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Ca M15A4 CQB + Systema 150 Gearbox


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Old April 15th, 2007, 20:11   #16
Kos-Mos's Avatar
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Location: Lévis (QC)
Don't get a Ni-Cd pack unless it is a REALLY good quality pack.
They DO NOT PERFORM better than a good Ni-Mh pack. For those who are still not sure about that... tell me why I can't finish a 5 min race with a 2400mAh Ni-Cd, and I complete over 8 min on a 2400mAh Ni-Mh??? (for those who don't know I do some R/C races).

Second, Ni-Cd and Ni-Mh have almost the same voltage at 0.05v per cell. You will never see the difference between two packs, same drain rate, same capacity, same everything except one is Ni-Cd and the other Ni-Mh.
The only difference is that Ni-Cd packs will drain gradually, when Ni-Mh will drop all of a sudden. This makes the "usable" range of the Ni-Cd pack a lot smaller.

...guess I will need to do a comparative test with a LOT of packs to show the difference. Sorry, I got carried away.

If you really want good batteries, get some 3800mAh Intellect or higer (4200mAh).
Ni-Cd won't push more juice in your gun as most people think. Probably your current 3300mAh pack is not a high drain. Most common packs are only 20-25A drain. Intellect packs are rated 30-35A... way better for your setup.

Batteries are the most important thing in an AEG, but still most people just have the cheapest one in there. What is the point of having a Ferrari and run it on regular just to save on gas???

I also recommend you to change the plugs and all the wires on your gun. Might look stupid, but you gain an extra 10-15% just with that. Get some high quality 14ga silicone wire. Won't heat, won't restrict current and they are a LOT more flexible than normal wire.
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Old April 16th, 2007, 08:52   #17
moto's Avatar
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I also raced R/C cars. 10th scale Touring, 12th scale pan, off road, etc, etc.. I guess the point is, I know batteries fairly well also. This is why I do not understand why this current Intellect 9.6v 3300Mah NiMH pack works with a 120 spring and not the 150 that the Systema gearbox came with. Im running high quality wire and deans connectors also (had tonnes of deans left over from my r/c days). I also don't buy the statements that a NiCAD of the same voltage is going to be that much better. Well.. I say to hell with the speculation.. I ordered a Intellect 12v 4200Mah pack and a Systema Magnum motor. That'll cure the problem.
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Old April 16th, 2007, 16:49   #18
safx's Avatar
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I think what the guys here were saying about using NiCD's, is they use the "large" version batteries over the smaller NiMH's more commonly used for stock guns.

RC cars is one thing, but I'd put more stock in testimony from airsofter's running 400fps guns and what they recommend, from there years of testing.

My last TM/Systema 375fps M4 ran on an 8.4 2200 large NiCad, the battery would last all day outside firing full auto bursts.

Here's some info I came across:

Hope this helps
Retired — Freedom 35
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Old April 16th, 2007, 17:15   #19
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Location: Petawawa, Ontario

Thats some good info you posted there. Thank you.

I think that because this is a DMR and I will not be using the rifle full auto, that I will change my order to a Sanyo 12v 2400mah Ni-cd. Im not worried about the battery running out and any little extra that the Ni-cd gives me is just extra goodness.

Thanks to everyone who replied. I'll post up what the results are when the parts arrive.
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