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Puchase woes



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Old December 8th, 2007, 04:50   #1
Buds and Suds
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Puchase woes

K, I bought 2 items from a certain retailer that is on ASC retailer list. BB's and a pinion gear. The pinion gear I got had a chipped tooth, and wear on all of the upper part of every tooth. The retaining screw was also already installed on it with grit around it. This thing looked very used, and I couldnt believe what I was looking at. First thing came to mind was that the new one was taken and swapped with a used one. After this I checked the bb's. I found 4 bb's, without looking very hard, that had big dimples or imperfections in them (manufacture problem it looked like). Suposedly Elite BB's all in an unlabled ziplock bag. After firing a couple I found one that had split in half after fireing it into cardboard, but some did hit a hard surface behind. A new pinion was promised to me so I simmered down a bit. I wont purchase from said retailer again and am very tempted to post a dissatisfied post about thier site regardless of the minor cost of the items. On top of this, I ordered a new gun which is having problems with bb's drifting off the sight picture (discussed in the Doc section).
Im very choked, but am giving the sellers the benifit of the doubt till I have no choice but to outright blame. Including perhaps user error in the case of the gun. Im a new one in the airsoft world, but is this somthing typical to expect? Or am I expecting too much?
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Old December 8th, 2007, 04:53   #2
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Elite BB's all in an unlabled ziplock bag
so, you bought a "new" bag of BBs... and it came in a ziplock bag?!? thats terrible.

which retailer is it........ hmm theres 3 choices hmm.

Last edited by szetor; December 8th, 2007 at 04:58..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 04:57   #3
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I'd love to know who it was..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 05:38   #4
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naaa dont say shit yet... wait to see if "said retailer"makes you happy or not. cause things happen...

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Old December 8th, 2007, 10:27   #5
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All I know is its not me!

Originally Posted by Buds and Suds View Post
is this somthing typical to expect? Or am I expecting too much?
I reserve judgement until I hear the other side of the story. It all depends on if these items were advertised as new, or, if you were looking for the best price you could get and the retailer offered you used parts and side counter items in an effort to save you money and made the deal with you on the basis. That being said, I myself have been screwed with "new" parts in the past, so it would not surprise me.

Going through the trash disposal section with the number of newbie requests for $100 guns and supercheap deals, I would not be surprised if this is the case here.
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Last edited by Scarecrow; December 8th, 2007 at 10:31..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 10:33   #6
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listen can you let me know i am new comer and need to get guear up head to toe and would not like to spent money on that type .
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Old December 8th, 2007, 14:11   #7
Buds and Suds
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
All I know is its not me!

I reserve judgement until I hear the other side of the story. It all depends on if these items were advertised as new, or, if you were looking for the best price you could get and the retailer offered you used parts and side counter items in an effort to save you money and made the deal with you on the basis. That being said, I myself have been screwed with "new" parts in the past, so it would not surprise me.

Going through the trash disposal section with the number of newbie requests for $100 guns and supercheap deals, I would not be surprised if this is the case here.
Nope, these items are advertised as new. But the bb's were in a ziplock as the retailer buys them in bulk then rebags them.
As long as the newly sent pinion gear is good my only issue will be inconvinence of waiting another week for it. The retailer has been very pleasent to deal with.
this is a review of the bb's
I have never bought this brand before but this part of the review made me chuckle :
"For a BB you require three main strengths:

* Accuracy when fired - obviously you want your round to go where you want
* No jamming - you really don't want it to jam and/or damage your rifle/pistol
* No splitting or smashing on impact - When skirmishing in confined areas (specifically CQB), you really don't want your BBs splitting into pieces if they hit a wall, and then showering your colleagues with sharp bits of plastic. Not particularly pleasant if they smash and the shards go through someone's goggles either. "

I had problems with ALL 3 of these points with these bb's. My shots drifted, had 3 jams in about 400 rounds, and I found one that had split. Plus the added 4 bbs I found with manufacture flaws. Maybe flaws are typical in any bag of bb's, im not sure.
As for the gun, ill reserve judgement till I try every other option to find out where the problem is. It just burns me that I order 3 new items, and get 3 problems. Maybe its bad karma for leaving the toilet seat up on my girlfriend.

Last edited by Buds and Suds; December 8th, 2007 at 14:30..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 14:20   #8
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I've used a lot of airsoft elite BB's and I have yet to find one with flaws, or have any AE BB's jam in any of the airsoft guns I own.
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Old December 8th, 2007, 14:23   #9
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... You're bitching about shots drifting with a CHINESE KNOCKOFF MP5K at about 50 feet...

You do realize the barrel is smaller than most pistol barrels... right?

Which retailer was this purchased from?
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Old December 8th, 2007, 14:28   #10
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Originally Posted by Buds and Suds View Post
Nope, these items are advertised as new. But the bb's were in a ziplock as the retailer buys them in bulk then rebags them.
As long as the newly sent pinion gear is good my only issue will be inconvinence of waiting another week for it.
this is a review of the bb's
I have never bought this brand before but this part of the review made me chuckle :
"For a BB you require three main strengths:

* Accuracy when fired - obviously you want your round to go where you want
* No jamming - you really don't want it to jam and/or damage your rifle/pistol
* No splitting or smashing on impact - When skirmishing in confined areas (specifically CQB), you really don't want your BBs splitting into pieces if they hit a wall, and then showering your colleagues with sharp bits of plastic. Not particularly pleasant if they smash and the shards go through someone's goggles either. "

I had problems with ALL 3 of these points with these bb's. My shots drifted, had 3 jams in about 400 rounds, and I found one that had split. Plus the added 4 bbs I found with manufacture flaws. Maybe flaws are typical in any bag of bb's, im not sure.
As for the gun, ill reserve judgement till I try every other option to find out where the problem is. It just burns me that I order 3 new items, and get 3 problems. Maybe its bad karma for leaving the toilet seat up on my girlfriend.
What kind of gun are you shooting these from?

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Old December 8th, 2007, 16:18   #11
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Originally Posted by untouch View Post
listen can you let me know i am new comer and need to get guear up head to toe and would not like to spent money on that type .
I don't know what a Pinion is or where it goes, and All of the lil bastards come in factory sealed bags. (Course there was that shipment of Bio Hazards once, ZomBB's) So Untouch I'll gladly gear you up and take your money. The only trouble you'll have is your GF.
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Old December 8th, 2007, 17:31   #12
Buds and Suds
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I was firing these bb's from both the mp5 PDW and my CA m15. Both guns got a jam with these bb's. Or maybe its coincidence. Either way, ill use em up and go back to the KSC and MT ones ive been using. Trial and error and sticking with what works is name of the game for me with this. Never had any issues with those ones.
Pull it back a bit Amos, I know what it is im useing.
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Old December 8th, 2007, 20:32   #13
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Some retailler can buy BBs in bulck that come in large bags (large potato type bags). Maybe you got a great price on those BBs because they where in bulck and they just packaged them with what they have.

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Old December 8th, 2007, 20:39   #14
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Originally Posted by Buds and Suds View Post
I was firing these bb's from both the mp5 PDW and my CA m15. Both guns got a jam with these bb's. Or maybe its coincidence. Either way, ill use em up and go back to the KSC and MT ones ive been using. Trial and error and sticking with what works is name of the game for me with this. Never had any issues with those ones.
Pull it back a bit Amos, I know what it is im useing.
I am thinking the bb's you got were not airsoft elite bb's but some cheap brand repackaged. If you compair your newly aquired bb's with Metal Tech bb's you will see a difference. The reason is that airsoft elite and Metal Tech are from the same factory. Oh yeah and on another note both AE and MT bb's are guaranteed to be of the best quality.

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