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For those that still doubt that Law Enfrocement trolls discussion boards...



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Old January 26th, 2007, 18:25   #1
For those that still doubt that Law Enfrocement trolls discussion boards...

Mirrored from CGN:

Yesterday, Jan 25th, I received a call from a GunNutz member and CSSA Member who had been visited by the Feds over a private purchase he had made of a non-registerable item. He had talked about his purchase in these forums and they told him that is how they tracked him down.


Please... be very, very careful about the things you say in these forums. Your enemies are here too, the Antis, the Feds and the Police and they are actively looking for anything to try and nail you.


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Old January 26th, 2007, 18:39   #2
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Indeed. I'm an avid 4 wheeler, and out west in BC 4 wheeling is looked down upon by many. Crossing water that is part of or leads to a fish spawning area is punishable by fines up to $1,000,000. The 4x4 club I belong to had a meeting with some Fisheries officers, and these officers had all sorts of pictures of such water crossings taken from our own website. Licence plates were clearly visible. The officers were great, they weren't out for blood or anything. A couple of them were 4 wheelers themselves. It was pretty educational though.

The powers that be are out there, and if you give them an easy way to nail you they will use it against you.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 19:28   #3
Well, its well known that the RCMP keeps a light eye on ASC.

However, I don't agree with the statement that was quoted. Its obviously someone who broke the law and had/has something to hide. Its a bad attitude to have regarding the law. When people view the law as the enemy, they are just asking for it.
Old January 26th, 2007, 19:32   #4
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Given the abuse of the law ( or the lack of knowledge that the common person has) by some in enforcement it isn't hard to see how the attitude develops.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 19:33   #5
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Let the RCMP view our discussions. They will see a bunch of responsible adults who try to enforce the law for underage airsofting. I don't think they are blind to our existance, so lets prove that we're not a threat to all the soccer moms. My "toy" guns won't hurt them.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 19:42   #6
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
Well, its well known that the RCMP keeps a light eye on ASC.
I would like this statement backed up DROC. I am not saying they DO NOT, I am not a nay sayer, but, I would like to know why this is continually brought up as a story told as an old urban myth. What proof do you have? Not for arguments sake just educational.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 20:16   #7
Have a friend in the RCMP, mentioned that sites like ASC and CGN are well known to the RCMP. Thats not in print proof, but works for me.
I dont have a doubt in my mind. With airsoft being as big a problem as it is, ASC isnt hard for the law to find...shit, I hear the RCMP has google now.

Lets face it, the police are not stupid, and its well known that many pro-gun groups are monitored. To even think for a second that ASC isnt well observed is crazy. Look at all the issues with airsoft retailers and such. To think that ASC is overlooked is crazy.

All that stuff with that terrorist group in toronto over the summer, alot of their actions were watched over the net....and its not like ASC doesnt have guns, odd people, and training facilities, occasional threads about explosives and such....have to be really stupid not to watch ASC from time to time.

There has also been atleast one occasion where a member has filed charges against another ASC user for threats on and through this site.
Old January 26th, 2007, 20:32   #8
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
Have a friend in the RCMP, mentioned that sites like ASC and CGN are well known to the RCMP. Thats not in print proof, but works for me.
I dont have a doubt in my mind. With airsoft being as big a problem as it is, ASC isnt hard for the law to find...shit, I hear the RCMP has google now.

Lets face it, the police are not stupid, and its well known that many pro-gun groups are monitored. To even think for a second that ASC isnt well observed is crazy. Look at all the issues with airsoft retailers and such. To think that ASC is overlooked is crazy.

All that stuff with that terrorist group in toronto over the summer, alot of their actions were watched over the net....and its not like ASC doesnt have guns, odd people, and training facilities, occasional threads about explosives and such....have to be really stupid not to watch ASC from time to time.

There has also been atleast one occasion where a member has filed charges against another ASC user for threats on and through this site.

At the time of this post there were "Currently Active Users: 233 (66 members and 167 guests)

More guests than members, it would be stupid for us to think that not just one of the guests couldn't be some sort of watchdog, ie police, CBSA, angry soccer mom, or journalist.

Also when building a case the police will use any means at their disposal. When I was 15 I delivered groceries on bike, I made a delivery and on my way back, I was stopped by two detectives, and was asked for details about the appartment. How many people did I see, and did I notice anything strange or different today. Found out later they were raided, turns out the place was a storage depot for coke.

So the net or forum is a wealth of info for them.
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Last edited by Dirty Deeds; January 26th, 2007 at 20:40..
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Old January 26th, 2007, 20:44   #9
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Just for the record I have received Toronto Police and OPP referrals to my blog from ASC. I don't know however if they're members of the forums or special "guests".

It's happened 3 times in the last year if I remember correctly.

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Old January 26th, 2007, 21:15   #10
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Windsor PD, RCMP and CSIS in my experience.
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Old January 26th, 2007, 21:46   #11
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Old January 27th, 2007, 02:33   #12
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Old January 27th, 2007, 06:41   #13
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
Well, its well known that the RCMP keeps a light eye on ASC.
No we don't
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And Zachiria looked on with terrible aspect and replied:
"Bollocks, it was a ricochet."
And then Jacob looked up and called upon the mighty power of the Lord, who descended from heaven on a golden chariot with a Vulcan minigun stuck on the front and smote Zacharia with a sustained full-auto burst. And Lo! Jacob proclaimed:
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Old January 27th, 2007, 07:11   #14
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Originally Posted by neil555688 View Post
No we don't
Quick question for the police, do you monitor EVERY post? I couldn't imagine the manpower required to do that... that would mean a guy on full time.

Also, if a guy was hired to monitor ASC, would he look at Aqua's Gaijin thread? Also, if he/she did look at the Gaijin thread, is he allowed to laugh?

And to discus amongst ASCers, if there were police monitoring this website, would it not make sense that they are verified so that they can monitor the NAR and (airsoft) Gun sales?
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Old January 27th, 2007, 07:16   #15
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They do, simple as that.
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The plush dogs were cool.

Don't let the dog haters and plushy haters get to you, man. ANYONE can post pictures of their guns, but it takes a special breed of man to post a picture of his guns with plushies!
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