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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:06   #331
Gonzo Sleeper
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Is there a sticky thread that explaines all of the legal problems with airsoft so we do not have the arguments like we see on this thread by people who do not actually know anything and just give speculation? Seems like a waste of time to me.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:07   #332
Captain Sunshine
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bleh, so many big words from saint's and mcguyvers posts, could someone translate into a simplified understanding of what they're talking about? seems interesting, but i can't be arsed to re-read and fully understand it all.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:14   #333
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there should be a lot done with the comunity but no one has steped up and started anything. there is no real leaders in this comunity.. and to have something done takes leadership and someone to get thing organized.

the leagality of the sport will not change untill we try to create something that would make the goverment happy and us happy.

these are just an idea " don't flame me i know that there are a lot of holes "

an idea would be create a military reactors club and require mebership.
" like the civil war renactors in the U.S "
second would be contact the friearms clubs ETC and try to see if we can get some help ETC.

i know people have a lot of idea's when i comes down to it but i have yet to see someone put some into action. ( other than the letter sent to the goverment a few years back )

open to idea's

i will help anyway i can but untill we get a committy going nothing is EVER going to happen.

i would be glad to help to start a committy on this but we need some support from other mebers to get the ball roleing

[MTX]HappyTiT Recon rifleman
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Last edited by happytit; January 29th, 2008 at 10:16..
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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:20   #334
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so i understand that Bass Pro could, in theory, bring in airsoft, but selling it would be illegal, cause they are selling replicas of prohibited and restricted items. BUT, if they were to bring in things like a Tanaka Mauser 98k or a CA M24, i should think that would be legal because they are not prohibited. So, now here is the main question: would i need a gun license to purchased said items from Bass Pro?
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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:56   #335
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
so i understand that Bass Pro could, in theory, bring in airsoft, but selling it would be illegal, cause they are selling replicas of prohibited and restricted items. BUT, if they were to bring in things like a Tanaka Mauser 98k or a CA M24, i should think that would be legal because they are not prohibited. So, now here is the main question: would i need a gun license to purchased said items from Bass Pro?
It wouldn't matter because it's impossible. Just like would I need a magic wand if I went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...
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Old January 29th, 2008, 10:56   #336
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
so i understand that Bass Pro could, in theory, bring in airsoft, but selling it would be illegal, cause they are selling replicas of prohibited and restricted items. BUT, if they were to bring in things like a Tanaka Mauser 98k or a CA M24, i should think that would be legal because they are not prohibited. So, now here is the main question: would i need a gun license to purchased said items from Bass Pro?
It's not that easy. They would have to be registered...serial number and all.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 11:01   #337
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And given that most guns don't have unique serial numbers that would certainly get interesting.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 11:10   #338
The Saint
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Originally Posted by daiviet View Post
bleh, so many big words from saint's and mcguyvers posts, could someone translate into a simplified understanding of what they're talking about? seems interesting, but i can't be arsed to re-read and fully understand it all.
The essence of it was that the CITT, supported by the RCMP, practice double standard against airsoft guns.

The law says that all things that look very much like real guns are replica firearms. Replica firearms are prohibited devices. You are not allowed to import/export them.

They go after airsoft guns because airsoft guns:
- look real (thus "replica firearm" and "prohibited device")
- can't shoot as hard as real gun (thus not "firearm")

They DO NOT (AFAWK) go after certain airguns (0.177cal) that are designed to look realistic EVENTHOUGH those airguns
- look real (thus "replica firearm" and "prohibited device")
- can't shoot as hard as real gun (thus not "firearm")
- BUT are deemed to shoot hard enough to still injure people, thus somehow exempting them from the law on replica firearm, despite CBSA's and CITT's own explicit position that it's the appearance that matters

Macgyver argues that it's because of some sort of favouritism towards airguns relative to airsoft, apparently on the part of RCMP. I argue that it's not clear if we're dealing with intentional policy cooperation between the RCMP and CITT/CBSA or if we're just dealing with the collision of different agencies' ignorance.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 11:10   #339
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I just saw this post and I think this paranoid "sky is falling" stuff is silly.
And there's no point debating the finer points of airsoft law because like the bible, it's a cluttered mess designed to create circular arguments.

So you may not be able to buy EXACTLY what you want when you want.
There will always be guys willing to take risks to fill a demand.
I imagine most of what comes in will be chinasoft simply because the costs are lower which means the risk of loss isn't as big a threat.
Chinese guns have a low cost and high markup so they are profitable if sold and not a big loss if seized.

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Old January 29th, 2008, 11:44   #340
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Chinese guns have a low cost and high markup so they are profitable if sold and not a big loss if seized.

Sounds like ASC is going to have to change its name:

CSC - CrapSoft Canada

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Old January 29th, 2008, 11:52   #341
The Saint
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
Sounds like ASC is going to have to change its name:

CSC - CrapSoft Canada
It'd have to change its name from ESC first, ElitistSoft Canada.

If the gun works, try playing airsoft instead of knocking where it came from. Unless you're worried that the guy with the JG is going to kick you and your TM up one side of the field and down the other. I honestly can't believe that people still take the time to bash Chinaclones when it's this difficult to get guns at all and their low prices inject a certain amount of unique viability in their commerce.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 12:00   #342
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That JG is going to have all that it can handle when it tries to mess with my PT-DUB !!!

I'm not bashing nothing, guns are guns when it comes to airsoft.

It's just like driving a car...Not everyone has one, not everyone can afford one. Some drive BMW's, some drive Ford' the end of the day we all share the same damn roads!

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Old January 29th, 2008, 12:01   #343
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JGs work perfectly well if you sneak up to close range on PTW users while they're ogling their weapons.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 12:03   #344
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I see no point in calling peoples concerned by the health of airsoft "paranoid"
And this falling sky crap is getting old...
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Old January 29th, 2008, 12:07   #345
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
That JG is going to have all that it can handle when it tries to mess with my PT-DUB !!!
a PRO-WIN settles the PTW vs none-PTW debate in one trigger pull, sure a ptw is accurate to scale, but your mags are worse to purchase then aug mags and then they go and pop the bb follower in the grass, a good $65.00 well spent.
Plus if I recall Pro-wins are able to be legally obtained in canada, take your V2 based weapon drop in a PRO-win and experience 10 years of reliability..... to me it seems like a no brainer, but I am not a PTW owner

But this thread and so many others like it aren't about PTWs. It's about the impedding DOOM of
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!

Last edited by Jayhad; January 29th, 2008 at 12:12..
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