen but this is about the Cadpat BDU's he is selling not his other products.

I did state and he did state he will refund me but not the shipping costs either way and that's coming from him as the seller so no matter how many people vouch for his reputation that is the fact of the matter and what he has said he will do. You could clutter this thread with how great he is all you want however unless it has to do with the issue at hand please save it or put it in his trader rating.

UGH, SdtAuclair

I never said anything about the damn cut why do you and he keep talking about the cut. The cut is FINE ffs, read the damn threads.

And that quote about the water resistant material, was just added by him now, it was not there before.

Again, leave him feedback if you want to but don't clutter this with useless info that doesn't apply.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; May 13th, 2008 at 13:09..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 13:10   #7
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Im not here the bash anybody or anything but company's never refound the shipping cost its always you that have to pay for it ... it happend before for me with another store and i paid shipping both ways!

Edit: anyway, this is not a dispute thread its a sell thread.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 13:23   #8
Mr. G36!
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I bought some CADPATs from Vlad and they were exactly as he described. Maybe you got the wrong items? My experience with Vlad was nothing short of fantastic.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 13:32   #9
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sewn to military spec[/QUOTE]ification with good quality water resistant material[/QUOTE]

Originally Posted by Knyte View Post
And that quote about the water resistant material, was just added by him now, it was not there before.
Actually it was there last week as I was looking into buying a set as rain gear. If you notice, his post was last updated 12 hours ago, 11 hours BEFORE you posted your first comment about your shipment.

Last edited by SurplusIG : 12 Hours Ago at 10:04 PM. Reason: Tactical Vests and GARRISON BOOTS
I think you just read the original ad wrong and from there it was a misunderstanding. Buy something off ebay but you'll get the same thing, you have to pay shipping back if the item is damaged. That is just how online business is done if you aren't some huge brand name company.

Last edited by Drache; May 13th, 2008 at 13:36..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 13:39   #10
formerly Knyte
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Well if it was there I must have missed it and I certainly do not remember it being there. Regardless though, I still specifically asked him about the material and he said it was the combat cloth or something very similar to it.

AND, the first PM I sent him about it stating the material was some sort of water resistant synthetic was yesterday morning, so he most very likely updated it after that to cover himself.

I'm quite confident it did not say anything about water resistant material when I saw it.

And to add to this, the pants are NOT water resistant or if they are it's minimal and are a different material. They seem to be some sort of poly or nylon twill I'm not sure. Neither top/bottom has a material tag saying what they are anywhere.

And to clarify once again, the cut/build is fine, and the craftmanship seems good. It's just the material.

And whoever made the comment about shipping, every business that I have dealt w/ will refund the shipping if the problem is their fault, that is standard good business policy. This is NOT ebay.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; May 13th, 2008 at 13:53..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 14:08   #11
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'' Last edited by SurplusIG : 12 Hours Ago at 01:04 AM. Reason: Tactical Vests and GARRISON BOOTS '' Like Drache said, the edit wa smade before you complain about the Cadpat. And like Drache again, last week the thing with water resistant was there because i look everyday to see if something new is there.

No this is not Ebay but they are a STORE not BlackHawk industries were they have 10 000 000$ to spend. And you did'nt buy from his web site you bought from here so pilicy may not be the same since its not there web site here.

Last edited by Yannos; May 13th, 2008 at 14:11..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 14:42   #12
formerly Knyte
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And I will say AGAIN, regardless, I asked him specifically about the material.

And no one said anything about them being blackhawk with 10,000.00 to spend, blackhawk would NOT refund you shipping I'm pretty sure.

And what does it matter whether I bought through his webstore or on here? I'm already in a pissy mood because of this and your useless posts are annoying me more...

The purpose of my threads here are to ensure no one else gets ripped off and his product isn't misrepresented as I feel it certainly has been.

Last edited by WARFIGHTER; May 13th, 2008 at 14:46..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 15:03   #13
Mr. G36!
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Nobody else has been ripped off. I still believe that you either missed something, ordered the wrong item or received the wrong item. Vlad hasn't misrepresented himself or his items to anyone else as far as I see. You make it sound like his entire business is a massive scam, which is certainly not the case as everyone else seems to be satisfied with the services provided. Just calm down and work this out privately. You'll have a better chance of getting results that way than you will by publicly slandering him and his business.
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...and then it becomes sport!

Last edited by Mr. G36!; May 13th, 2008 at 15:49..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 15:45   #14
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I think that we should go play a game of airsoft heads up without supervision... Knives only :P
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Old May 13th, 2008, 15:55   #15
formerly Knyte
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
Nobody else has been ripped off. I still believe that you either missed something, ordered the wrong item or received the wrong item. Vlad hasn't misrepresented himself or his items to anyone else as far as I see. You make it sound like his entire business is a massive scam, which is certainly not the case as everyone else seems to be satisfied with the services provided. Just calm down and work this out privately. You'll have a better chance of getting results that way than you will by publicly slandering him and his business.
I'm not saying his business is a scam nor have I insinuated anything of the sort. I'm saying he misrepresented his product, and either intentionally or unintentionally lied about the material it was made out of to me, leaving me with a product I can't use and telling me I have to eat the cost to return it. That's the bottom line. And I also want to ensure no one else goes through the same thing as if you read his definition of the product that I quoted in my first post, it is clearly misleading, and building off frontenac's reputation/quality when it is nothing like frontenac at all or issue. It is a repro BDU copying the canadian cut with a heavy synthetic material. Not related to frontenac in the least or authentic cadpat aside from mimicking the cut.
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