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hi, new airsofter here



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Old February 26th, 2008, 15:47   #1
spike666's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
hi, new airsofter here

Hello everyone on asc,
My name is Maria, I've just started this sport not to long ago, a friend introduced me to it, along with this website, he told me its the best place to find information. Also, very soon I'm getting age verified.

I'm hoping you guys might be able to help me out with something.
I'm doing a presentation for one of my C.E.G.E.P. classes (an anthropology class) on the sport of Airsoft. I'm hoping you guys might be able to give me a bit of the history of Airsoft in Canada. I would like to know how it originally started, some of the basic rules that you guys follow for most fields. What else do you guys equip yourselves with to games, what gear, equipment, camouflage and other items you use. do you guys prefer milsims or skirmishes? What influences your choices of camouflage, is it the country, the weapons, or just a certain theme your going for? Also, where could i find information on radio talk, or the way you guys give out commands? Since I'm a fellow Canadian, maybe just a few comments on the state of the sport in Canada.

If you know any other site that could help me out also, that would be great!
thanks for all your help
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Old February 26th, 2008, 15:55   #2
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That'll help with the basic structure of airsoft. As for a lot of guys here.. weapon type and the camo they wear are usually personal preference/favour. It also depends on the playing area and what might fit in best, for example: you'd want to use shorter guns mp5/pistols etc for indoor close quarter style play and say you're playing out in the woods in summer you may want to play in something like CADPAT or US Woodland etc. So many choices and play styles.. im sure you'll get a bunch of responses.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:07   #3
spike666's Avatar
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thanks for the link
it will really help, and thanks for all the info
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:10   #4
Join Date: Sep 2007
Originally Posted by spike666 View Post
Hello everyone on asc,
My name is Maria, I've just started this sport not to long ago, a friend introduced me to it, along with this website, he told me its the best place to find information. Also, very soon I'm getting age verified.

I'm hoping you guys might be able to help me out with something.
I'm doing a presentation for one of my C.E.G.E.P. classes (an anthropology class) on the sport of Airsoft. I'm hoping you guys might be able to give me a bit of the history of Airsoft in Canada. I would like to know how it originally started, some of the basic rules that you guys follow for most fields. What else do you guys equip yourselves with to games, what gear, equipment, camouflage and other items you use. do you guys prefer milsims or skirmishes? What influences your choices of camouflage, is it the country, the weapons, or just a certain theme your going for? Also, where could i find information on radio talk, or the way you guys give out commands? Since I'm a fellow Canadian, maybe just a few comments on the state of the sport in Canada.

If you know any other site that could help me out also, that would be great!
thanks for all your help
Regarding rules, that's dependent on area and field. However, a lot of places where people play have a few basic rules that are the same, or similar. Eye protection is required, and the FPS of guns is usually capped at 400 or 450 for sniper rifles, and lower for close range guns. There are themed games that require people to use certain types of gear, but a lot of people just buy and use whatever they want.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:14   #5
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Just a few things to always keep in mind.
-Cannot import from U.S
-Be safe, most places only like paintball goggles
And welcome, good to see some 18+ new people coming.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:19   #6
formerly Botchbomber
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Quick question: Wich CEGEP?
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:19   #7
spike666's Avatar
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thanks for all the info, this will help me very much,
and i hope to attend some games soon
i do know that it is illegal to import from the us, which can
make thing difficult, but once i'm verified it will help me to
get all the things i need from the classifieds.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:20   #8
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I go to Champlain in lennoxville
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:22   #9
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Heres some History

The history of "airsoft" originated in Japan during the mid-1970s, mainly because it was illegal to own firearms by private individuals. The first airsoft guns available were spring-powered replicas of firearms that fired 6mm, plastic pellets or BBs. The gun then spread to China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines and became very popular chiefly because of firearm restrictions in these countries.

The first airsoft guns were those air driven pellet guns, cap-type guns and spring driven pellet guns. The early Japanese air driven pellet guns were based on semi-automatic pistols. They were spring powered. The plastic pellet was propelled by air when the spring piston was released. In the cap-type guns, powerful an explosive cap was used to make the sound of gunfire and to eject the spent cartridge. In spring driven pellet guns, a spring was used to propel the pellet held between two small locks and released when the gun was fired.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:26   #10
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Originally Posted by spike666 View Post
thanks for all the info, this will help me very much,
and i hope to attend some games soon
i do know that it is illegal to import from the us, which can
make thing difficult, but once i'm verified it will help me to
get all the things i need from the classifieds.
A newbie with common sense? Holy crap.

Goodluck with your adventure into airsoft. You're already miles ahead of the other 'no0bs' who plague these boards...

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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:29   #11
spike666's Avatar
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i was kinda given a crash course before i started,
thought it would be smart to learn some stuff before
i posted so i don't look like a complete idiot.
i appreciate all the help
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:35   #12
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Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
And welcome, good to see some 18+ new people coming.
wtf theres probably more 18+ people that join every day, just everyone flames them untill they get verified.

and welcome mia. good to see more females in airsoft.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:37   #13
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thanks hope to see u on the field
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:44   #14
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Hi and welcome to ASC.

As for answers to your questions...

The history lesson is pretty much covered but as to what people prefer etc that's really up to the individual airsofter. Some like wearing a full kit for even skirmishes and some guys go with the bare minimum to carry their primary plus a few mags.

Milsims generally have you carrying a lot more for the simple fact that you're not going to have any scheduled down time or lunches etc. You should be self sufficient enough to last the 24 or 48 or however long the Milsim scenario is.

Didn't really give any answers did I?
Various BB throwers
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Old February 26th, 2008, 16:58   #15
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no that helps too, thanks soo much
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