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problem with atlantic armory//cory rusk a.k.a scammer



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Old May 27th, 2006, 21:29   #31
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Originally Posted by Droc
this conduct is unacceptable.

Better Business Bureau
The BBB is absolutely worthless ... trust me.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 12:47   #32
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i live in alberta so it would be kinda hard for me to break legs. btw i tried them and due to the fact that AA isnt registered as a BBB member they wont blink at the sit. i tried pay pal as well, again nothin. even my mastercard ouldnt lift a finger. i dont see why they cant just take money out of the account that it went into right ? but what i was thinkin was....... just go into his house and start takin stuff. i mean from the threads i ve read people do know where he lives. he has our money and wont give it back.......take from him what is owed. i have always lived by "an eye for an eye. sure money is money, but its OUR money. there has to be somethin that can be done. i just hope that this phone busters can. does neone have ne cruise missles that i could borrow ?
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Old May 28th, 2006, 13:04   #33
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Originally Posted by i see you
i live in alberta so it would be kinda hard for me to break legs. btw i tried them and due to the fact that AA isnt registered as a BBB member they wont blink at the sit. i tried pay pal as well, again nothin. even my mastercard ouldnt lift a finger. i dont see why they cant just take money out of the account that it went into right ? but what i was thinkin was....... just go into his house and start takin stuff. i mean from the threads i ve read people do know where he lives. he has our money and wont give it back.......take from him what is owed. i have always lived by "an eye for an eye. sure money is money, but its OUR money. there has to be somethin that can be done. i just hope that this phone busters can. does neone have ne cruise missles that i could borrow ?
Since that thread a while back about free long distance with Skype, that leaves the number to trace back to as 0001234567 I believe, why not just get the ASC community of 12,000 to call his house with different soundboards at insane hours of the night?

Even if he doesn't pick up, if he's got a girlfriend or wife, she'll be kicking his ass to make an effort to stop the calls.

Anyway... Good luck with the money! Keep at it... don't let 12 years of Liberal rule stop you from getting your money!
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Old May 28th, 2006, 17:37   #34
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Not sure if this will help but I did some looking on Section 8 and found this:
You guys I'm guessing already have all this information.
Name: Cory Rusk
Location: Charlottetown PEI

and I think this could be his distributor from out west. (not exactly sure)
Brass Eagle has sent us a press release stating they have come to an agreement with Cybergun for the distribution of airsoft products through Brass Eagle's network here in the US. I have a link but after looking at the site I've relized that it's quite possible that they are from France, one they call it Soft Air and another fact is I saw a patent for one of their guns that said Cybergun France. So my research is continuing I stumbled upon what seemed to be a retailer he signed up for. unfortunatley they were only a throat microphone company.

try this out ..

I sould know if i am going to be a dealer for them soon."[QUOTE/](Quoted from Section 8)
In alot of his posts he mention a guy code named "" Not sure if that has anything to do with AA but it seems like it in his posts. I managed to find his cell number I don't know the Area code or if it's even still in service but, 940-5730, And apparently scamming airsofters wasn't his only illegal hobby.
who wants copys i have 15 burnt


[QUOTE]Hey guy's In response to the tragic circumstances surrounding Hurricane Katrina, Atlantic Armory has started a relief fund which will be turned over to the Canadian Red Cross on September 19th I was ...[QUOTE/] Do I smell BS? From what's happened to the people in this thread it seems like it would be a scam.[QUOTE]Hey guy's i have to say a big thanks for the people that sent 265.00 to atlanticarmory that money is in the hands of the canadian red cross on the way to help.[QUOTE/] Hmmmm... Seems like people actually donated :rrr: . Basically that's all the dirt I could find on him, It's all basically from his posts on Section 8. Hope this may help even if just a bit.
EDIT: ***NEW INFO*** Okay looking through old posts on ASC I found out that Cory Rusks Wholesaler out west is: Double Edge Airsoft my proof is here:
Originally Posted by mujahadeen
Thats correct folks...

Ran into some hostings problems... (ionhosting < everything) and realized that lifes too short to be couped up indoors processing sales and shipping orders. Running Atlantic Armory for the past year has been very rewarding for me... we ran into our share of problems (including hackers and even an Email Money Transfer fraud attempt) but generally we recieved excellent customer review and very promising testimonials.

Randy and Clayton over at DEA have been extremely helpful and very accommodating to our wholesale needs and I would recommend doing business with them to anyone looking to operate a retail outlet.

I will continue to be a regular participant on Airsoft Canada (these forums have become an important component of my everyday life) pwning ignorant n00bs and the like. I will also be attending alot more games now that I have access time on my hands.

Customers will still have the option of Pm'ing me with any questions concerning their orders as I will be working partly in conjunction with Cory, an individual who I believe has the ability to take Atlantic Armory to bigger and better things.

Instock items will be regularly up to date and inventory levels should increase greatly over time (look forward to alot of tactical equipment to all you Eastern Canadian gear queers)

I would like to thank our client base and loyal return customers for your continuing business. Your patronage has put a permanent smile on my face and bread on my table. To the boys over at Atlantic Airsoft - thank you for putting up with my nonrelenting sales drives (read - Airsoft pimping) and all the support you gave me. I look foward to pwning your asses much more at upcoming games.

In closing, thank you's go out to the community, our web designers, ASC and the boy's over at Slim's Armory (who without them Atlantic Armory would have remained a pipe dream)

Thanks guys, it's been a hoot.

Mujahadeen / Seth
Original Owner Operator of Atlantic Armory.
Good luck guys!

Last edited by Brakoo; February 13th, 2009 at 23:34..
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Old May 28th, 2006, 18:07   #35
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that info is a little old cory bought atlantic armory from seth more then a year and a half ago but i used to live down the road from him and i even had my problems with him but his wife kicked him out as far as i understand but i don't know where he is now but ill keep an eye out for you and see if i can find his new number
StevO :duke: :snipe:
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Old May 28th, 2006, 18:12   #36
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Old May 29th, 2006, 14:38   #37
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ok guys, so i sent all the emails that i have from cory(being paranoid i kept them all) when i was tryin to buy that g36c to phone busters. i have also sent them this addy so they can see that im not the only one who has been hooped by cory. i also want to thank you all for the help that you have given up to this point.
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Old May 29th, 2006, 17:52   #38
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Well did we figure out of this "RCMP" cheque was real or not? I'm not entirely sure I understand how that works. However, if it says "RCMP Academy" on it, I would call Regina and ask tell them you have a cheque that says it came from there, and youre trying to get ahold of the guy. If you establish its him, you can then get ahold of whoever is in charge. It was also mentioned it worked for, or once worked for Securicar. In either case, getting ahold of either would be a bonus, because you have to be bonded to drive armoured car, and the RCMP dont recuit jackholes who owe money. If you managed to locate him at either place, he'd probably be right out the door once you explains all this BS.

As far as suppliers out west, I'd imagine its probably Xtreme Percision, theres a good chance. Although they can be just as hard to get ahold of as this guy youre trying to find sometimes.

Hang'em High!
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Old October 20th, 2007, 17:52   #39
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Anyone else understand that?
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Old October 20th, 2007, 17:53   #40
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Someone call 911! My eyes are bleeding!
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Old October 20th, 2007, 17:56   #41
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Old October 20th, 2007, 18:47   #42
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Originally Posted by IRDBonko View Post
OK so here is what I know abot Importing Air guns to canada so fare you need a "movie prop liceance", a "Fire arms Liceance" getting mine soon hopefully!!!! Or and Or Follows this strict and highly hard list provided by google! Search "Importing airsoft to canada" It should be the one on the top the search list call Google anwsers click on it and it will bring up this list that clearly state this in short if it looks real and is black or color matches real gun no. Cuz it a replca Fire arm... only stuff that looks old like ww1 will get away with because its classic and this mean you don't fire it and it sit in a case at home;(... Umm the next is over 500 feet is mostly consider a Small hunting rifle like a pelet gun and this mean that it follows not only the firearms license but the Criminal Code As well... thankyou kids in Toronto for shooting people with pelet guns like 5-7 years ago... Next and this is the on that gets it in to the country, it has to be "clear" if it clear it obusly not a Replca, and it has to be under 500 fps or it considerd a small hunting rifle.. if these apply ,then it is classifed a "Kids Toy" for 18 and umm like that makes sence.... and there you gun is not held at custom or can be imported int the country Taduh follows these rules and that why there not shutdown yet and they are trying to find more and more clear rifles... now you want to loook really go to Canadian tire buy some black krellen paint and paint but becarefully because if you get cought you can be chargerd big time...

Warning i and not reponsible for the actions that you take by painting your rifles what you do is your chose! and is your own resonsiblitly!

Blimey, I think I got a weird batch of cough sirup...
Annoyingly good with numbers

Stop American Censorship
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Old October 20th, 2007, 21:42   #43
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I can believe this shit is still popping up, He owes me 300$. I ran into him at the mall last night, We exchanged words. I said something like "i take comfort in the fact the karma will catch up to you" And walked away.... I should have fucked him up.....
Age Verifier for PEI (out of town) to phil, PM for details
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Old October 20th, 2007, 22:13   #44
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He owes you $300, and you just let him go?

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Old October 20th, 2007, 22:25   #45
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He owes you $300, and you just let him go?
+1 wtf and a half man

also wtf at the person who dredged this up and posted some shit about importing stuff. if you do something like that at least post something that is relevant to the original post and dont be a fucktard
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