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Gun Doc in Calgary


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Old November 8th, 2007, 00:08   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Calgary
Gun Doc in Calgary

Edit: 3 seconds after I posted this, I remembered where I saw the gun doc the sticky right above my post. I'm an idiot.

I could swear that I once stumbled across a section of the forum listing local gun docs, but I can't seem to find it again (probably right in front of me)

Anyway, for all the good things you hear about Systema PTW's, I have easily managed to bust mine up a few times.

The latest:

A couple of days ago, I dropped mine from shoulder height. The force of the drop caused my rear stock to literally jump a thread. It now sits as though I cross threaded it a good 8 or 10 twists into the rear reciever. I wouldn't have even thought that would be possible, but here we are.

This is where I need a gun doc. I would imagine that someone would need a vice (or one of those fancy receiver clamps) and a torch of some type to heat up the reciever as you try to back the stock out. After that you may need a tap and die to fix the threads up......

I have none of those tools.

Anyone that feels like they can tackle this for some extra beer $$$, please shoot me a PM. Shouldn't be too bad a job with the proper equipment.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 00:24   #2
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A gun doc used to working on Marui-based guns won't be able to help you much with a PTW.

I also can't see how your stock tube got cross-threaded in the receiver, unless you cracked the lower receiver. Pray this didn't happen, as you will have a bit of a hrad time getting your hands on one. They are controlled items in Canada and you'll have to go to a retailer to get them to order one in for you.

If the threads are damaged, but the receiver is intact and not cracked, you should be able to repair it. I'm not so sure about heating it, but the threads are flat, so maybe. An armourer's wrench with telestock option or a telestock wrench will be needed to tighten up the barrel nut so this won't happen again.

On that note, was this a SCK or a pre-assembled gun?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old November 8th, 2007, 00:29   #3
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Calgary
Lower receiver is completely intact, I have it right beside me.

If someone could lock the receiver tight in a vice and then use an armorers wrench (maybe with a snipe on the end) I'm sure it would come off.

I broke one of the mounts for the trigger guard the first day I got it, scratched the shit out of the outer barrell and now this. I dare someone to be as hard on their expensive toys as me
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Old November 8th, 2007, 02:38   #4
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 08:44   #5
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try Kimbo, or maybe even Riley.
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