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upgrades to CA Offizer M41


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Old September 16th, 2006, 19:09   #1
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upgrades to CA Offizer M41

hey just looking for a little feedback on what the best upgrades for my gun would be

i have the CA SAR Offizer m41 FS

what would you suggest for the internals. keep in mind i will have to do the upgrades over time so i guess the order of what i upgrade would matter.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:08   #2
Scotty aka harleyb
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Keep it stock.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 23:03   #3
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:23   #4
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A spring no stiffer then the M120 or something equal. Could always get a tight bore too, but not needed.

Classic Army guns are designed to handle upto the Systema M120 or something equal to this spring, stock, out of the box with no other upgrades. An M120 will get you roughly 390~410 FPS depending the gun.

I got 419~423 FPS on a customers SAR M41 with a Systema M120 and tight bore. Took out the right bore, dropped down to about 405~409 or so. This was before the spring settled btw which can take upwards of 5,000+ rounds.

Going from a M120 to an M130 is like a whole new style of spring. The M130 is ROCK HARD stiff. The gears and piston in a CA wont like you using a M130 or higher too long. If you need that type of power, you are going to need better gears too.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 02:31   #5
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Originally Posted by Vice
If you have to ask that, then you haven't spent enough time with an AEG yet. He's telling you there is no reason to and generally it's a waste of time and money. The performance is fine as a stock gun.

Once you start down the upgrade path, young Jedi, forever will it dominate your destiny and your bank account.

Every new guy with internet thinks his AEG is inadequate and needs to be upgraded. Every gun I've ever owned has been stock, except one, and I spent perfectly good money to get it back to the stock level. It's not what you use but how you use it.

Play a game or 2 and you'll see.........
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 17th, 2006, 04:04   #6
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Originally Posted by kdogg
A spring no stiffer then the M120 or something equal. Could always get a tight bore too, but not needed.

Classic Army guns are designed to handle upto the Systema M120 or something equal to this spring, stock, out of the box with no other upgrades. An M120 will get you roughly 390~410 FPS depending the gun.

I got 419~423 FPS on a customers SAR M41 with a Systema M120 and tight bore. Took out the right bore, dropped down to about 405~409 or so. This was before the spring settled btw which can take upwards of 5,000+ rounds.

Going from a M120 to an M130 is like a whole new style of spring. The M130 is ROCK HARD stiff. The gears and piston in a CA wont like you using a M130 or higher too long. If you need that type of power, you are going to need better gears too.
Good advice, but in Canada, we generally have field limits on AEGs unlike most places in the US. 400fps is the general limit for outdoor games, and much lower than that in CQB. (There are some deviations across the country, but it isn't far off)
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Old September 17th, 2006, 07:13   #7
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Upgrade your account to "Age-Verified", upgrade your knowledge of airsoft, and by next year you will know what makes sense to do or not.

I agree with the first answer; leave it stock.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 16:22   #8
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Agreed, play stock. I played with my gun stock for over 4 years before doing anything to the internals. Big games, small games, you name it, I played it. It will make you a far better player. That, and in some cases the benefits of upgrading are far less than you expect. My next AEG will remain stock in terms of performance.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 00:53   #9
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hey, im not necessarily looking to have the most powerfull gun in the world here, i would be happy with only slightly upgraded fps. i should have been more specific in my origional post. i would like to improve the accuracy and durability, an fps boost would be nice but its not like im looking to go crazy. i have heard rumors of CA guns wearing quickly on the piston. is this true? what can i do to ensure my gun will last me a long time aside from regular maintenance? also is oiling my gun the only real maintenance i should be doing or is there alot more to it?

p.s. yes i am fairly new to airsoft, and yes i have been to quite a few games so far this summer. so give a guy a break, my question may have been a little vague but its a legitimate question is it not?
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Old September 19th, 2006, 01:05   #10
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CA guns come stock at ~330fps, which is already considered mildly upgraded (and why they will wear down faster than a TM, that is ~280 stock).

Although I admit I have no actually chronoed the SAR, it's the trend for CA guns. You may well not need any upgrades (apart from a big chunky battery) for a good while.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 06:41   #11
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You asked a legitimate question, and we all gave a legitimate answer; dont touch it. Not our fault if you dont like the answer.
You CAN ignore the advice.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 09:22   #12
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i never said i didnt like the answer, in fact i appreciate all advice as long as its constructive. one of the things i have read in a review and noticed with mine as well is that the gun shoots a little to the left. i can easily compensate for this but would a tighter barrel fix this or is it more my hopup thats causing the inacuracy? or both? also what would you recommend for optics, are the aimpoint replicas actually decent? should i get a low profile G3 mount or just a clawmount? or is it just personal preference? the idea of being able to see thru the clawmount and use my sights is neat but will i actually use it or is that just goint to be more of a pain in the ass?
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Old September 19th, 2006, 09:45   #13
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For optics, it depends on you really, I tried to use an aimpoint but I think they suck. I don't even use the iron sight in the carry handle, and it works great for me, its different too.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 10:19   #14
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Originally Posted by Dr_Tinshnipz
For optics, it depends on you really, I tried to use an aimpoint but I think they suck. I don't even use the iron sight in the carry handle, and it works great for me, its different too.
Some people don't use sites, some people use magnified scopes, some use RDS, some use iron sites.

It's all up to what you like to play with, definately try them out at a game first.

My opinion is RDS, but that's just what I like to use. I've tried irons, but especially on the M16 style sites, it's extremely hard in dusk and dark.


As for upgrades, play first.

If you're in an open area and your shots fall short, try an PDI 140-150.

I used a 140 and it gave the boost I needed without sacrificing much durability or rate of fire.

It's all about how you play and what kind of field you play on though.

Either way, learn to upgrade yourself, it's the best thing you can do.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 11:55   #15
why is it that people think that their gun is any different from other guns. The upgrade guides apply to all guns. Ignorants
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