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Review - Well Warrior 1 L96 (Noob's perspective)



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Old January 11th, 2008, 11:27   #16
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Hey everyone - to address some of the questions:

Yes the outer barrel is threaded. If you remove the tip, there's a definite threading that looks like it might be able to be used to attach a silencer.

With regards to a performance review, I will DEFINITELY do a performance review when I get an opportunity to go somewhere that I can have the space I need.

Again, I agree that OTB it won't be that impressive, HOWEVER that being said it is compatible with after-market parts which means upgrades are a welcome thing.
(As a sidenote, I say OTB it's not impressive, but I was totally giddy seeing that I could literally split BB's from 30 feet away... again that's just me being new to the sport. I might be disappointed from further distances, who knows.)

I also agree that the quality control is inconsistent, however I was fortunate with this gun that it was decent overall and I didn't see any obvious flaws whatsoever.

Also the body is very plastic, but I'm sure there's an "upgrade" of sorts for that too lol

400$ IS definitely pushing the envelope as VM was mentioning, and truth of the matter be told that I was considering getting it from instead of A&A airsoft... but A&A had so many great reviews where buyairsoft was still new.

That and A&A actually HAD them in stock LOL

On the edge of the threshold - yes, but consider this:

320 + tax from buyairsoft, as well as 35$ shipping.
360 taxes in from A&A, and 28$ shipping.

Not actually *THAT* much of a difference ;-)

I'll keep everyone posted when I get a chance to do some more longer-distance shooting/testing.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 11:37   #17
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How's the sear quality?
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old January 11th, 2008, 11:45   #18
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The sear seems to be pretty good - it's not of any discernible hi-quality metal, but it seemed solid enough when I was tinkering with it. I definitely know why I'd want a zero trigger however, as regular wear and tear could eventually have an impact.

Unfortunately I don't have any other previous experiences to work with when it comes to sear/trigger mechanisms, however based on my personal observation, it doesn't look like it'll break anytime soon
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Old January 11th, 2008, 16:03   #19
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Originally Posted by enigmahack View Post
Hahaha, I know - What happened is I had the butt stock set up on a popcan and piece of Styrofoam so I could show the distance was less than 2 inches. Then I went to cock it and... couldn't... LOL - Had to end up moving it.

I personally agree with you, I've just seen a LOT of people that are... well less accepting that you and I are. I was trying to humor that audience, while still giving a valid perspective to all other audiences.

Just of curiosity, which part would you recommend upgrading first and where did you go to get those upgrades? I was looking for a Dees Custom 6.01 500mm barrel, but I guess there's still the whole potential issue of getting it across the border. (He was saying that some customs officers see the word airsoft and don't even question, they just get rid of it.)
Don't worry about parts. I order very many parts and they cross no problem. Most places in asia label 'em as "RC CAR PARTS"

Get the PDI hopup chamber then you can use standard AEG barrels

By the way; The one you have is not a Well Warrior 1, It's a Both Elephant gun... They're actually the exact same gun coming out of the exact same factory :P

To put a silencer on you'll have to buy an adapter... I still haven't gotten to the spring / spring-guide assembly, I'm curious to see if it's a 7 or a 9mm... And I'm probably going to have to trim my spring.. With the addition of my new tightbore barrel I'm estimating I'm pushing 550 FPS
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Last edited by Amos; January 11th, 2008 at 16:05..
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Old January 11th, 2008, 16:11   #20
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
What do you mean this isn't a real airsoft gun?

I own one of these things and it's 99% compatible with all the laylax upgrades...

Just because something isn't Maruzen doesn't mean it's not actually an airsoft gun.
I'd tend to agree with this too. People often tend to be 'brand snobs' even though they may not realize it. They automatically look at something lower end and dismiss it, as I've seen many do to guns like this one and the Aftermath Kraken. Yes, they're cheap guns, but their compatibility and cheap price means that for the price of a stock brand name piece, you can get one of these cheaper guns and have yourself a heavily upgraded weapon that will easily outperform the stock brand name counterpart, and cost about the same.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 16:12   #21
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by enigmahack View Post
Also the body is very plastic, but I'm sure there's an "upgrade" of sorts for that too lol
I don't think that there are replacement bodies for the L96 =/.

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Old January 11th, 2008, 16:35   #22
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Don't worry about parts. I order very many parts and they cross no problem. Most places in asia label 'em as "RC CAR PARTS"

Get the PDI hopup chamber then you can use standard AEG barrels

By the way; The one you have is not a Well Warrior 1, It's a Both Elephant gun... They're actually the exact same gun coming out of the exact same factory :P

To put a silencer on you'll have to buy an adapter... I still haven't gotten to the spring / spring-guide assembly, I'm curious to see if it's a 7 or a 9mm... And I'm probably going to have to trim my spring.. With the addition of my new tightbore barrel I'm estimating I'm pushing 550 FPS
Okay, good to know about customs - I know buying the entire gun definitely wouldn't work, but I'm really excited about upgrading this thing

How were you able to tell it wasn't the Warrior 1? Interesting that they're identical in every aspect however. I remember reading on the site that their "warrior 1" wasn't the "lesser quality Both Elephant Gun" - If they're identical, maybe I'm mistaken that there really isn't any difference whatsoever. *shrugs*

I didn't know I'd need an adapter for a silencer *I didn't actually want one, but noticed that the tip was threaded. Shame on me for making assumptions lol*

So it sounds like you're quite knowledgeable in this field... May I ask you a question besides the one I'm asking right now? lol

I'm considering different upgrades at the moment. I'm not so interested in upgrading the speed - 475fps *approx* is MORE than fast enough for now I think. I'm mostly concerned with accuracy.

My inclination of upgrade in this case is 2 things: Hop-up+hop-up chamber, and a tight-bore barrel.

Do you have any suggestions if I'm right in this case, and if so, any suggestions on what I might consider looking for with the goal of accuracy in mind?

I still think I want a Dee's custom tight-bore 6.01, and I've read a few things about different hop-up systems, but I'm looking for something that would be compatible with my Warr.. uhh, Elephant gun? lol
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Old January 11th, 2008, 16:43   #23
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I'm a noob too, but from the research I've done and from the slight upgrading I've done on my guns, it seems that a good hopup and tightbore barrel are pretty much what you need to get good accuracy.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 17:26   #24
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great review! like the rest of them said, it IS an airsoft gun. i pretty good one at that. i know i plan on getting one later, down the road, for winter gaming.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 21:49   #25
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Originally Posted by VipaMave View Post
I don't think that there are replacement bodies for the L96 =/.

Feels the same as the higher quality ones, All it's missing the stipling.

You're gonna paint it anyway, so throw on some skateboard grip tape and you're golden.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 21:51   #26
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Originally Posted by enigmahack View Post
Okay, good to know about customs - I know buying the entire gun definitely wouldn't work, but I'm really excited about upgrading this thing

How were you able to tell it wasn't the Warrior 1? Interesting that they're identical in every aspect however. I remember reading on the site that their "warrior 1" wasn't the "lesser quality Both Elephant Gun" - If they're identical, maybe I'm mistaken that there really isn't any difference whatsoever. *shrugs*

I didn't know I'd need an adapter for a silencer *I didn't actually want one, but noticed that the tip was threaded. Shame on me for making assumptions lol*

So it sounds like you're quite knowledgeable in this field... May I ask you a question besides the one I'm asking right now? lol

I'm considering different upgrades at the moment. I'm not so interested in upgrading the speed - 475fps *approx* is MORE than fast enough for now I think. I'm mostly concerned with accuracy.

My inclination of upgrade in this case is 2 things: Hop-up+hop-up chamber, and a tight-bore barrel.

Do you have any suggestions if I'm right in this case, and if so, any suggestions on what I might consider looking for with the goal of accuracy in mind?

I still think I want a Dee's custom tight-bore 6.01, and I've read a few things about different hop-up systems, but I'm looking for something that would be compatible with my Warr.. uhh, Elephant gun? lol
The PDI hopup chamber is a godsend... Although it takes a good 2 hours to put together it's awesome. You can adjust the bb going left and right, so every accuracy problem can easily be fixed by that.

BE and Warrior 1 guns are made in the same factory, Buyairsoft doesn't know shit about dick (RIP tourettes guy).

The only difference is that the Warrior 1 has that on the side, and they use an ungodly poweful spring (sometimes in the range of 500 FPS +)
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Old January 11th, 2008, 22:19   #27
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Feels the same as the higher quality ones, All it's missing the stipling.

You're gonna paint it anyway, so throw on some skateboard grip tape and you're golden.
Have you handled both? I am trying to decide between the Maruzen and the WELL versions. The only thing stopping me from buying the WELL L96 is the concept that the plastic body may be thinner and prone to breakage.

It would be helpful to know if both plastic bodies feel the same (In terms of thickness and durability).
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Old January 11th, 2008, 23:33   #28
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
The PDI hopup chamber is a godsend... Although it takes a good 2 hours to put together it's awesome. You can adjust the bb going left and right, so every accuracy problem can easily be fixed by that.

BE and Warrior 1 guns are made in the same factory, Buyairsoft doesn't know shit about dick (RIP tourettes guy).

The only difference is that the Warrior 1 has that on the side, and they use an ungodly poweful spring (sometimes in the range of 500 FPS +)
I've been reading a lot on the PDI hopup chamber... Looks sweet. The one thing that I notice that keeps getting mentioned is that I'll want an AEG Tightbore barrel. I figured I was getting one anyway, just not an AEG barrel - what are some things I should consider when getting an inner barrel?

Also there's mention that the bucking doesn't come with the PDI, so I'd have to invest in that as well.

I'm looking around and doing more research, but looks like the PDI is a decent upgrade for me
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Old January 12th, 2008, 00:20   #29
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Originally Posted by VipaMave View Post
Have you handled both? I am trying to decide between the Maruzen and the WELL versions. The only thing stopping me from buying the WELL L96 is the concept that the plastic body may be thinner and prone to breakage.

It would be helpful to know if both plastic bodies feel the same (In terms of thickness and durability).
Trust me. You wont have problems with the plastic on the well one. I've taken my completely apart and modified it heavily.

The plastic is as robust as TM plastic, I wouldn't be afraid if some one took a 500 FPS gun and shot the body point blank.

Protip: fill the body with low-expand foam insulation when you get it, It makes a huge difference in the noise and gives it a nice weight.

At the price of a maruzen one you could get a 100% upgraded Well L96, and still have enough money left over to start another project.
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Old January 12th, 2008, 00:22   #30
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Originally Posted by enigmahack View Post
I've been reading a lot on the PDI hopup chamber... Looks sweet. The one thing that I notice that keeps getting mentioned is that I'll want an AEG Tightbore barrel. I figured I was getting one anyway, just not an AEG barrel - what are some things I should consider when getting an inner barrel?

Also there's mention that the bucking doesn't come with the PDI, so I'd have to invest in that as well.

I'm looking around and doing more research, but looks like the PDI is a decent upgrade for me
Here's what I've got in mine.

I've got an Angel 6.03 650mm Tight bore for PSG-1
PDI hopup chamber
RH75 hop bucking.

It's turned my some what accurate bolt action into something that could easily get a 4 inch group at 100 feet. (keep in mind with the Tight bore barrel your FPS is going to jump considerably)
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