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Old October 31st, 2006, 18:44   #16
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I love getting all nostalgic about airsoft... even after 8+ years it's still the most fun to be had with pants on.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 18:57   #17
Mud Gunner
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Well Been over 2 years since "then" and I find its the people I enjoy the most about the sport, a good crowd can make or break the experience in my mind. Guns are nice but I have owned too many since I started and I know its not the guns that draws me back, hell a springer would suffice! Gear is like the guns, lots out there but that always changes, something new will come out and be the rage and we will all go buy it and end up with mountains of gear in our homes.

I like the new faces that come in, eyes all bug like and excited and they all look to us old timers in the sport to set the example and be patient when thay do ask the really stupid questions. Some of those newbies I helped out are now old timers and carry on the way i helped them so its all worthwhile to drown out the temptation to flame them and answer the question, unless its truly really stupid

So if tomorrow if was a capital offense playing airsoft, punishable by death, I would go out knowing I died doing something I really enjoyed and had a great time doing. I can also smile knowing that i wouldn't be going alone and that i would the regulars in heaven or hell and we can start airsoft up there or down there as well. Flaming 6mm BBs from hell anyone?

Proud owner of a pile of airsoft guns and kit with the credit card bills to prove it!
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Old November 1st, 2006, 10:45   #18
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I just shoot people.

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Old November 2nd, 2006, 23:39   #19
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Hey Phalanix
I like what you've said and agree the game would be much better if everyone would just respect each other. Airsofting has been pretty much a positive experience for myself. It provides an escape from the everyday dealings we all have. I can tell you that when Im in the game Im thinking of nothing else but the game. Other than that, thanks for sharing your airsoft memories. Hope that we can all have many more years of it.


If they take away the toy guns from law abiding citizens, sooner or later, only the criminals will have the really neat toys.
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 14:11   #20
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lol I find it funny when people talk about "back then" in terms of months. I have been playing now for 12 years. Back in the day of Bryce Rollins, and when airsoft was actually underground. When all of Edmonton airsofting consisted of like 12 people, and we could sometimes get 8 out to a game. The TM M4 had JUST come out. And if you wanted to accesorize your airsoft, you either had to make something from scratch youself, or mod real steel stuff. There was such a limited aftermarket industry back then, that other than some systema internal parts, everyones weapons looked pretty much the same. If I were still enthused as much now adays about airsoft as I was back then, todays market is such an awsome thing to come into, as opposed to how things were when I started.

Also, if you do not remember ASZ forums, then you are not old enough.
ASC is like a car crash. You dont want to look at it, but you just do.
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 18:51   #21
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gah ASZ...and people thought flaming on ASC was bad.

and lets not forget Sgt. Lynch's Xring site too
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old November 7th, 2006, 22:43   #22
Hibernating Bear
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I remember when Poncho had no white hair.
Scarecrow - "old geezers like myself and Starlight"
- "senility prevents me from recognizing anyone except people who owe me money.."
Greylocks - "The heck with 'getting'. I am old."
SF - "Neal! You are the one!"
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Old November 8th, 2006, 01:13   #23
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His hair is pretty dark once you get the dried semen out of it.

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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