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Going the RE-ENACTOR way.



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Old January 21st, 2007, 22:27   #31
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Ask yourself how long you think Airsoft will be this 'casual' game of '...Oh I dunno what I was going to do this weekend; maybe hit that golf party, might hit the FR game...oh wait - I think i'm going to the cottage. We'll see...'

There's always holding your breath, that works.

Just what do most think Airsoft is today? A sport? A hobby? At one point I was curious to know what the general impression and consensus of the game was to the common member here, and the common participant on the field here in Canada.

Unfortuantely I'm just too biased by nature to make those determinations easily.
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Old January 21st, 2007, 22:29   #32
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Originally Posted by Groombug View Post
I doubt the vast majority of the airsofting community would be willing to abide by the strict realism rules that are applied to In Country guys. Most just want to get their guns off and have a good time shooting each other.

Re-enactment would necessarily require strict adherence to a certain set of kit and weapon guidelines. Anything less would result in amateurish presentation and asshatry.

There are undoubtedly airsofters who try and follow a particular pattern, and there are those that are incredibly (and exhaustively so) successful. But I don't see a similar commitment to realism or the desire to make it a priority in the general airsofting population.
Read again; YOU DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW PERFECTION and only one way/style. All you have to do is be able to say you are re-enacting TACTICS that are, and have been, in use in modern battles.
Even of just for fun, that is exactly what you are already doing anyway, right?

You dont have to do anything more than change your vocabulary at this point. That's all.

Just say "I am re-enacting tactics and techniques used by modern peacekeepers and soldiers since World War 2". That is the truth and is far better than saying; "I use machine gun replicas to shoot my friends because it's fun".

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Old January 21st, 2007, 22:40   #33
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
You can call it whatever you want. At the end of the day, a stroke of the Liberal pen can make it prohibited entirely, regardless of what you call it.

Put forth an argument that we're "re-enactors" and they'll counter that we don't need firing replica's to do so.

Fight the anti-gun movement and this problem takes care of itself in the process.

Sorry, but I just see this as window dressing.

My muskets, for 18th century re-enactments, are perfectly functional AND do shoot projectiles. So yes, you do need a prop or replica that can shoot something, or simulate the real thing.

I know the rules for airsoft and muskets are too far apart to compare well, but it's still a start.
The guys who use muskets and even full bore cannons started someplace too. They chose to re-enact older historical events. Medievalists go even further. But there is no reason why modern battles and tactics cant be re-enacted.

It follows, logically and defendably, that you need equipment that reflects the time period you wish to re-enact. In our case, the best tools are airsoft guns.

If you can have the right to own a functional cannon, you can make a case for ownership of Replicas for re-enactment purposes. But not right now, it's too early in the game for going that far.

Let's get accepted by starting to play the political side of the game, and then we'll be able to think further down the way about the other stuff.

(Yes, it IS window dressing. But if that's the first thing the soccer moms will see, I can dress my window real nice just for them. It costs me nothing to do it either).
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Old January 21st, 2007, 23:32   #34
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A good website, one of many. Note the time periods they cover under the re-enacting umbrella.

This is far more advanced than we need to be right now, but it's a good read if you think outside the box.
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Old January 21st, 2007, 23:40   #35
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Re-enacting as a legal shield to avoid soccer moms running to the nearest bell tower and ringing the damn thing, is a good idea. However, there's much work to be done beyond claiming that we are re-enactors. Re-enacting is still strongly restricted (well here near Montreal), and might sometimes be to the point of, per say, 2 games a year? Legally, if re-enacting, we can't even go to an interior paintball field, since it's to close to residential areas.

Might as well call legal aids in the U.K. and ask for guidance to clear airsoft.
Airsoft should be following Paintball gaming rules for functionality, but harder to buy, as if it was an actual weapon. Get represented by the law, get your airsoft gun, then have fun.

my 2 cents, flame away...
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Last edited by CanKam; January 21st, 2007 at 23:42..
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Old January 21st, 2007, 23:58   #36
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Big production re-enactments are rare, that's a fact. But they are not illegal.
Who said they had to be big? Or on TV? Or on public grounds at first?

I've seen public re-enactments much smaller than some games we've had.

I think too many of you guys are trying to immediately jump to the big leagues instead of looking at the basics.

Maybe the community is not ready to play the game of political correctness that would help us all. We CANT get represented by the Law is we dont get our act together.

Do like what ASC does; establish rules, follow laws, even enforce those laws. Then start the PR campaign in the future using the same tools and vocabulary that has worked before.

Then, with time, things will change.

Or you can sit back, and do nothing at all except complain we have nowhere to go and a bad image.

Many of you may hate political correctness, but that's the way it works these days. The closer you are to big cities or to Ottawa, the worse it gets.

Want to be taken seriously? It's easy, speak their language. If you dont, there are far more soccer mom types out there than there are of us. Guess who will win in the long run?

Your choice guys, I made mine.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 01:45   #37
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Why are you so incredibly opposed to using the term Modern Military Simulation? What is so wrong about that?
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 02:10   #38
Brian McIlmoyle
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you know

It does not really matter what the term is as long as we stop calling what we do

"playing airsoft" or Airsofting..

The activity needs to be divorced from the objects

It is the objects that are the problem... not the activity... but calling both what we do and what we do it with by the same name....

Every time there is a bad report about "airsoft guns"
Airsofters take the wrap...

Why the heck do you think new people get so confused.. is airsoft illegal? do you mean running around in the forest with a bb gun shooting your friends? or do you mean realistic imitation firearms? or do you mean both.

At the end of the day... what we do is live action role playing... tell me how is it different if I "kill" you with a 5.56mm bullet simulated by a .2g 6mm bb fired out of a realistic replica of an assault rifle while dressed up in the costume of a "modern special forces operative" Or I take you out with a small packet of baking soda tossed at you simulating a "magic missile" while dressed up like a wizard?

You may say... well what we do is realistic... but I assure you there are just as many wanna be wizards out there wanna be SF operatives..and they are just as serious and committed to "realism" as you are...

( in case you are wondering... no I am not a Fantasy LARPer but as I do teach mediaeval swordsmanship.... I do upon occasion... bump into some )

I am partial to Modern Military Simulation as a working name for what we do...
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 08:24   #39
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Originally Posted by redhawk_six View Post
Why are you so incredibly opposed to using the term Modern Military Simulation? What is so wrong about that?
Step into an anti-gun anti-violence civilian's shoes and ask yourself that question.

It's all about choosing the right words; military, guns, simulations (of what, they will ask), war-games, weapons... all words that raise flags in the general public.

Change the words, you change the perception immediately.

What comes in your mind when you hear the word re-enactor? Usually something to do with history, education, demonstrations, public events that are interesting and you can take the kids to watch.

That's the word game we have to start playing if we want to do something better in the future. You dont have to.

It's not about ME or what I want. It's about an approach that WORKS if we give it a shot.

I could ask the reverse question; why are you so much against changing a few words in how you describe yourself and what you do?
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 09:46   #40
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Grey is right. It is all about perception.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 09:50   #41
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
A good website, one of many. Note the time periods they cover under the re-enacting umbrella.

This is far more advanced than we need to be right now, but it's a good read if you think outside the box.

Wooot 1946-2000 Now that is a timeperiod that Airsoft can fall into. Im in
for this Re-Enactment policy!
No Comment.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 10:14   #42
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target shooting (with real rifles) is a sport, the guns they use not only look like real fire arms, my god, they are real fire arms! a lot more dangerous than airsoft guns I think. And theyre not illegal...

Perhaps what we need is sticter purchasing rules for an airsoft gun: PAL or PAL Restricted required to purchase and operate an airsoft gun. Treat our guns like real steel firearms. (with the exception of the fully automatic part! hehe)
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 10:31   #43
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Just as a bit of a redirect, consider paintball. (I know, I know)

Paintball, especially speedball, has become a sport soccer moms can get behind. Why? Because:

- You're using markers, not guns.
- You're tagging, not killing.
- You're speedballing, not skirmishing.
- You're playing tournaments, not engagements/campaigns.
- You're wearing jerseys, not camo.
- You're on a three-man team, not a fireteam.
...and so on.

I mean, it's true paintball has changed a lot over the years, but a LOT of this change is ONLY a change in terminology.

Now, I can see NO drawbacks to any change in terminology referring to airsoft. We all get to play the same game, but we just call it something a little different.

"But I don't want to be a LARPer!!"

Boo-fucking-hoo. We're all LARPers. From the moment we put on our camo, use our replica guns, etc, we're all playing a role that is not us, in live action.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 11:04   #44
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Gerkraz, exactly.
And again, it hurts nothing to change a bit of vocabulary.

A car is no less a car if you refer to it as an automobile.
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Old January 22nd, 2007, 11:20   #45
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AHA, I see.
So, I am no longer an airsoft gun nut but a living history afficionado with a penchant for low power kinetic energy dispensers

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