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new players, promoting the sport, organizing



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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:11   #1
romeo sierra
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new players, promoting the sport, organizing

hey, i noticed alot of people bashing eachother on here. i don't care what you guys do but here's food for thought.

since i started playing there has been a huge decline in players and i've only been playig for about 3 years. i'm sure the seizures, confiscations and changes to laws have had there effects as well. yes and i know it is winter.

i think we should try and promote the sport, try and make the community bigger! yes noobs suck, but eventually they get better. i'm sure everyone sucked at some point. and i'm sure some of you guys that think you are pros, are fat slobs that can't even bend over to pick up their mags.

and yea noobs post up dumb questions, and ask questions that are irrelevant or repeated. i think they should be told once; no one is making ou read these forums. and if they are repeat offenders then yes, i believe they should be put in there place. i hate idiots just as much as the next person.

so i'm curious to see how we can promote our sport, get more people involved, encourage, not discourage. who knows, an increase in population, will increase demand and perhaps we can get some "good" attention. this may lead to more stores being available, and pricing be comparable to our brothers around the world. prices that i'm sure are holding players back as well.

i'm not exactly sure how we could do this, but i'm sure there are alot of people around that feel the way i do.

a few friends and i were thinking of setting up a tournament at the indoor facility in richmond. it's not open to airsofter's yet, but i am friends with the owners niece, and she is looking into it for me.

the sport isn't new in canada, yet everyone i talk to doesn't understand.

in other parts of the world, they play some pretty intense games, and are very well organized(not to put any of my clubs down) but my experiences in hawaii, and parts of asia have led me to believe we can do alot more with our sport/hobby than we have achieved so far. perhaps even some ipsc shooting? i'm not into it, but if we had some sort of event at a real range, perhaps we could draw in more players there as well.

maybe some of you guys think the ommunity is big enough, but i'm tired of going to games and have only 6 or 7 guys there.

i haven't read into this topic at all so i hope i'm not one of those idiots. lol, but i wanted to rant about something.

hockey softball and even curling have scheduled leagues events tourneys etc. maybe one day we too can have these exciting things to look forward to. not just the casual drop in games.

just my 2 cents. thanks
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:15   #2
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truer words couldn't have been spoken...
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:16   #3
Red Tiger
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One thing i find funny..

since you are playing since 3 years. i sure you have seen that they are 100 players + game every years.

there are big games that 100 hundred of players goes every year. Quick pass, Keystone strike, and many more.

The sport is doing fine. Just maybe more games are organised on a private manner.

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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:18   #4
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I totally agree.

Yes I've noticed as well that alot of 'pros' on here haven't been very nice to new people or people asking stupid questions. Yeah, they should use Google or even easier the search button, but I think some people on here need to relax and take it easy on them. My friend who started coming on here asked a question about clearsoft and was flamed like nuts. After he was flamed he left and now posts on where he says people there are alot more easy-going.



Last edited by Stupideye; December 5th, 2007 at 17:20..
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:22   #5
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It's not the "pros" who are doing the flaming of new guys. It's the dumbasses who joined 4 months ago and have something to prove or a rep to establish. Just like in the real world.

Most of the "pros" won't say too much, unless someone is way out of line. Then, just like in the real world, the shit hits the fan.

Don't believe me? Go spend a half-hour surfing the trash bin, and notice who does the posting. And those are only the threads that haven't been deleted.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:39   #6
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
It's not the "pros" who are doing the flaming of new guys. It's the dumbasses who joined 4 months ago and have something to prove or a rep to establish. Just like in the real world.

Most of the "pros" won't say too much, unless someone is way out of line. Then, just like in the real world, the shit hits the fan.

Don't believe me? Go spend a half-hour surfing the trash bin, and notice who does the posting. And those are only the threads that haven't been deleted.
+1. He's right. A lot of the vets i know rarely post or flame here. Its people like me who do most of the flaming, Been around here for a couple of months and did all the research and reading necessary so know I know most of the answers to the questions that the noobs ask. That being said, i DONT flame anyone, im just using myself as an example cause i fit the description that mcguyver is talking about.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:39   #7
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I agree completely with the OP.

People definitely need to be more kind to new players, and accept the fact that without further growth the future of this sport in Canada is uncertain.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:41   #8
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I like your point of veiw ...
I can come right out and admit I've been harsh or mean to new peoples >.< kinda regret it right now...

I know coming from experiance when I first joined I was 16/17 ish.. I asked the stupid questions and got flammed, but I deserved it. I was stubborn and stupid...
So, I think it all comes down to how hard a person wants to play, sure it seems easy to think/say "Man everybody on ASC are pricks!" and walk away.. but if you are determined enough to get involved I think you'd hit the books and realise you are in the wrong and need to follow some of the basic rules. But, if we all were a tad nicer it'd probably help
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Old December 5th, 2007, 17:41   #9
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I sorta agree, but how can some one promote this? Where? local newspaper journals in the ad section? Go in schools? i doubt that would be smart, bunch of kids,like me but immature, who aren't old enough or mature to participate.

Going to ranges where people shoot real guns isn't such a great idea. most of the shooters are way older then average airsoft players and would probably laugh at 6mm bb's.

anyways...I wonder what older players and members will say...can't wait to read what Greylocks will post on...
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Old December 5th, 2007, 18:34   #10
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I'm going to laugh when one day, an important person to the Canadian government is going to make an account on ASC, to see what airsoft is all about in Canada, make his first post, then get flamed by 100 people.
because then they'll think were just a bunch of gun nut assholes, like most Americans, and they'll try to exploit that.

I cant completely remember, but i remember a while back a member of a news crew made an account on a friends paintball website, based out of Fort Erie.

No one really know who the account was, and when he had posted something, about 8-9 people laid into him.
2 nights later on the COGECO news channel, there was the reporter, showing how vulgar some of the players in fort erie were.
about a month later, K&K paintball field and store got shut down.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 18:47   #11
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Old December 5th, 2007, 18:48   #12
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
It's not the "pros" who are doing the flaming of new guys. It's the dumbasses who joined 4 months ago and have something to prove or a rep to establish. Just like in the real world.

Most of the "pros" won't say too much, unless someone is way out of line. Then, just like in the real world, the shit hits the fan.

Don't believe me? Go spend a half-hour surfing the trash bin, and notice who does the posting. And those are only the threads that haven't been deleted.
That post should be edited and made a sticky itself, nicely said!

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Old December 5th, 2007, 18:56   #13
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Funny and I thought airsoft was growing in Canada.

There are many airsofters out there, myself included, who did not know about asc. I discovered this website many years after I began my life in airsoft. Hell there are some regular players in Sask that when you mention ASC to them, they say "ASC what the hell is that?".

I dont believe this website and the garbage that goes on here is declining the amount of players this sport gets every year. If anything it weeds out the stupid people. Sure there are some people you would just love to smack the ever living shit out of everytime they talk, but thats how the internet is. Im one of those people that people want to sometimes smack the ever living shit out of, but I do a decent amount of helping as well.

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Old December 5th, 2007, 19:04   #14
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TokyoSeven there are exceptions but often you can trace the history of many of the "flamers" here on ASC and see their procession from newb to player to asshole.

Regardless the "newb problem" is not unique to airsoft and other forums (and hobbies) often do not react in such a hostile manner to simple questions. The high level of animosity drives many established players away which only leaves the flamers.

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Old December 5th, 2007, 19:06   #15
Danny Cyanide
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Also funny, but I've never met a "Pro" Airsoft player... I've met some "Pro" paintballers, but never a "Pro" airsofter...
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