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Why is the M4 so popular?


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Old February 18th, 2008, 19:21   #136
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hey i am new here and i want to know were is the cheapest place to get a m4 in canada
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Old February 18th, 2008, 20:02   #137
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Why is the M4 so popular? cause the commies use the AK47
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Old February 18th, 2008, 20:03   #138
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Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
Why is the M4 so popular? cause the commies use the AK47
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Old February 18th, 2008, 20:08   #139
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And guns with wood on em is just sooooooooooo like 1950s
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Old February 18th, 2008, 20:58   #140
Alex Le Chef
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its like the pic ! haha you got to use some !
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:13   #141
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true true I do rock an M4
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:28   #142
Alex Le Chef
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now i want to eat soup....wrong section !
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:37   #143
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owned! LOL
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Old February 26th, 2008, 22:16   #144
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FWIW, as a PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER (i do this for a LIVING), I have absolutely no problem trusting MY LIFE with my C8. I have fired thousands of rounds through C-7, C-7A1, C7-A2, and C8, LIVE and blank, and have NEVER had an unexpected stoppage. Take care of your kit, and it will take care of you.

As a soldier, my rifle is a part of my body, If my rifle breaks down, it means I broke down.

As for the comment earlier about "its a soldiers job to die" well, let me say, My job is to use my "inferior" M-4" to live, and ensure my fellow SOLDIERS live. And no one I know is afraid of their weapon breaking down. (BTW, we do train for that, it takes less than a second to fix most times)

But thats just my two cents.

Last point, this is AIRSOFT, so the debate over which gun is better is stupid anyway. I like heavy metal, you like rap.. why? who gives a shit, really?
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Old February 27th, 2008, 16:25   #145
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First of all, it's great to hear the perspective of a professional. Did you serve in dusty environments, and if so what were your experiences? (any different from non-dusty environments?)

Second of all, the whole notion that "this is airsoft therefore it doesn't matter" is not relevant. Of COURSE it is relevant! Airsoft is about role-play. There's a reason why airsofters decry high-ammo mags - because it doesn't mirror real-life. There's a reason why airsofters often get decked out in authentic equipment - because they want to simulate the real thing. There's a reason why airsofters ideally want steel bodies and authentic trade-marks - it's all part of the simulation and role-play. If we're all here just to shoot each other, then we'd be into paintball - because at least then we'd have less chance of people who don't call shots.

Why do people choose an AK47 versus an M4 in airsoft when both guns practically shoot in identical ways? It's because of simulation. It just doesn't feel the same playing a Taliban terrorist with an M4 and AN-PEQ! Getting decked out in equipment that imitates the real-world *IS* the heart of airsoft and the whole motivation for the sport being invented in the first place.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 16:34   #146
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you dont lube your rifle in dusty environment. the oil will get pasty. and its gonna fuck everything up.
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Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast."
- ZULU (1964)
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Old February 27th, 2008, 17:11   #147
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Originally Posted by sigsour View Post

Second of all, the whole notion that "this is airsoft therefore it doesn't matter" is not relevant. Of COURSE it is relevant! Airsoft is about role-play. There's a reason why airsofters decry high-ammo mags - because it doesn't mirror real-life. There's a reason why airsofters often get decked out in authentic equipment - because they want to simulate the real thing. There's a reason why airsofters ideally want steel bodies and authentic trade-marks - it's all part of the simulation and role-play. If we're all here just to shoot each other, then we'd be into paintball - because at least then we'd have less chance of people who don't call shots.

Why do people choose an AK47 versus an M4 in airsoft when both guns practically shoot in identical ways? It's because of simulation. It just doesn't feel the same playing a Taliban terrorist with an M4 and AN-PEQ! Getting decked out in equipment that imitates the real-world *IS* the heart of airsoft and the whole motivation for the sport being invented in the first place.

The way you make those broad statements appears to over extended them to represent all people who play airsoft. It may be true of some, but certainly not all.

I'd bet that at a high 90% of games/skirmishes that are run, there are guys showing up in sweatshirts, jeans and running shoes (and they are NOT pretending to be local insurgents). There are certainly enough guys that show up with mismatched tops and bottoms, and some do it on purpose. Are they going to make the Boarder Wars highlight reel...probably not, but they were there.

There's a lot of guys who couldn't care less if their holster matches their belt...they just go out to games to, for lack of being politically correct, hunt other people, play war games and shoot people with full auto weapons.

So far a weapons go...I've got what I've got. I like M4 variants and have mags and batteries for my rifles. I don't personally like AK and G36's. I've owned them, I've used them, I've built them, I repair them...but they're not the ones I reach for when I go to a game. Hasn't a single thing to do with who I'm "pretending" to be. If I wear Flecktarn but don't use a to those who care. If I only have an iron sight M4 to take to one of the WW2 games...that's all I got and if the organizers are set on period weapons and uniforms, well then I won't sign up (and I won't bitch about that either).

PS...if a Taliban guy could get his hands on a minimi with a full belt of ammo, I guarantee you that he'd use it if he could figure out how to aim and pull the trigger...I doubt that he'd care that it wasn't Taliban-chique.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 19:22   #148
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Sergeantmajor is correct, there are different methods of preparing the weapon, for different environments. Little to no oil in dust, plenty of oil in wet tropics etc..

Dust is a pain in the ass, so you can keep a couple of different sized paintbrushes to keep everything clean, it doesn't take long to unload, pop out your bolt, give your weapon a quick going over with the brush and be good to go. (done in fireteams of course, not while being shot at preffered)

I'd also like to note, because of the tone in your reply, that I'm not a hard core airsofter, thats not my thing, and thats ok.. I know some people are into it pretty hardcore, thats totally cool, some guys just like to go out and play in mixed dress, also fine. Some guys like Clearsoft, some guys like paintball, some guys like watching oprah, to each his own.

Giving someone a hard time because the like the particluar weapon (for whatever reason) and chose to model their AEG on their preference is childish.

PS...if taliban got a minimi, I'd be very surprised if he couldn't figure it out. Those guys have lived war since birth, it is their life. Never underestimate the enemy right?

But anyway, I'm not sure about spending all my money on kit and equipment so that I can accurately represent whatever.... Getting into this sport, I'd like to think that HAVING FUN, meeting like minded people and trying new things...

"*IS* the heart of airsoft and the whole motivation for the sport being invented in the first place."

But what do I know? Im just a "Noob"
We are not the Public Service of Canada, We are not just another department, We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people.

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Old February 27th, 2008, 21:01   #149
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Just a note for people who figure that the Hk416 is so much better than the M4 because it's more reliable, I suggest you look at the extreme dust conditions reliability test again.

ZOMG, the 10 M4s had 4 times the number of stoppages compared to the 10 416s! But how much is 4 times?
The stoppage percentages for the 416 were 0.3883%, and for the M4, 1.47%
Ok, one and a half in a hundred seems pretty bad eh?
Note that the extreme conditions test really was EXTREME, as in a hell of a lot more than any rifle should be subjected to in service (if it manages to get that must dust, there's more wrong than just the rifle). These rifles fired 600 rounds each before cleaning. The average combat loadout is what? About half that? The rifles were cleaned then HEAVILY lubed before going back into the dust chamber. They are purposely TRYING to make these rifles fail, to see their limits. They are comparing the engineering of the guns, NOT their effectiveness in the hands of a soldier.
An M4 in service is going to see FAR less than 1.5% failure rates.
I expect that even if you were to replace every single M4 in service with an Hk416, not a single thing would change in the daily life of your average soldier, beyond having to learn how to clean/clear the new guns.

I agree with the governments in question's general consensus of waiting for something more revolutionary.
*just another thing, it's not like the Hk416 is the best option. There are plenty of similar upper conversions, pretty much all of them being less expensive. I keep hearing really good things about the respective Patriot Ordnance Factory upper.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 22:28   #150
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something "revolutionary" is coming.
Hillary Clinton shooting lazers!!
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Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast."
- ZULU (1964)
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