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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:40   #31
made Man
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
Role playing games, card games and Airsoft...add some paintball for measure...what the hell?
Those guys run/part of Op-For Mission with at least 2 fields. One is a huge ass out door place, and another is the 100 meter long decom BC Ferry. Played on the ferry, it is freaking awesome.
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

I am worth $2,106,266.00 on

<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:43   #32
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we really need more retailers...
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:46   #33
The Saint
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Originally Posted by dontask View Post
we really need more retailers...
What we really need is airsoft to be legalized, not more retailers operating in the blindspots of the law.
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:48   #34
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Originally Posted by Jayhad View Post
well 007 already got hit last year but apparently Ken is bringing weapons again
just wanted to correct you on that airsoft replicas are not weapons unless misued for its purpose...
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 09:33   #35
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Dude, you simply haven't been around long enough.

Apec/Xp/Blue Seas - had license - gone
DEA/Rangers/M1 - had license - gone
Canadian Airsoft - had license - gone
Warcraft - used someones' license - gone
ASCA - had license - gone
ASK, 007, and other small guys - gone
The CFC (now RCMP) and the CBSA are more serious about shutting down the supply of replicas than they have ever been. They will win too!!!

All of this occurred in the last year, and some of these guys had been around for years.
So then you dont agree with my post?? Are you calling Ken@007 an idiot. Sure sounds like it. Like I said, he wouldnt risk getting busted again and probably risk going to jail the second time around for smuggling.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 09:51   #36
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Bakes, I read nothing about him calling Ken an idiot But fact is you don't even have it right about what happened to Ken. He was never raided. He had a order of springs and other accessories seized at the boarder. And he has always ordered through someone else. IF you have played longer than 2 years you wouldn't even argue that something is really going down this time.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 10:09   #37

It's not a question of if new product arrives in Canada. There is product crossing the boarder all of the time.

The known retailers are being attacked, many of them shared a single point of entry. Peter Kang and Wes were supporting many of the airsoft "resellers" and others were using the same channel so a large channel being shut gives the illusion of a well organized assault on multiple stores.

The successful people have been bringing in small amounts from the states or elsewhere, no bulk orders, no customes brokers but also no huge volume discounts. These retailers are never going to make airsoft sales there bread and butter but it is great for the sport and can put a few pennies in the pocket.

What we need is a community with a number of these small succesfull retaiers. I personaly have brought in over 25 units since Christmass. There has been problems some of the real steal hand guns have been seized but for the most part it has been fine. I know of others that are doing the same thing, some with no luck and some that are seriously infating there margins to the point where the product becomes unatractive for the buyer (less buyers = less players).

I think in short what I am trying to say is if the people that were selling the guns cared more about the sport then the bottom line we would not have the problem that we are having. Keep it small personal and under the radar and we will all do much better.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 10:13   #38
Bravo One-Six
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Originally Posted by Solo36 View Post
There will aways be a retailer. every one should just stop thinking about it. the law will never stop us. Just look at drugs, they cant stop them from being delt.they try but it just slipes past the raydar.. there is always going be another way to get our airsoft fix.
The law doesn't stop us now because there aren't decade long prison terms for dealing in airsoft. I think you'd find yourself playing games alone in your underground hideout if that changes.

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Old March 22nd, 2007, 10:47   #39
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Originally Posted by Bravo One-Six View Post
The law doesn't stop us now because there aren't decade long prison terms for dealing in airsoft. I think you'd find yourself playing games alone in your underground hideout if that changes.
True. but im just trying to think positive. Every one els just lost hope and its depressing to listen to.
You have to be familliar with the smell of crap to understand someone with their head up their own ass.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 11:54   #40
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Yes.... its true.. if I wanted to jump through all the hoops...I am confident I could get a business firearms License ... Which means my business could buy replicas for use on my premisis..

it is not possible to get a license to sell replicas to individuals... full stop.. the law forbids it.

every time you as an individual buys or sells an airsoft gun you could be busted for trafficing in prohibited devices... this is a reality... and this is why so many business went down this year..
Sure most of them had import licenses...and were briniging in guns legally
But they were not selling them legally because you can't.

Sales were based on the premis that enforcement was lax.. which left some room for trade... well enforcment is less lax now... so there is less room for trade.

There will likely be always someone willing to risk it to bring guns in and sell them... but the days of "shopping for guns" is over... at least for now...
I say go for it, but I'd also suggest maybe you should try and find a new place if you plan on doing that, a larger facility would attract more people and would be more sensible if you had rentals available.

Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post
It's not a question of if new product arrives in Canada. There is product crossing the boarder all of the time.

The known retailers are being attacked, many of them shared a single point of entry. Peter Kang and Wes were supporting many of the airsoft "resellers" and others were using the same channel so a large channel being shut gives the illusion of a well organized assault on multiple stores.

The successful people have been bringing in small amounts from the states or elsewhere, no bulk orders, no customes brokers but also no huge volume discounts. These retailers are never going to make airsoft sales there bread and butter but it is great for the sport and can put a few pennies in the pocket.

What we need is a community with a number of these small succesfull retaiers. I personaly have brought in over 25 units since Christmass. There has been problems some of the real steal hand guns have been seized but for the most part it has been fine. I know of others that are doing the same thing, some with no luck and some that are seriously infating there margins to the point where the product becomes unatractive for the buyer (less buyers = less players).

I think in short what I am trying to say is if the people that were selling the guns cared more about the sport then the bottom line we would not have the problem that we are having. Keep it small personal and under the radar and we will all do much better.
I'd like to bring some stuff in as well, since the majority of these small folks are bringing in all the name brand stuff I'd like to contribute with the low-end stuff :P That is if someone here would be so nice to help me out
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 12:30   #41
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Why is everyone so damned blind! Brian just stated that it is illegal to trade in replica firearms, which after a couple of challenges we have seen that the gov't sees airsoft as such! Pull your heads out of the sand! At this rate i seriously doubt that "it will all just blow over, and someone will find a loophole somewhere". I'm almost sick of this shit, people wake up and take a look around...never has it been this bad before, and before someone yells "stfu the sky isn't falling" have a real hard think about what has happened over the last year and tell me that it isn't a crackdown.
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 12:41   #42
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Well, what more can be done than being hopeful? Seriously I don't think there's much left that can be done.

When I played paintball for the longest time, it's took quite a while for that to get any support from the public, and paintball is about 50* the size of airsoft.

I guess you're either in or out from here.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 12:50   #43
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
What we really need is airsoft to be legalized, not more retailers operating in the blindspots of the law.
true. but that won't be accomplished so quickly and easily
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 13:11   #44
I guess it would be easy to roll over and play dead. Myself I prefer to try through action not words to make something better happen. And without patting my own back, have had some luck. I have outfitted at least 12 players that other wise wouldn't have started to play.

If waking up means packing up my gear and going home I'll stay asleep and do something productive.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 19:53   #45
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Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post
I guess it would be easy to roll over and play dead. Myself I prefer to try through action not words to make something better happen. And without patting my own back, have had some luck. I have outfitted at least 12 players that other wise wouldn't have started to play.

If waking up means packing up my gear and going home I'll stay asleep and do something productive.
good shit man!!

playing with my kid!
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