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Out of box quality


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Old January 25th, 2007, 16:58   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Out of box quality

Im sure this has been asked befor but i tried multiple searches and i scanned most pages in sections i thought it would have been asked but i could not find the answers to my question.
I'm looking to purchase a high quality AEG, but i will not be upgrading it for a good amount of time, i neeed to know out of Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, and ICS which guns are the most accurate/reliable/durable straight ot of box??? Those are the only aspect i care about and in that order, does anyone have any experience with all these brands to explain the pro/cons or which is best suited for me.
Thanks in advance, i've been having such a hard time finding useful info on airsoft until i found this site. Its AWESOME, i think id still be plannin on buying a cyma or no-name aeg for 200 hundred if i hadn't come here first and got all these usefull tips.
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Old January 25th, 2007, 17:00   #2
Mud Gunner
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You are going to get so roasted but I will answer this question for you anyways- TM by far is probably the best straight out of the box far as reliability and dependability. Those with a few seasons in may argue otherwise, but brand new into the sport, you cannot beat a TM!
Proud owner of a pile of airsoft guns and kit with the credit card bills to prove it!
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Old January 25th, 2007, 17:24   #3
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Well, someone's going to say it eventually... why not me...

You'll need to get Age Verified before you can get anything. Which will also give you access to the Buy/Sell section of these forums thats currently locked to you.

All similar guns are essentially equal out of the box. Upgrades aren't required for airsoft really, a stock gun will perform quite well on it's own, and will last you a long time if taken care of. Thats not to say upgrades aren't useful, just not required usually.
Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
I recommend you wait until you're 18+, have a decent education, a good job, a home that isn't your parent's basement, a car, and enough expendable cash that you don't have to ask my advice on buying junk - by then you'll be old enough, wise enough (hopefully) and have enough cash to buy whatever you want regardless of the multitude of conflicting opinions you're going to get.
I'm Going To Live Forever... Or Die Trying!
- TM Sig P226
- TM M4A1 w/ G&P Metal body
- TM G36c
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Old January 29th, 2007, 12:44   #4
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I have owned or worked on all brands mentioned over the last couple of years.

If you want a gun that works - right out of the box - with no need for anything (other than a battery, charger, and BB's) you can't go wrong with TM. I almost 7 years of playing and repairing guns, I've never seen a TM "lemon" right from the factory. However, you're getting a (mostly) plastic gun, and for some folks that's a major turn-off. Internals are top-notch, though, and you can easily go through 100,000 rounds with minimal maintenence if you just leave it the hell alone. Also, just about all aftermarket parts are designed for the Marui guns - everyone else just copied their designs (and not well, in some cases).

CA guns offer a lot more for a little more cash (metal body, upgraded internals) but sometimes can be prone to more maintenence and more than a few people have had bad luck with them in the past (2+ years ago). More recent models seems substantially better, but you still take your chances. CA tends to copy/adapt TM designs with their own little changes.

Like CA, ICS has had problems with quality control in the past, but recent stuff seems better. ICS is more of an innovator (split mechbox design) whereas CA tends to be an imitator (insofar as internals and R&D go). ICS guns go for a bit more than TM, but you also get a metal body and pretty good internals.

In summation:

If you are on a budget and/or don't want to constantly be tinkering with your gun, get TM.

If you have more money, want realism, and don't mind spending more time and money keeping your gun running well, go with CA or ICS.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.

Last edited by Skruface; January 29th, 2007 at 12:47..
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