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newb hi-capa question.


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Old October 26th, 2006, 18:46   #1
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newb hi-capa question.

Hey guys,
Just got my hi-capa after owning a glock and so I've never had any experience with an external hammer. so...
How do I de-cock the gun without having to fire it? I can cock the hammer all the way down, and then release it to half-way but not all the way.

And when I gas up the mags, should they be leaking a large proportion of gas during fill? My glock mags filled in about 4 seconds and lasted 3 mags of shots. I gased my hi-capa mags for 5 seconds and it lasted only 1 mag of shots.

Thanks for the help

Last edited by CuppoJava; October 26th, 2006 at 19:10..
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Old October 26th, 2006, 20:45   #2
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You decock the hammer by holding it with your thumb, pull the trigger and slowly with your thumb allow it to move to its resting position.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 21:25   #3
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yeah i tried that. but the most it will go is to the half-cocked position.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 21:31   #4
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava View Post
And when I gas up the mags, should they be leaking a large proportion of gas during fill? My glock mags filled in about 4 seconds and lasted 3 mags of shots. I gased my hi-capa mags for 5 seconds and it lasted only 1 mag of shots.
Well filling the mag sounds be about right around 5 seconds or so. However, my Hi-capa mags usually last around 3-4 mag fills before being empty.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 21:41   #5
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava View Post
yeah i tried that. but the most it will go is to the half-cocked position.
r u releasing the trigger while decocking it?
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Old October 26th, 2006, 21:41   #6
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Is there a lot of gas escaping during the filling? And may I ask how hard you have to press the gas can against the mag? I'm pressing as hard and aligned as straightly as I can, but it always sounds like a lot of the gas is escaping into the air.

I've tried releasing the trigger, and not releasing the trigger while decocking but the trigger gets stuck on the half-cocked position. Does anybody else have this problem?

Last edited by CuppoJava; October 26th, 2006 at 21:43..
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Old October 26th, 2006, 21:51   #7
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All Hi-Capa's have this as a standard "feature." To properly decock the gun you need to remove the magazine and pull the trigger. If you attempt to decock the hammer by pulling the trigger with your thumb on the hammer it will only half-decock.
As far as your mag filling problem, you didn't specify if you have the TM or the WE Hi-Capa. The WE's are famous for being hungrier for gas than the TM although mileage may vary. Every mag fill port is different (especially between different guns) so you may experience more gas escaping with your current gun than you might have with your previous one.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 21:59   #8
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Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me tsuru...might i ask is there a point to this feature? does it provide some sort of safety that i'm overlooking?

I have the TM version, so the gas consumption is supposed to be quite modest. I guess i'm just scared of overfilling my mags and i'm underestimating 5 seconds.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 22:10   #9
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava View Post
Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me tsuru...might i ask is there a point to this feature? does it provide some sort of safety that i'm overlooking?

I have the TM version, so the gas consumption is supposed to be quite modest. I guess i'm just scared of overfilling my mags and i'm underestimating 5 seconds.
just let the gas go until it cant take anymore and starts spraying everywhere
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Old October 26th, 2006, 22:29   #10
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Yeah, you really can't overfill them, it'll just start leaking out the fill valve... more than it already is, that is. WE mags actually don't leak one bit, but they also seem to hold less gas than the TM ones, and it's also harder to get them fully gassed up.
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Old October 27th, 2006, 17:23   #11
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Originally Posted by CuppoJava View Post
Is there a lot of gas escaping during the filling? And may I ask how hard you have to press the gas can against the mag? I'm pressing as hard and aligned as straightly as I can, but it always sounds like a lot of the gas is escaping into the air.
Just be careful if you're using a brass tipped propane adapter with how hard you're pushing. The brass tip can become bent out of shape if you press too hard during your mag fills, and it doesn't take a large change in the shape of the brass tip to cause propane to be spewed everwhere's but inside of your mag. If in fact you are using propane?
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Old October 27th, 2006, 18:36   #12
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Yup I am using propane, but i'm sure the adapter tip is fine as it fills my glock mags with barely any leakage.

Just another newb question: How do i load bb's into the hi-capa mag? Do I load from the bottom or from the top? The manual is in japanese...and the characters don't mean much to me besides looking pretty...
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Old October 27th, 2006, 18:47   #13
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Sorry if I wasn't clear about the gas filling TM vs. WE issue.
As far as the mags go you are supposed to load them from the bottom. The mag lips on the mags are notoriously fragile (hence why replacement parts were available quite shortly after the gun was released) so if you can avoid wear to them it's always best.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 11:46   #14
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ah that makes sense. thanks a lot
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Old October 28th, 2006, 20:43   #15
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filling mags

Try this if the mags seem to not dump. Fill with gas, then fill with BB's, then fill with gas again. This lets the gas warm up a little longer and allows a little more to fill. WE's are definently gas hogs. I have an AE tactical striker and two 7" dragons. They like the green stuff alot. But they have both been good to me so far. I play dual pistol so they get a lot of work out. I figure I went through around 75 mags last full day skurmish.
Also when filling the mags from the bottom, just use a speedloader, it works great. You do have to go alittle slower to make sure the BB's lay correctly for a fill mag fill.
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