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Old April 9th, 2008, 23:57   #1
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Noobie Help?

Hello all, Im a younger audience of the Airsoft sport and i live in not-so-famous Saskatchewan. I need a few questions answered before i can go on with my buisness. I work 3 days a week for over minimum wage to earn my position amoung adult airsoft players (Forgive me if im in the wrong thread, and simply ignore the following if so)

1. Ive been looking for a G36C, Jing Gong perhaps? But i cant find a Canadian Certified website. ( isnt giving me results for this )
2.Any important attachments? Like laser, Scope, or flashlights?
3.I need to the names of some trusted canadian approved airsoft dealers for some other guns i would be purchasing for friends.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:02   #2
Red Wine & Adderall
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Please take the time to fill in your profile, Where your from, your birthday etc.
This forum holds alot of information. Please keep in mind before starting a new thread, that there maybe an existing one already. Near the upper right hand corner next to the quick links and log out tab is the search tab. With that you can attempt to see if there is a thread on the topic, dont get discouraged if you dont find something right away, change up your search words as well, the search system doesnt just find tittles it looks for word matches in the content as well. If there is an existing thread on the topic and something wasnt clear, dont be afraid to necro post, despite what some douche bags say, its perfectly fine.

Since you live in Saskatchewan, the resident majority team and local forum is found here:

Im sure you have alot of questions, and in time you will find all the answers. Theres alot to learn and it cant be picked up in a week or two. But Im time you will learn what you need.

Heres a little reading Id like you to have a look at.
It will shed a little light on airsoft in Canada in general.

Now as for airsoft in Canada, just as a general consensus this website and the majority of its members follows the 18 years of age rule. Meaning that, it is recommended that a person be the age of 18, before they aquire their first gun. It is recommended because 18 is the recognised age where a person can be held legally responsible for their actions. Now it maynot be illegal in all provinces to own airsoft, but I do believe there is a province out there where there is an actual law stating that one must be 18 to purchase. Which one that is, I cannot remeber. Hopefully someone can perk up and jump in on that part. The majority of fields used for airsoft play usually require that a person be 18 years of age as well, although I have heard of fields where there have been players as young as 16, with parental consent.

This website has a process called age verifacation, where if you are 18 or older you can meet with a volunteer representative of this website who will meet with you in person, there is no way around this, no phone, no webcam, in person only, where they will require to see a legitimate piece of photo identifacation. After the process is completed, it can take sometime as this is all volunteer work, you will be granted access to this websites buy and sell section, where you can find both new and used guns, for fair and competative prices. Although its not always the case, it is sort of an open market. Age verifcation is also required on this website to be able to purchase from one Canadian retailer.

This website also has a FAQ section that holds some useful info,it may not be entirely up to date, but I suggest you poke around in there as well. You may find something handy.

So where in Sask are you from and how young of an audience?
It would do best to not consider anything from buyairsoft.

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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:03   #3
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Thanks, Sorry for my inexperience on Fourms :\ Apoligies.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:03   #4
The Saint
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Hi Jet. You should be warned that this forum has a strong bias against minors acquiring and owning airsoft. The legal position of airsoft guns in Canada is less than great, so people are very antsy about a bunch of 16 year olds (or worse, we had to deal with 13 year old earlier) running around in their backyards with realistic looking devices. Usually means the cops show up and another negative news article against the activity.

Before you and your friend jump into this muck head first, you really should read this thread (please do not post in that thread, though):

There is a little more involved than running down to the nearest store and then playing in the nearest empty lot.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:10   #5
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I Understand. Im 16, and please dont worry, im mature in any way you can imagine. If you dont belive that then thats just fine, maturity is rare these days. I cant imagine myself "running down to the nearest store and then playing in the nearest empty lot."
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:16   #6
Red Wine & Adderall
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I dont recall stating anything inquiring about maturity. I cannot speak of behalf of the local group in Saskatchewan, although I believe that any event run by them is 18+ only.

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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:17   #7
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No, The man above me made me feel as if he was refering to me being young. "Before you and your friend dive head firs-

Christ Nevermind, I see im not appreciated here. Thanks for the info though.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:18   #8
The Lettonian
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Hey Jet: word of advice from someone who started young as well: keep your head down and lurk. ALOT. Read all you can before posting. Listen to what the vets say. And Look at what they tell other noobs. It'll save you the same embarassment.
As for owning underage, It's possible, but not through ASC. I had a couple of AEGs before I turned 18, but I did not get them via ASC or anyone associated with it. I won't say to not get a gun period, just not to try to get one on this site (as it's an exercise in futility) and not to be stupid with it. Telling people you're mature doesn't cut it. Staying invisible and out of trouble/the news does.
Basically, what I'm saying is if you want to ease into the community, try to stay under the radar and flack/flame free until you're 18 and age verified. The world opens up at that point. Best of luck!
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:20   #9
Red Wine & Adderall
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You are 16, you speak of your maturity yet you do not demonstrate any attributes pertaining to it. Please take the time to reread my initial post.
Also you have yet to answer my question or fill in your profile. Did you read my first post at all?

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:25   #10
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"So where in Sask are you from and how young of an audience?
It would do best to not consider anything from buyairsoft."
Sorry, Ive just have no patience tonite, I come from Carlyle, SK. 2 hours from regina and 16 years of age. My father originally drafted me into airsoft when he brought home one of his own. (See my father here YouTube - airsoft leggo, Hes not too bright around the guys.) Yes, i read your post, and ill fill out the account now if time permits. (Where may i find a website allowing a purchase of a G36C)
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:29   #11
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Online retailers for Canada are limited at this time. Essetially there are 2.
One of them requires this websites age verifacation to buy from, the other I believe keeps an 18 or older mindset as well, as per their front page.

Walk in retailers are essentially non existant in this province save for the clear soft that is sold at Canadian tire or walmart.

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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:33   #12
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And the second one? i checked out 007, No G3GC's : \
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:34   #13
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Originally Posted by Jet View Post
Airsoft is about responsability, and the vid. does not exactally help the legitimacy of your cause.

Read alot, many will light you up due to age, but many responsable -18 year olds are active in airsoft. *** maturity is a big factor

Look pal we answer these questions daily, dont look for a thousand hand outs Read it its all been asked before. This place is full of your answers.
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:36   #14
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Unfortunetly their stock is very limited at this time. The online shop is run by one man, who has a life outside of airsoft. The last order he put in is currently being held by customs, the release date of this order is currently not known. So the stock is extremely thing at this time.

Essentially, the only effective way to aquire what you are looking for would be to be the age of 18, get age verified and attempt to find one in this websites classified adds.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old April 10th, 2008, 00:37   #15
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Yes. ive stated maturity in the thread many times. And as for the video, i told you, hes not too bright when around the guys. Or not to bright at all for that matter. Although without insult, grammar like "responsable" tests my patience

Last edited by Jet; April 10th, 2008 at 00:42..
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