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Maybe stupid question..but?


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Old January 10th, 2008, 16:35   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lower mainland BC
Maybe stupid question..but?

Ok, I have been building and repairing AEGs for a few years now, sure not come across everything or, know everything, but I have a question about M4/M16 nozzles!

Why do some manufacturers sell a different nozzle for the two?

I realize the barrel differences and Cylinder length (vol) effectiveness and that you can switch front Set from M16-M4 and vise-versa, so what are the differences of thr two nozzles?? length? dia.? I have never come across a nozzle leakage problem with any of the M4/M16 I have worked on, but I notice that some companies sell a nozzle for M16 and one for M4.

if so, what differences are there between the two, cuz it don't make sense if the AEG is using the same hop-up...same V2 gear box..same V2 cyl head...same V2 tappet plate...same V2 M4/M16 body, that all being said the nozzle should be the same size.

any thoughts.


all show different nozzles for M16A1-A2...XM177...CAR15..M4A1 ETC.

Last edited by BIGMEDCIN; January 10th, 2008 at 16:43..
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Old January 10th, 2008, 16:43   #2
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Could be because most M4 types (at least the TM ones) tend to have the two peice hop up unit, where M16 types have the one piece unit. A shot in the dark from me, but that's all I can sort out. Still wondering myself why have two different different hop up units for essencially the same gun.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 17:07   #3
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The M4 and M16 have the same nozzle, only different cylinder lengths and they sometimes vary in whether their battery is stored in the front of in the stock. However the M16A1, M16VN, CAR15 and XM177 have the same nozzle but it's not the same as the M16A2/M4A1 nozzle.
Perhaps the site your looking at just puts down one type of gun per nozzle for some reason and so the same nozzle is listed several times?
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Old January 10th, 2008, 17:39   #4
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Perhaps the site your looking at just puts down one type of gun per nozzle for some reason and so the same nozzle is listed several times?
It would make sense as inexperienced people do not know that guns share the same size nozzle. And by listing the same nozzle multiple times under different guns you also have the possibility to search the site for parts to a specific gun in only one search string as all parts for that gun would turn up.

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Old January 10th, 2008, 18:39   #5
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The M16A1 / VN / XM177 / CAR15 were all part of Tokyo Marui's first generation Colt/Armalite style guns. With the introduction of the M4A1, a completely new design of the entire gun was created, and thus, a new nozzle was born.

All guns following the M4A1 use the newer nozzle design and include:

Anybody who has worked on the two designs will notice a markedly different approach to the installation of the entire gun - the most noticeable being the lack of a quick-takedown feature of the first generation guns - ie, you could not pop out the rear pin and flip the upper open. The old style guns are assembled the same way you would assemble most metal receivers nowadays where you would slide the gearbox in to the upper first, and then build the lower on to the gun.

Last edited by ILLusion; January 10th, 2008 at 18:41..
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Old January 10th, 2008, 19:58   #6
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
The M16A1 / VN / XM177 / CAR15 were all part of Tokyo Marui's first generation Colt/Armalite style guns. With the introduction of the M4A1, a completely new design of the entire gun was created, and thus, a new nozzle was born.

All guns following the M4A1 use the newer nozzle design and include:

Anybody who has worked on the two designs will notice a markedly different approach to the installation of the entire gun - the most noticeable being the lack of a quick-takedown feature of the first generation guns - ie, you could not pop out the rear pin and flip the upper open. The old style guns are assembled the same way you would assemble most metal receivers nowadays where you would slide the gearbox in to the upper first, and then build the lower on to the gun.

so the older M16A1, XM177, VN did have a different nozzle that could not interchange with a newer M16A2, M4 etc? do you know why longer/shorter?
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Old January 11th, 2008, 00:04   #7
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That's correct - length issues.

Those older guns used a plastic one-piece hop up chamber that registered with the gearbox at a different distance than the more common and modern design copied by most manufacturers nowadays.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:46   #8
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
That's correct - length issues.

Those older guns used a plastic one-piece hop up chamber that registered with the gearbox at a different distance than the more common and modern design copied by most manufacturers nowadays.
Thank you..that makes sense now
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