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Man allegedly shot son with airsoft gun



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Old February 12th, 2008, 01:55   #16
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Watts, who, the documents note, greeted the officers only wearing underwear,
Um wow, that sums it all up for me. Retard.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 10:27   #17
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I don't if anyone else noticed, but here's the very truly disturbing part:

"“Then he said how his father shot himself in the head with the gun but he did not die. (The boy) was able to mimic how his father held the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger,” court documents said."

Sounds like Daddy was trying to teach the boy to kill himself. By thinking it's okay to shoot yourself in the head with a "realistic" looking gun, how would the little boy know any better if it were real.

Suddenly the kid becomes a victim of "Kids playing with guns" when it was being set up the whole time by the parent.

That's the part that makes me sick.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 11:08   #18
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Originally Posted by enigmahack View Post
I don't if anyone else noticed, but here's the very truly disturbing part:

"“Then he said how his father shot himself in the head with the gun but he did not die. (The boy) was able to mimic how his father held the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger,” court documents said."

Sounds like Daddy was trying to teach the boy to kill himself. By thinking it's okay to shoot yourself in the head with a "realistic" looking gun, how would the little boy know any better if it were real.

Suddenly the kid becomes a victim of "Kids playing with guns" when it was being set up the whole time by the parent.

That's the part that makes me sick.
I hate when family trees are straight lines.

He couldve also just been teaching his kid that the gun isnt real and that if shot at someone it wont kill them.
Just because he held it to his head doesnt mean he was teching his kid to kill himself. I do believe the kid was a little young to be seeing that but maybe the father had good intentions. Not the best intentions, he was also drinking that night.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 17:15   #19
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I could see that aspect of it too... I guess the question comes in - how real looking was the gun? Because then it's easy to confuse there too.

Who knows hey?
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Old February 13th, 2008, 20:39   #20
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When your 5 years old, most gun shaped/colored objects look like real guns.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:10   #21
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Don't believe everything you read, especially in a biased American news source.

Oh, the story is true, but it comes with a shit-ton of spin.

I know "Billy Joe" personally. He's gone by Bill for the past 20 years.

Anyway, what the newspaper won't tell you is that the gun he used was one of the low-end spring loaded Airsoft guns (the cheap 2 in a packet for $8.00 ones with the red plastic tips), not the CO2 powered ones. The newspaper also doesn't mention that he (Bill) was engaged in a little one-on-one battle with an adult friend of his, and that his son thought it would be fun to join in the game and ran around the table with the friend that was getting shot at. It wasn't until the third time that his boy got hit that he asked his dad to stop shooting, and he did.

The reason he answered the door in his underwear is that he was napping during the day when the cops started pounding on his door. Here in the U.S. you don't take the time to get dressed (if you happen to be undressed) when the police are pounding on your door, you get up and answer it as quick as you can unless you want your door busted down and cops rushing in with weapons drawn.

I'm not saying that what he did wasn't in poor judgement, or that the incident should go completely unpunished, but:

Do you really think a family should be broken up and a man sent to prison for FIVE years (that is what he is facing) for an incident of poor judgement. I'm sure parents have given their children worse welts with paintball guns, or even spankings, and get away with it every day.

I really thought Canadians had more common sense, but then again you were only getting one-side of the story.

The city judge of 30 years just resigned and the local prosecutors are using this case to test the limits of the new judge (my opinion, of course).

If any of you still think he deserves 5 years prison time, I'll gladly trade you places, you can come here to the U.S. and vote for whichever candidate George Bush endorses, if you believe that breaking up families and hard time in prison is preferable to something like community service and family counseling, you should fit right in living in the Nazi-esque police state that the U.S. is becoming while I seek refuge in Canada at least for a while before it follows our lead.

The comments I'm reading on this board are virtually indistinguishable from the ones the local paper's website was recieving from some of the inbred rednecks around here, the people that think homosexuals should have to register with the government, marijuana use causes demon possesion, and (ironically) that the only acceptable way to discipline a child is to spank them.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:16   #22
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jlarsen dd you email this info to cnn, probably Lou Dobbs that mexican lover lol. They might run it. We can't do much for you or Billy Joe from Canada.

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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:19   #23
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Why doesent he just tell the judge what happened.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:25   #24
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Something smells funny. I guess its like the old saying goes. There's always 2 sides to a story.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 10:42   #25
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Originally Posted by demco11 View Post
Why doesent he just tell the judge what happened.
It's don't speak until spoken to.

I'm sure he will at the trial (in June), but it isn't like you can just stroll in and talk to the judge any old time you want.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 10:46   #26
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Lou Dobbs? Mexican lover? WTF? No, I didn't tell CNN jack shit. The truth will come out at his trial.

What does this have to do with Mexicans? Are Canadians suddenly racist too? Why do Canadians care enough about Mexicans to be trashing them?

Sorry I don't watch CNN, I use their website, but just for news, I don't waste my time with all that crap where some idiot that works for the news station sits their and interviews people in a biased fashion and spouts his/her opinion about what's going on.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 10:54   #27
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Originally Posted by jlarsen View Post
The comments I'm reading on this board are virtually indistinguishable from the ones the local paper's website was recieving from some of the inbred rednecks around here, the people that think homosexuals should have to register with the government, marijuana use causes demon possesion, and (ironically) that the only acceptable way to discipline a child is to spank them.
Welcome to ASC. Over the years many people on here have had me scared for humanity, but we do have some good eggs too.
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Old March 13th, 2008, 10:59   #28
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Originally Posted by jlarsen View Post
Lou Dobbs? Mexican lover? WTF? No, I didn't tell CNN jack shit. The truth will come out at his trial.

What does this have to do with Mexicans? Are Canadians suddenly racist too? Why do Canadians care enough about Mexicans to be trashing them?

Sorry I don't watch CNN, I use their website, but just for news, I don't waste my time with all that crap where some idiot that works for the news station sits their and interviews people in a biased fashion and spouts his/her opinion about what's going on.
since when does someone making a comment about mexicans suddenly mean all of us canucks are that way exactly?

Last edited by Bowers; March 13th, 2008 at 11:01..
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Old March 13th, 2008, 11:26   #29
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Originally Posted by jlarsen View Post
Lou Dobbs? Mexican lover? WTF? No, I didn't tell CNN jack shit. The truth will come out at his trial.

What does this have to do with Mexicans? Are Canadians suddenly racist too? Why do Canadians care enough about Mexicans to be trashing them?

Sorry I don't watch CNN, I use their website, but just for news, I don't waste my time with all that crap where some idiot that works for the news station sits their and interviews people in a biased fashion and spouts his/her opinion about what's going on.
lol it has nothing to do with mexicans!!! It was my ironic comment of Lou dobbs who I roll my eyes at whenever he is on tv. He is the opposite of mexican lover.

lol You have a funny way of reading things, twisting them and then flying off the handle claiming racism. Halarious tool to add internet drama or it could be a trolling tactic to generate more responses and your story is made up.

I quote myself "probably Lou Dobbs that mexican lover lol. " hmm how do you get "canadians are racist" from that is beyond me??????

notice the lol in my quotes above? In fact the American Mexicans hate him because he wants to build his dumb fence to keep them out. BUT Lou Dobbs would be a good person to email your "true story of what really happened when the guy shot his child lol" to because he is a crazy old man who like to bash the government and American legal system and often runs stories of how the American government and legal system is "Broken".

I did not say I hate mexicans or canadians hate mexicans this comes from your warped mind. It is americans like you and Lou dobbs who hate mexicans and try to keep them out by using your stupid fence but work them to death and pay them below minimum wage. Then you shoot your children with airsoft and try to claim you are innocent victims. Dumbasses.

Last edited by Syn; March 13th, 2008 at 11:54..
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Old March 13th, 2008, 11:53   #30
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Nicley put Syn. To bad you talking to the equivilent of a brick wall.
Originally Posted by Hades View Post
I agree!! I always have my good long thinking shits while sitting on the can and wearing a good sturdy pair of boots.
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