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Old December 21st, 2006, 15:27   #151
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Originally Posted by somedude View Post
I'm 14, and own 2 soft air guns and they are POS IMO and im looking forward to when i can actually buy a real air soft gun. I'd stop with all the "13 year old's are imature and will never be capable to handle a airgun properly" I've taken my hunters education course and have hunted with an airgun and real firearm before and only fight with soft air guns on our farmland. Some soft air guns break 350 fps with .20's so they are stronger than you think. Whenever i fight i use ski-goggles or something relativley protective.

Just wanted to put that out there.
I here you man, I'm 16 and I've taken my Hunters Ed. course, I have my PAL and FAC licences... I always treat all my guns like real ones. I only have a TM MK23 Socom pistol right now, but I never even put my finger in the trigger guard untill I'm ready to fire... Hell, I have an elastic band gun (lol) and I treat it like a real gun...

I've always thought that the rule should be 18+ or Hunters Ed. course + FAC to buy guns in canada. Possibly get verified by showing your FAC... To bad it will never happen

I can see why though, you can never tell who has the smarts to actualy know what to do... I might be joining the reserves, I'm sure that they will drill even more safety rules into me... Plus, I hunt with my dad and his friend, who used to be in the US Rangers as a Sniper, He also used to teach hand to hand combat in the Navy Seals, He always "teachs" me a leason when I do something wrong with a firearm...

Last edited by Cortex; December 21st, 2006 at 15:32..
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Old December 21st, 2006, 15:30   #152
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I dont belive all young kids are irresponsible, their parrents know what their kids mentality is like, they should know weather or not they can handle something like this. I agree, if your 13 or 14 I'm not sure why your parrents would get you a soft air gun or a pelet gun let alone put your hands on a real firearm. Shit I wasnt allowed to touch a pelet gun till I was 16 and my parrents were still fighting with me to let me get it.

I mean if the kids are going to take these things to their acerage and shoot each other with soft air guns under adult supervision then I have no problems with it. However if their going to get given these guns, then allowed to run around and tape themselves shooting someones house while their parrents stay inside and do nothing about it, then no, they shouldnt have them.
Insane, did you just totally try to shoot me?
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Old December 21st, 2006, 15:41   #153
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I understand kids can get hurt using a bb gun or softair gun but dont you guys remember wanting "official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle"????? Then when you got it, or something close to it, you probbably shit your pants with joy. I bet some of you farmboys got 22s to shoot gophers and such. This shouldint be as big of a problem as you guys are making it. some of you guys are thinking like soccermoms. let kids climb trees and do dumb things. I mean how many of you didint play with fire or knives or whatever at a young age . If you can honestly say you didint, I feel sorry for you.

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Old December 21st, 2006, 15:51   #154
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Originally Posted by Danger_Doom View Post
I understand kids can get hurt using a bb gun or softair gun but dont you guys remember wanting "official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle"????? Then when you got it, or something close to it, you probbably shit your pants with joy. I bet some of you farmboys got 22s to shoot gophers and such. This shouldint be as big of a problem as you guys are making it. some of you guys are thinking like soccermoms. let kids climb trees and do dumb things. I mean how many of you didint play with fire or knives or whatever at a young age . If you can honestly say you didint, I feel sorry for you.
I kinda agree, but when kids (I know I'm a kid :P but w/e) get to playing around with real firearms, even 22's, bad things happen. Bad things happen with everything, I was at a pipeband practice the other day and one of my buddies got his head cut open because one of us hit him in the head with our bass drone... We were out hunting one day and my friends dad brought his 14 year ol along, he wanted to shoot the "ice in the water", and even after we all said no, he did it anyway... I doubt he's coming along again.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 15:57   #155
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I will say this : The group always pay for the dumbess and stupidess.

In the army boot camp, the group always pay for the slowest or fatess guy.

In school the class. the teacher must ajust himself to the less good grades kids.

In life, we have law against drinking and driving, not becose everybody know thats just stupid but becose of the 1 or 2 stupid one that drink and drive.

In aisroft it's the same. Not all under 18 kids are dumb and irresponsible but you will pay for the 2 kids that got airsoft gun and shot an old lady down the streets.

I'm a hunter since 14yo, and i must say that saying im a hunter im responsible is not true. I know a bunch of hunter who are not responsible in their hunting activities. They drink and carry loaded riffle in their truck..... I don't but i pay for all the dumbess hunter out there.

I'm 27 now and i wont play airsoft with a under 18 not becose he is under 18 but becose is not an adult. If a it someone in the face by accident, im not afraid to see his parents call the police on me or even comme see me to give me some bullshit.

But i must say, i know kids under 18 that are muchmore responsible than over 21yo.......

Hey, thats what it is living in a civilisation.


EDIT : Im sorry for my spelling, i'm a french Canadian and i do my best to be comprehensible by the english comunity.
I'll be back!


Last edited by Jixton; December 21st, 2006 at 15:59.. Reason: edit
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Old December 21st, 2006, 16:01   #156
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Kids today are dumber than they used to be. Keep that in mind as well.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 16:07   #157
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Kids today are dumber than they used to be. Keep that in mind as well.
So true. I found this dealing with a youth organization for 7 years.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 16:37   #158
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
Kids today are dumber than they used to be. Keep that in mind as well.
To prove that point (not that it needs proving) A kid that goes to my school was arested today for showing around a gun to people (trying to sell it I belive), he was arested by the school constable, so I doubt it will go news worthy, but look out for it :P
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Old December 21st, 2006, 18:27   #159
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yeah, i was a cadet for 2 years i've been to rifle comps and gotten my marksman lvl IV badge, i know how to properly handle a firearm and i handle an airgun just like a real firearm.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 18:59   #160
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Last edited by -Number7-; October 8th, 2009 at 20:20.. Reason: Childish immature ranting that had no point.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 19:38   #161
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Originally Posted by -Number7- View Post
It almost seems like airsoft is as hard to get as a real gun :/
Well! Keep in mind that real gun are still legall, at least with the proper papers. Airsoft is in the grey line, not legal not illegal and airsoft don't have legal papers..... So we can said that airsoft poeple are easy target. If we dont keep ourself underground we will be the target of the ''socermoms'' or the scared politicien.

I'll be back!

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Old December 21st, 2006, 20:17   #162
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On a technical note, there is not legal age limit, but most retailers just don't sell to people under the age of 18 (I belive).

Cool to see that you have your level IV badge, but cadets don't mark their marksmanship levels very well, plus the rifles are in poor condition... But then I'm used to my nice crosman semi-auto gas air rifle...

On the way home from school today I saw some kids playing with clearsoft in the middle of the park near my house, there was no one around, but they wern't even wearing eye protection... I got out and lectured them, told them that it was unsafe... They just blew me off, so I told them that I'll follow them home next time and tell their parents how stupid their being. That got them to shutup and go away at least.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 23:45   #163
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Originally Posted by Xero View Post
On a technical note, there is not legal age limit, but most retailers just don't sell to people under the age of 18 (I belive).

I could have sworn that selling a bb gun to anyone under the age of 18 was still considered illegal.... am I wrong?
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 00:26   #164
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Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
I could have sworn that selling a bb gun to anyone under the age of 18 was still considered illegal.... am I wrong?
No you're right at least in Ontario you must be 18+ to own or purchase a BB gun, pellet gun, airsoft etc. same goes for the ammo, BBs, pellets however that doesn't mean some retailers wont sell them as they either don't know the laws or don't care.
At least here (ASC) we try and do everything we can to enforce these rules, and discourage and educate the minors for the good of everyone including themselves in the long run.
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 09:59   #165
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I think, as well, that the requirement should be a firearms licsense to buy airsoft guns. I've seen some idiot 25 year olds running around the parks, and who aren't mature enough to have their own apartment. But it doesn't matter that they have taken no safety courses because they are obiously mature enough.

And I know the local Canadian Tire sells bb/pellet guns/knives to minors with a firearms licsense.
I here you man, I'm 16 and I've taken my Hunters Ed. course, I have my PAL and FAC licences...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't get a PAL until your 18...unless you are a Status Indian.
I am under 18, and I am trusted with a real gun, but not an airsoft gun :wink:

Making up federal laws is the Federal Government's job

Last edited by mtallman; January 28th, 2007 at 20:39..
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