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HELP! RE:A&A Airsoft, Miss-advertised Tanaka M700 AICS sale



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Old April 21st, 2007, 20:34   #31
Hedonism Bot
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Who cares if he's one of the few retailers bringing stuff in. When you buy from a retailer you are paying extra for their overhead. There are ASC members who do regular group buys and you'd save yourself some money by ordering from them anyway.

Most people just feel safer ordering from a retailer with a website. To each his own.
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Old April 21st, 2007, 21:34   #32
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I personally have heard nothing but good about Mark. Consider that he's probably just extremely busy, being one of the only retailers left in business. Probably just tried to take the easy way out by saying 'ask tanaka'.

I'd say press the issue until you either get what you want or get told off. I still recommend A&A, but I suppose I'm in a different situation, being able to do business there face to face.
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Old April 21st, 2007, 21:58   #33
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Regardless what Tanaka supplied for information. A&A should have examined the gun to make sure it's the correct model before shipping and that his order was complete. WGC are listing their Tanaka M700 AICS, with no PCS.

Early November last year, WGC listed the Tanaka M700 AICS was equiped with the PCS. I emailed WGC in the beginning of December before I ordered mine to make sure. They replied they are no longer carrying the M700 AICS with the PCS as Tanaka has stopped producing the PCS and installing gas regulators in them due to the fps restrictions that have been imposed in Japan. I ordered mine in mid-December through Raygis LasVegas in one of his group orders from RedWolf. He contacted RedWolf before he ordered it to confirm they sold the M700 AICS with the PCS.

So if Tanaka sent info on their product, I'm sure they sent the updated info to him on regards that the Tanaka M700 AICS is not equiped with the PCS feature. However, there is a guy in the states, I beleive he resides in California, who had made a special replacement nozzle to eliminate the gas regulator. I think he was selling them for around $20US (can't remember).
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Old April 21st, 2007, 22:20   #34
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When I saw the Tanaka M700 up on sale on A&A that few months back, I e-mailed them requesting to double check if it had the PCS system as I knew about the new Japan Joule limits and the removal of the PCS. I never got a correct answer saying it had the PCS, so I just stopped there.
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Old April 21st, 2007, 22:23   #35
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good points all around, and as some have said the main thing holding you back now is the time.
One option might be, in talks with Mark at A & A, to have the weapon examined by a third party. Someone completely neutral. That way Mark will know he is getting a gun he can sell with no headaches, (immediate and in the future) and you can receive in-store credit to an agreed upon value toward the purchase of another gun/parts/accessories/gear.
Everyone should be happy, I would hope.
Either way I wish you all the best. Its a close knit community, so for all concerned an amicable resolution should be found.
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Old April 21st, 2007, 23:39   #36
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
Regardless what Tanaka supplied for information. A&A should have examined the gun to make sure it's the correct model before shipping and that his order was complete. WGC are listing their Tanaka M700 AICS, with no PCS.
Thank you.
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 00:25   #37
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I think if it were just a case of wanting his money back after 3 months because he needed the money, I would say no. If he waited 3 months and then discovered the gun broken and wanted his money back I would also say no. You have to draw the line somewhere, and companies that give no questions asked refunds after that long don't stay in business.

But, this is a completely different matter. He paid for something he did not receive. True he was not intentionally ripped off, but regardless of who is to blame for the inaccurate description, it is not the customers fault. If Mark from A&A copied the description off the box and it was incorrect he should offer a refund and HE should be the one to contact the manufacturer.
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 07:22   #38
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Originally Posted by vatek View Post
That was me. He only added that the trades were removed because I sent him an email and pretty much bitched him out. He gave me a refund less shipping. I've ordered a few guns from him since with no troubles, but if there were more retailers around I would easily take my business elsewhere.

To me, it's like buying a TV or a stereo system. You trust the sales guy to tell you the truth. If the guy says it has "x" key feature, it better damn well have that feature when I take it home and turn it on, or there's gonna be some major shit flying when I go back there to return it. It's the retailer's responsibility to make sure the product matches the description.
and if you put the stereo system under the stairs for 3 months, hooked it up and noticed X not present...remembering you bought the stereo with X, would you still go back and make a fuss? (i sure have/ and would in such a case.)
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 08:03   #39
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hi all.

interesting comments now as for VATEK bitiching me out NOT he had an issue informed me of it and the problem was made right.

as for silent_lemon well if he had an issue he should have informed me sooner so I could have dealt with it 3 months is too long. I go on only the information the company sends me with the products I have too many products to go though all of them to check them all over. I try my best at this stuff for all of you guys.


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Old April 22nd, 2007, 08:07   #40
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Originally Posted by whoha View Post
hi all.

interesting comments now as for VATEK bitiching me out NOT he had an issue informed me of it and the problem was made right.

as for silent_lemon well if he had an issue he should have informed me sooner so I could have dealt with it 3 months is too long. I go on only the information the company sends me with the products I have too many products to go though all of them to check them all over. I try my best at this stuff for all of you guys.


That's great you try your best for them, now with the issue at hand, have no sympathy whatsoever? Are you afraid of the possible damage that's been incurred to the gun after the 3 months?
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 09:01   #41
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YES very concerned as I have done this before for a couple of people and the item has come back with mech boxes blown and bb's jammed in the barrels. so to that answer is yes.


Originally Posted by silent_lemon View Post
That's great you try your best for them, now with the issue at hand, have no sympathy whatsoever? Are you afraid of the possible damage that's been incurred to the gun after the 3 months?
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 10:23   #42
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But Mark, we're not talking about a mechanical problem with the gun after 3 months. A mistake was made in the description of the gun that you were selling on your website and the buyer did not get what was described. Just telling him that it's not your problem is really poor business practice.

I made an order from Optactical for some gears. Same thing happen to me to one of the products I ordered. Right description but wrong peice. At first they told me to contact the manufacturer but I inform them that there was a mistake made on their site and they should try and correct that information. I had already used the product and told them that I wasn't really looking for a replacement since I had used it already and it was still ok for me.

Next email that was sent from them to me was that the correct one will be sent to me without charge and that I should just keep that wrong peice.

Needless to say, I have promoted that company to all my friends.

A simple gesture like that really goes a long way. I'm not saying that you should do that but at lease come to an agreement where the buyer can get some compensation to help him sell that gun. A partial store credit for anyone that buys it could have been offered. We would then have a thread that praise A&A for making it right instead of this.
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 13:14   #43
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Originally Posted by whoha View Post

YES very concerned as I have done this before for a couple of people and the item has come back with mech boxes blown and bb's jammed in the barrels. so to that answer is yes.
I completely understand what you are saying as I used to work in retail for 10 years for a major electronics chain. Allowing exchanges or refunds on items that can not be resold as new is not wise and can severely effect a company's bottom line. Our chain probably had a million dollars worth of stuff sitting around that we could not sell, even heavily discounted.

The difference with this case is that the customer paid for something that he did not receive, AND it is still in new condition. I really don't see what the problem is here. It's exactly the same as someone buying a recordable dvd player and not wanting to record anything for a few months and then finding out that the unit doesn't record and is only a player. He should be given what he paid for or get a refund. Then you should go after the manufacturer or distributor yourself if somehow you lost money by their mistake.
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 13:26   #44
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Well, to be fair, the email I sent had a pretty unhappy tone to it. Maybe not as harsh as I made it out to be, but the message was clear that I was not pleased with the removed trades.

Either way, you did get back to me quickly and the return was arranged within the day, so the issue was handled in a professional manner, and I thank you for that.

Personally, I think the product being sold should match the description on the website, because it completely avoids any trouble after the purchase. Had I known that the OD M14s Mark had in stock had removed trades before I bought them, I would have bought a different gun or waited until he got a batch with intact trades. I haven't had a problem with any order I've received since, and I hope it stays that way. Both my M24 and my Hi-Capa 5.1 were in flawless shape when they arrived. I'm not trying to badmouth your business, and I've recommended you to friends based on the service I got on the return on the M14.

Last edited by vatek; April 22nd, 2007 at 14:27..
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 14:02   #45
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Silent_lemon, no offense, but did you not check yourself to see if it had PCS before you tried to resell it? That's also negligence on your part, imo.

If you only realised you didn't get what you ordered 3 months after receiving it, after trying to resell it, it's kind of your own fault for not verifying. Personally when I drop down a hefty sum of money on anything, I open it up and check it all out pretty much as soon as I get it. I can see how you would be disappointed you didn't really get the product you thought you were purchasing, but 90 days to make a complaint or w/e is usually longer than any retailer would allow with buying an extended warranty or something.
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