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Old February 8th, 2007, 16:26   #16
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Tanaka M870 which has just been recently released.

Very little information at the moment about them, but from a few people who've already have had first hand experience with it, it sounds like a winner.

Gas and BBs (3) loading into each shell which ejects, metal barrel/receiver.
With a shell catcher, it would be a nice CQB shotgun.

A cheaper route would be to look into the Maruzen M870. Though it's got more plastic (receiver/barrel), it's a lot cheaper. Gas loaded into internal tank reservior, BBs loaded into shells. Should only be run on duster though unless reinforced, but that's no problem considering you could load up to 10 0.12g BB's.
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Old February 8th, 2007, 23:25   #17
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yeah, I've seen pics of the tanaka, pretty bitchin gun, I'd like to see a sawed off version of it for sure. How many bbs does it shoot at once?

Last edited by Greg666; February 8th, 2007 at 23:30..
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Old February 8th, 2007, 23:31   #18
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you're gonna saw off MORE of the 4 round 870 tubular mag?
better work on your open-chamber shell reloads
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Old February 8th, 2007, 23:38   #19
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I meant for the stock, I'd like to see a pistol grip version as well, sorry I'm a little tired and brain dead so now i get to do this: :banghead: haha.
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Old February 9th, 2007, 00:34   #20
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When I want to buy an airsoft shotgun I want to load shells in the damned thing not a mag... Maruzen M1100/M870 (NOT CA870) or the Tanaka series is the only way to go. Not much of a starter gun though, more of a 'for fun on a summer day' piece.

If you had to get into it cheap the TM M3 Super90 would be the way to go, then eventually upgrading to an AEG. The TM series is all plastic but you get more than one BB per shot and slightly above stock AEG range/accuracy. Oh, and get one with a stock, you'll wish you had if you dont.
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Old February 9th, 2007, 12:50   #21
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So which would you reccomend the TM or the Maruzen? Whats the aproximate cost of both or do you know? I've had a hard time finding prices in candadian dollars.

Just a few quick questions about the maruzen. How do the gas powered shotties work, are they good and reliable? Are they more/less finicky than a springer? Do they have more metal components than the TM? Aproximate FPS, more/less than 300? How many bbs do they fire at once? And lastly how many bbs does each shell hold.

And I know what you mean about the shells, mags are fine but loading actual shells is way more awsome, one of the reasons I picked out the TM lineup right away.

Sorry about all the questions, hopefully its not to much of a pain in the ass.
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Old February 9th, 2007, 15:03   #22
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I think most people here like talking about airsoft guns and helping people, so I don't think it's a pain to anyone!

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Old February 9th, 2007, 15:31   #23
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Originally Posted by Greg666 View Post
So which would you reccomend the TM or the Maruzen? Whats the aproximate cost of both or do you know? I've had a hard time finding prices in candadian dollars.

Just a few quick questions about the maruzen. How do the gas powered shotties work, are they good and reliable? Are they more/less finicky than a springer? Do they have more metal components than the TM? Aproximate FPS, more/less than 300? How many bbs do they fire at once? And lastly how many bbs does each shell hold.

And I know what you mean about the shells, mags are fine but loading actual shells is way more awsome, one of the reasons I picked out the TM lineup right away.

Sorry about all the questions, hopefully its not to much of a pain in the ass.
For a full stock Maruzen M870, gas is held in an internal tank in the stock, or in the pistol grip for the shorter version.

Shells can be loaded from 1-10 BBs at your preference, though more BBs = less FPS as remember you will be using the same amount of gas to propel the shell full of BBs. FPS does lack for the shotgun as it shoots around 200-220FPS, but that's still dependent on the amount of BBs loaded and the weight of BBs used.

Shells are ejected though pump action.

Tanaka and Maruzen Shotguns are as close to realism than any other shotguns with the ejecting shell feature and firing more than just 1 BB per shell, though Tanaka's are limited to only 3 BBs per shell.

And some reviews:
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Old February 9th, 2007, 15:50   #24
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Here's my two cents. Having owned a TM M3 Shorty, and a Marushin M500 Maxi. First off they are apples and oranges. The M500 is double to cost, but it's all metal, racks like the real thing and is a beauty to behold. The TM M3 was also an enjoyable gun to own. With some skill you can own in CQB and careful target acquisition you can easily hold your own in open skirms. It has it's fall backs, lots of plastic, shell ejector door problems and the breakage problem. But if you love it, treat it good and not beat on it like a red-headed stepchild it'll serve you well and is decent bang for your buck. Despite what DROC says it's not a bad gun. A friend of mine and I both had shorties and were surgical with them. If you got the moolah buy big and go M500 or 870, if you're on a budget and want a decent shotty go M3 Super 90. Plus, a shotty will really hone your E&E skills and cover skills, as you can't return fire as rapidly as with an AEG. Just pick your moments and you'll be fine.

Not to mention I'm aquiring another M3 Super 90 (Full Version) again. I like the gun despite it's problems and enjoy using it.
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Old February 9th, 2007, 16:50   #25
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whats this crap about the tanaka shotgun loading gas into the shells? then thowing the shells on the ground....

sounds like a winner.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

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Old February 9th, 2007, 22:13   #26
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So for the Maruzens the number of bbs loaded into the shell is the number fired at a time, so for example if i load five bbs into a shell, it fires five bbs? If this is the case, how many shells do the guns hold at a time, hopefully more than one so that your not constantly shoving shells in after each shot.

Anyways lots of good input here, I appreciate it, one of the few forums I've been on where people are willing to help newcomers and not jump all over people and be like "sEarCh it oN gOoglE n00b!!!"
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Old February 10th, 2007, 12:23   #27
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depends on the model itself; most retailers will have it listed
m1100 revision is quite short and only has 3+1
1897 trench is fairly long and holds 6+1

the bigger the gun, the more ammo it holds, generally, for shotties
of course, with shotties, the more ammo you have in the tube mag, the longer the smile stays on your face
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Old February 11th, 2007, 00:42   #28
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Yeah....i was considering one of those m1100 rev3's but the lack of ammo is just such a turn off....
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old February 11th, 2007, 01:14   #29
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IMHO, the ammo capacity isnt really that huge of a deal
its a CQB gun, and all single engagements would probably be over before the 4th shell leaves the chamber
it is semi auto as well, which fills the air with a LOT of bb's pretty fast

sometimes the thing stovepipes during extraction, which requires you to work the bolt
definitely a bloody fun gun to play with though
shells arent TOO ridiculously expensive as well, since they are more or less just a plastic tube
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Old February 11th, 2007, 13:36   #30
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I love my M3 but it broke like all the rest, my tri nozel is done and my buddys connections between the loading and the pump handl broke.
I personaly really like the Maruzen 870 charger, really good feel and if you get the magazine version you dont have to wory about finding your shells after every fire fight.
I played with a guy who had a shell eject gun and it was a PAIN in the ass to run with him because every 5 minuites we had to stop so he could fund everything.
why cant westcan come back?
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