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Let's talk Jing Gong..


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:25   #1
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Let's talk Jing Gong..

apparently many hong kongers use Chinese guns as platforms for upgrades.

I've noticed that many of the threads on upgrades tend to be based on old information, he said she said that he said that upgrading this and that part was essential etc. This information gets passed on enough times that it becomes gospel.

Not everything is true however. For example, JG gears are different from TM gears - they have epicycloidal design - similar to that from systema gears. Some say they are actually CA gears.

So what does this mean exactly? It might mean that JG gears are good enough as it is.

Therefore to bypass all the hearsay, let's talk about real-life experiences. Tell me about your real-life experiences about JG guns. I've read the thread about long-term reliability, and not one of them talks about gear failure in a JG gun, and there surely must be more than 3 people in Canada who owns a JG gun!

So the question: what kind of failures have you experienced in a JG gun, what was the gun, and what was the fix?

The purpose of the answers is to determine how best to create the ultimate upgrade to a JG gun (the one I'm specifically interested in, is the M4 series)

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Old January 28th, 2008, 22:03   #2
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i own Jg M4, kicks total ass, high rate of fire, quite dependable, affordable etc etc lol.

No problems with it whatsoever, well actually i have a SMALL INSIGNIFICANT wiring problem that connects to the battery though like i said the problem is small, a lil tape would fix it.

a friend of mine has a JG SVD that has been passed around as a gun for players that dont come regularly, it has been used and abused beyond all reason, the body is ratched up here and there, the rear sight is gone but it still mechanically functions excellent.

Overall JG is a GREAT company for those just getting into the game, like i said they are affordable and dependable.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 22:07   #3
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I have owned a few, but never gamed em too heavy. I do have a teammate who runs a JG G36. Has used it about a year now and never have a problem at all. Used the stock battery and everything. Only thing was it needed a bit of cleaning up in the mech box, cause JG's somtimes are very greasy inside stock.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 22:28   #4
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JG sure clones their mechboxes well, now we shall see if their next generation black systema clone mechboxes are up to par.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 22:41   #5
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i know i got mine so well see. dam i really want to see if theys things start kick harder or will they be slower than my stock m4 jg mechbox fps wise.
M4 coustom full metal with king arms metal body //\\ Galaxy MP5 PDW

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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:26   #6
Savage Haggis
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Currently own 3 JG Armalites, M16A4, M773, M4S, shooting 380-ish out of the box. My only recommendation might be to swap out the stock inner barrel for a tight bore & a different hop rubber.

No complaints other wise.
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Quite the thread; seen the return of Savage Haggis and the end of an empire.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 01:00   #7
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I was give a JG SVD 47-03 , I was dissapionted , in 90% of the all info on the net it is said that the SVD has a v3 metal gearbox , but it is a plastic one and very under powered no where near the 320 to 350. The hopup is just falling apart the plastic crumbs apart,other thing that were broken was the plate where the stick battry fits one . There was no screw that kept the front sight in place. This was a new svd. I spoke to the supplier yesterday and he told me that a other svd's hopup went the same way on the weekend.

From what I have read over forums JG is good and that cyma is not but from what has happend to me it is the reverse,the quoltay on CYMA is better.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 11:39   #8
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I've heard people recommend that the hop up sleeve be replaced - why is that? thanks!
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Old January 29th, 2008, 13:23   #9
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Any gun can perform great when you replace the internals, it's a matter of how long you want your OUTER BODY to last.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 13:45   #10
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MP5SD6, bought off ASC classifieds as "new in box". Had a bunch of indicators that the internals had been altered, but I'm no expert so I can't list exactly how/what. Lots of tamper evidence. Came in a G36 box, which should have tipped me off.... Anyway, the gear box was packed with grease as stated above. Eventually started interfering with compression (160 FPS!). That's minor. The hop up unit was SHATTERED at some point (possibly an over-enthusiastic mag change. P-ha!), but was held together by the shell. Somehow it kept working, albeit poorly. I'm still not convinced one way or the other on the value of JG guns. I suspect I'll buy another before I decide. (;
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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:29   #11
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I have a jg m4. No problems with it yet. I'll be having it upgraded really soon some time this week. Stock, it has held up very nicely, good FPS right out of the box.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:05   #12
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have a jg m4-s, had no problems wit it, but made problems for it lol, as i am a person who cant stick wit things being stock, i added metal bushings and downgraded the spring for a more consisten fps, the jg gearbox ended up needed special thinner bearings, so i upgraded to kingarms reinforced gearbox with king arms bushings, next on the list is a barrel for more accurate shots.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:08   #13
Red Tiger
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On our team we have 3 Jing gong.

2 SVD, 1 AK 47 Tactical.

They are all V3 Metal Gearbox.

The only complaint :

- Replace the battery it's crap. We doubled the ROF just by changing the battery.
- The stock is attach to the body from only 1 place, flimsy.
- The body is one from a AK47S.
- The inner barrel is 447mm and the outer barrel is 650mm.

Last edited by Red Tiger; January 29th, 2008 at 15:40..
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:21   #14
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JG MP5 RAS full metal... Mechbox broke in half after 2 games.

Solution: TM mechbox on the way, metal bushing and softer spring...

Overall quality and built: Good
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Old January 29th, 2008, 16:27   #15
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I have sold upwards of 30 of these things without a complaint. Quite the opposite. They get great reviews.
I own both a jg mp5 ras metal body and a echo1 mp5k.
Out of the box, they both ran great. The mp5k has a shitty battery that dies very fast and the chargers are shit. The jg battery is great. The gun is almost 400fps and the mini battery runs it all day.

I have heard of some almost doa guns but no more than I have heard coming form CA or Marui.

Upon teardown, there are differences in the quality of some parts (piston+head, cylinder, hopup.)

After changing out the above mentioned parts in my JG and adding bushings and a reshim, the gun now does around 400 fps. Up from 360-370 stock.
No spring change.

They do sometimes have gobs of cheap grease in them that needs cleaned out.

My echo was not as nice as my JG. It needed a reshim, cleaning, and a new piston head. And the battery sucks hard.

I paid $175 for my jg and have put about $100 worth of parts into it. Not for power, just durability. Have gamed it maybe 10 times and I love it. I use it over my marui.

The mp5k runs fast and hard but has NO accuracy at range. Installing a tightbore to compensate.

If you buy a stock marui mp5 for $450, you still have to install a better guide, spring, piston, tightbore, bushings etc before you're shooting a reliable 400fps and that brings it to around $600 even if you're not paying tax. AND you still have to buy batteries

I think you'd have to be a serious freak for trades or have a love for burning cash to buy a name brand gun anymore.
As for ptws. I don't get it. I have yet to see one give anybody a clear advantage and they cost a fortune, break constantly and only come in armalite(for now)

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